Site Indexing

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hey guys,

I'm trying to get a handle on how Google's algo has changed. I know that previously when I would 'ping' an URL, Google would come index fast. So - I used Wordpress a lot as a result. I changed that at one point on where I took the Wordpress code out of it for pinging and when I would update a page I would ping it like a blog. That worked great and my content would be indexed within hours (max).

I am going with the same concept on another site, but I notice that pinging *may* not quite be working the same. Does anyone know anything about this? Maybe the pinging isn't working as my developer created the code this time and I haven't verified it. However, I am pretty sure she waits for the RPC response from the ping engines... so the code *should* be correct.

Anything to help would be greate :) Muffincrumbs... isn't it your turn to speak? :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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*settling smoke spills from the spot where Muffin appears*

Hi bud,

Regarding pings... here's my knowledge base as far as it is worth.

Sometimes understanding why you don't need something sheds light on how it all really works. By reading this WordPress › cbnet Ping Optimizer « WordPress Plugins you will understand how pining is initiated on WP and why the common user will not need to do anything further.

At one time I could see the usefulness of a separate code, but I believe the functionality is fine in WP as is with any ping service shoved into the settings. Why not use Ping-o-Matic?

What I do and it gets cached withing an hour is use the fetch as Google tool in webmaster tools, and the built in (defualt) WP ping settings that happnes just from publishing. I don't ping non-WP sites because changes found by Google naturally are a lot better than changes brought to their attention by you, the webmaster for overall value in my opinion.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Thanks m. Yeah, I do understand how the pinging works. I created a pinger in both .NET and also bastardized WP ping engine for my own use. I just couldn't understand why, in today's world, it doesn't seem to be working as it used to.

Shortly after the post I did run the URL through Google's webmaster tools. I wish (well, maybe not) that there was an API to do that automatically. However - I'm sure it would be considered abuse to ping that way. Although it would work pretty well since Google indexes those pages within minutes of the fetch.

Ah well... just trying to figure out why I can't get new pages indexed like I used to. It used to be that I would have my content indexed before anyone else due to the pingers I wrote. Now I can't seem to get them indexed unless I fetch from google.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Likely it has to do with Hummingbird as I think you are reasoning. You know they intend on dropping cookies too? Target users instead...

They want to limit what a webmaster can do and pigeon hole them into playing by new rules. This prob has something to do with my theory that if you ping something off page and it points to your sites IP eventually you will be penalized or the links won't count. Its inorganic so the value of them in general are prob gone. Why waste time and resources when they detct changes on their own? You may have found the death of ping or (hopefully not) your site lost some trust.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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What I do and it gets cached withing an hour is use the fetch as Google tool in webmaster tools, and the built in (defualt) WP ping settings that happnes just from publishing. I don't ping non-WP sites because changes found by Google naturally are a lot better than changes brought to their attention by you, the webmaster for overall value in my opinion.

Yeah I do this for stuff I need indexing quickly too - usually tips that I've left to the last minute etc.. On a regularly updated site if you submit through GWT I've found it indexes almost instantly and appears in the serps within 5 mins or so. Depends of the site though, of course.