UI- UX & Dev


New Member
Feb 23, 2022
Reaction score

Disclosure - I posted this at the other Affiliate site but added more detail here.

I have a friend who is a technologist with a background in Gambling - but currently works for a major banking group on their trading app, looking for Freelance work in the gaming industry. I asked him what skills I could put down, and he sent me the following:

Bespoke CMS builds, shopping carts, react, angular, UI design, knocking down walls.

That last part is the reason for looking for Freelance work - he just bought a house & with two kids, and the price of housing in London these days - this is a rare opportunity to have a guy of his ability working with you.

If anyone is interested in speaking to him - DM me, and I will pass on your details or connect you with him directly, whatever your preference is.
He does Front End - Back End and is available Evenings.

A truly world-class developer with huge insight into the world of gaming. I only wish I had the energy for a new project - I would hire him instantly.
He can provide many examples of work done - specifically with Sports and Feeds. A bit of a maestro when it comes to that.

Have a great day all