Should AGD Restructure?

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I remember BB1's question in another thread about being confused on the icons. I liked Perc's idea about using a tool-tip on the custom icons in the forum list. (for bundling, late pay, retro terms, predatory, etc...)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
One thing that always used to bug me is that the root home page has vey little information. By that I mean what is its purpose and why does it exist? Explanations about certified and rogue programs etc.

Also where is the list of affiliate programs that you cover? It took me a while to realise that its all on the forum page, but you have to scroll down to find them. There is nothing on the home page that links to or tells you this.

Put yourself in the shoes of a beginner and you would probably be lost if you hit the home page.

Some minor nitpicks about the list of affiliate programs in the forum:

- The sorting and filtering links for the affiliate programs in the header & footer does nothing (Sort by: alphabetical etc, and Filter: Microgaming etc).

- I am fairly sure you used to have a legend that explained what all the little icons mean under each program's name. But it seems to have disappeared. If you don't want to bring that back, perhaps a tooltip on each icon so you can mouse over and see what they mean?

- I also just noticed you have an "Affiliate Manager:" entry for each program but every single one is empty.

Agree with others re Roundtable vs Free For All forums. There are no clear guidelines for whether to post in one or the other.

Like others, the end result is I end up just coming straight into the forums and hitting the New Posts button at the top.


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
Agreed on this one, this is probably the one thing I'd like to see changed, my brain doesnt seem able to compute bottom to top reading :D


I personally am not a fan of how each thread is viewed, whereby the latest post on any thread when logged into the forum, appears on the top of page one.

Almost all other Vbulletin powered forums have the latest post, at the end of the last page of the thread.

It is a bit confusing having to read backwards as it were. A bit like being told to read from the right to the left. Rather than left to right, which has been ingrained in us from when we learnt to read.

Yet if you view the forum whilst not logged in, the threads are organised with the first post at the top of page one, with the last post at the end of the last page of the thread.

Confusing and I am sure slightly off putting.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
The only complaint I have is that I can't update my forum options. I'd like to turn off automatically subscribing to every thread I post in (annoying), but I get an error every time I try.

As far as having to read "backwards" that must be a personal setting because I've always seen the first post first and newest post last.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
If the threads are not displaying with oldest posts first then do this:

1. Click "User CP" up the top of the page
2. Click "Edit Options" on the left sidebar menu
3. Scroll down and change the thread display mode setting to "Linear - Oldest First"
4. Save

The problem may be that this is not the default setting for anonymous and new users?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Andy,

Yeah the issues I had were before the new template.

Basically - other than the forum I use AGD to find out more information about programs.

When I visit AGD, i want to be able to click on a program and find out if there have been any problems, what network they are on, what time they pay each month.

The problem that I'ver had is that all this information is somewhere on the website, just not together.

For instance, the payments are in their own section, the negative cattyover type information was on an "all-in-one" page and then there were program specific forums that was mainly promo stuff.

I'd like to be able to visit here - click on "c-planet" and BAM - I know if they are legit, know all their terms and the pros and cons and find out the most relevant info so I can make an informed choice about promoting them.

I'm not sure if that's what everyone else uses the website for - but being a fantastic gambling watchdog - it's for this purpose that it best serves me.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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All users should be seeing 'Oldest First'. If you do not, then please clear your cache. I have fixed this for all current users and any new users have been (for a very long time) set to 'Oldest First' by default.

There was a time, very early on, when it was set wrong... but that was cleared up at least a year ago.

Hopefully this fixes everyone's problem with that issue.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Simmo said:
Until this thread came up I always assumed from the title that the "Roundtable AGD Discussion Forum" was for dicussing how the AGD forum could be made better so I never went in there LOL.

How about calling it "Affiliate Program Issues". In fact, why not combine that and the unethical forum and just call it "Program & Affiliate Issues" or something?

Done. There is one forum where there was 2. No 'Roundtable Forum' anymore, Just 'Affiliate and Program Issues'

WCD Admin said:
I remember BB1's question in another thread about being confused on the icons. I liked Perc's idea about using a tool-tip on the custom icons in the forum list. (for bundling, late pay, retro terms, predatory, etc...)

Hover over any of the icons now to find out what it means. There is no legend, but that should help.

Vladi said:
One thing that always used to bug me is that the root home page has vey little information. By that I mean what is its purpose and why does it exist? Explanations about certified and rogue programs etc.

Also where is the list of affiliate programs that you cover? It took me a while to realise that its all on the forum page, but you have to scroll down to find them. There is nothing on the home page that links to or tells you this.

Put yourself in the shoes of a beginner and you would probably be lost if you hit the home page.

