Tradition Casino Important Announcement


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Maybe this is old news, and I apologize if it is. I just received this email and thought I'd share it here.


Dear affiliates,

Foremost, we deeply apologize for this brutal announcement. Rival Gaming, the Tradition casino software provider is responsible for all banking transactions: our company has never had any agreement with any payment processor. Last months activity decreased because of processing problems both in U.S. and Europe that Rival Gaming did not anticipate, nor resolve.

As you know, the game industry is a sector that is both highly competitive and have unstable legal terms: first, our society can not continue to pay winnings players considering that player have received a match bonus on his deposit and that his deposit amount that enabled this winning has been blocked by a bank named X or Y... Until today, we paid all our players.

In addition, if your own players deposited and if these deposits are held by the bank, we are not able to pay you any commission, although, like us, you worked hard. We can not endure this situation.

Last, we can not stand to see dying Tradition casino by lack of support from the majority of our affiliates members. That said, we can not blame you, you expect a financial return as the fruit of your work, exactly as us.

Tradition casino has been created in order to give us the opportunity to prove that an online casino could establish a trusted relationship with players and affiliates, with transparency, and with all the love for this profession that characterized each member of our team. Therefore, given that we do not want to cheat nor "shave" your stats and/or stop pay our winners, we decided to stop the bleeding by stopping now our activity.

However, we waited several months before taking this decision, we also tried to find common ground with Rival. Unfortunately, no agreement and no viable solution has been presented to us, therefore we don't have any other choice but to cease Tradition Casino. website will be online until June 5th, like this you will continue to access to your statistics and we really hope that, in the future, Rival Gaming will honor its commitments with you, better than they have done with us.

Although Tradition casino is already offline, your existing players can still continue to play and you are still cumuling earnings. However, please immediately stop sending any traffic on Tradition Casino website. Rival Gaming has already bought a domain name related to our name "Tradition Casino", so it means that Rival have a clear idea about the strategy they want to adopt with players and affiliates.

Our approach has often seemed unusual, we know this. There was gale of laughter and some conflicts as well; please keep make the most of this situation and do not forget that we did our best. Until 5th June you can still leave us your comments, simply send us an email :

We apologize again for the inconvenience and we wish you continued success in your business affiliation.

Thank you for your trust.

Warmest regards, Team
"Better die a beggar, than live a beggar."


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Well, that's the second casino in a very short time walking from Rival and blaming Rival.

I thought Rival had solved it's processing issues recently....

Apparently not.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Well, that's the second casino in a very short time walking from Rival and blaming Rival.
Which was the other casino? :confused:

Not surprised or disappointed about Tradition personally, nor surprised that they try to put the blame on Rival.
When they launched they had something different which I was very excited & pleased to see, but after a time it because obviously apparent that they were totally inept & incompetent. :(

I just hope that in future Rival are a lot more careful who they grant their licenses to.



Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Well, that's the second casino in a very short time walking from Rival and blaming Rival.

I thought Rival had solved it's processing issues recently....

Apparently not.

It's actually the 3rd casino, before it were just recently, Slot Power and Vanguard.

So that makes a total of 3 now.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Ok, the second operator, 3rd casino.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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Not surprized.... I was one of the folks that was laughing.

But I got to say that I am very very glad to have cut all ties with RIVAL, some time ago...

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Yes, it is the 3rd...

DomainTools shows: ( is owned by Rival themselves, so rival must be running the casino now) ( domain owned by Rival) ( is owned by Rival themselves)

I really find this information interesting... So - Rival seems to be taking ownership of casinos that fail because Rival cannot:

Get their processors in order

So - What is TRULY going on at Rival? What other casinos have they 'assumed' without our knowledge?

Now - with this information... maybe it makes more sense about the statement on website? Not that I trust those guys completely (or at all), but we are beginning to see a pattern here.

Rival is really starting to compete with their operators if they now own at least 5 casinos:

Slotpower, Vanguard, Tradition, Pantasia, Mayan Fortune

Those are the ones I know of off the top of my head...
Last edited:


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
:) Just trying to keep the facts straight for KK, he is having a memory lapse at the
Well I am nearly as old & senile as you...! :p
(Just 4 more days...)

I thought the SlotPower/Vanguard issue was just between the owners & the marketing arm and that the same owners were sill in place...
Where has it been stated categorically that Rival have taken control of these 2 casinos?


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Well I am nearly as old & senile as you...! :p
(Just 4 more days...)

I thought the SlotPower/Vanguard issue was just between the owners & the marketing arm and that the same owners were sill in place...
Where has it been stated categorically that Rival have taken control of these 2 casinos?


No absolutes here... just wanted to point out some similarites to what happened at Slot Power and Vanguard and what now happened at Tradition.

All are now domains.... and all are now on Rival-owned domains. It just stands to reason that these companies would not change domains to and then decide to use Rival as the owner of those domains (instead of having their own domains as was previously the case).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Well, that's the second casino in a very short time walking from Rival and blaming Rival.

I thought Rival had solved it's processing issues recently....

Apparently not.

Tradition going out for their own reasons, wouldn't have surprised me. But seeing them go out with the reason they gave.... blaming Rival.... and doing so almost immediately after Vanguard/Slot Power..... concerns me. It sounds to me like Vanguard/Slot Power and Tradition were saying that they weren't being paid by Rival. Is that how it read or did I misunderstand? I'm wondering if Rival is having cashflow issues and making sure to pay players and then affiliates and operators/employees last? I have no idea, but I have a funny feeling that Tradition won't be the last going out for the reasons given.

Should we take a guess on which will go next?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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There surely will be some of the lesser Rival Casinos going bust. I don't see how they can all stay in business with the current processor climate and banking issues Rival is having.

More information on the domains: - Now owned by Rival - as of 5/12/2010 - Now owned by Rival - as of 5/11/2010 - Now owned by Rival - 5/11/2010 - Now owned by Rival - as of 5/5/2010

Looks like pretty recent 'doings'. Personally, I think this is all strange. And it definitely looks like Rival is taking the casinos over. Of course this is all speculation...

I just wonder what the heck is going on. Why did Rival do this? And why should we continue to support any of these casinos? Personally, I will not be supporting them. Something is fishy out there.

I'll continue to support good folks like: AffiliateWide, Superiorshare, Ruby Royal, 23Partners, Slotocash, and BetUS.

The rest... I think I may limit my exposure to. Who knows what is going to happen with the smaller casinos out there.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
It sounds to me like Vanguard/Slot Power and Tradition were saying that they weren't being paid by Rival. Is that how it read or did I misunderstand?
I'm wondering if Rival is having cashflow issues and making sure to pay players and then affiliates and operators/employees last? I have no idea, but I have a funny feeling that Tradition won't be the last going out for the reasons given.
All speculation of course, but I think it's the other way around...
Rival are paying operators and affiliates, but not paying players - at least, not quickly enough.
My last Rival withdrawal (from Fortune Reels) took EIGHT days (to Neteller) - I was already full approved and it was not my first withdrawal from them.

That is just totally ridiculous and unacceptable! :mad:

Put yourself in the operators shoes - how would you like it if you had no control over how quickly your players get paid?
Everyone with half a brain knows that players who are paid quickly will be happy players - and happy players are MUCH more likely to come back & play again than pissed-off players.

It's not rocket science Mr.Rival!