And I actually thought I had good information there :) I guess I will need to re-evaluate how I look at that. Thanks!

Vladi said:
- The sorting and filtering links for the affiliate programs in the header & footer does nothing (Sort by: alphabetical etc, and Filter: Microgaming etc).

- I also just noticed you have an "Affiliate Manager:" entry for each program but every single one is empty.

Sorting and Filtering will happen... Coder is MIA, so this is why it is incomplete.

Affiliate Manager - Working on that one, it is a doosie of a query and has been a pain in the butt.

Hazo said:
When I visit AGD, i want to be able to click on a program and find out if there have been any problems, what network they are on, what time they pay each month.

The problem that I'ver had is that all this information is somewhere on the website, just not together.

For instance, the payments are in their own section, the negative cattyover type information was on an "all-in-one" page and then there were program specific forums that was mainly promo stuff.

I'd like to be able to visit here - click on "c-planet" and BAM - I know if they are legit, know all their terms and the pros and cons and find out the most relevant info so I can make an informed choice about promoting them.

I'm not sure if that's what everyone else uses the website for - but being a fantastic gambling watchdog - it's for this purpose that it best serves me.

Most of the information is within the Affiliate Program Forum. It needs to be fleshed out, yes, but it is there. Example: C-Planet - Affiliate Guard Dog. You can see the boxes on the right explain a little about the program.

I'll work on something more comprehensive, though.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
And I actually thought I had good information there :) I guess I will need to re-evaluate how I look at that. Thanks!

Yes maybe just add an intro that explains what the site is, what it does and why an affiliate would use it.

Just looking at that c-planet forum that you linked to I noticed something else.

Every thread is marked as hot so it gets the red icon on the left, even if it has no replies. I think your hot threshold must be set to 0.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
So if the Video Forum is out of the question :( ...then how bout fixing this...

"SHOW: 5 | 8 | 10 20 | 30 | 60 90 Rows" ... it still don't work,

I am happy that you added it though since I brought it up awhile back but would like to be able to use it as well.


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
All users should be seeing 'Oldest First'. If you do not, then please clear your cache. I have fixed this for all current users and any new users have been (for a very long time) set to 'Oldest First' by default.

Thanks for that Andy. Am retraining my brain to read AGD from top to bottom this morning. Will let you know if any lasting damage was caused :D

Also experiencing the same problem whereby user CP>edit options throws an error. Less of an issue now that post order has been rearranged, but though I'd let you know.


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
So if the Video Forum is out of the question :( ...then how bout fixing this...

"SHOW: 5 | 8 | 10 20 | 30 | 60 90 Rows" ... it still don't work,

I am happy that you added it though since I brought it up awhile back but would like to be able to use it as well.

It will be coded and I can attempt to remove it from the template in the meantime.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for that Andy. Am retraining my brain to read AGD from top to bottom this morning. Will let you know if any lasting damage was caused :D

Also experiencing the same problem whereby user CP>edit options throws an error. Less of an issue now that post order has been rearranged, but though I'd let you know.


No problem. Yes, I am aware of that issue. It only happens for some users, which makes it damn tricky. I have had several people look into it who are smarter than me and so far neither have figured it out :( I'll keep looking. Thanks.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
No problem. Yes, I am aware of that issue. It only happens for some users, which makes it damn tricky. I have had several people look into it who are smarter than me and so far neither have figured it out :( I'll keep looking. Thanks.

I would be glad to help in any way since my account is one with the issue. Not sure what I can do besides giving you the error message which I'm sure you've seen before, but I'm willing to help.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_get_iv_size() in /home/affdog/public_html/forums/profile.php(2191) : eval()'d code on line 3

P.S. Thanks for adding info to the icons, much better!
Last edited:

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
So if the Video Forum is out of the question :( ...then how bout fixing this...
I like this idea, too. AGD might benefit from having a place to cut-loose a bit. It can get intense in here. I've noticed no one appreciates humor / music / etc in most industry threads so people need a relief valve ...

Also - I just noticed you have this smilie :cool::cool: twice in the reply form.... I suggest we get the beer mug :cheers: in there. The reason is because "cheers" smilie represents "we agree" - "moving forward" - "thanks for making that change" and we need a way to express that we are stoked about the way things are moving...

We also have ???:confused: twice (one blue, one yellow) so there should be space for more emotions ...

I hope no one is laughing at my sugge:emoticon-0173-middlstion! hehehe

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
- I also just noticed you have an "Affiliate Manager:" entry for each program but every single one is empty.

I have created the code myself for this. Quite the crazy-query, but it is working. Now - I have to get all programs set up with their affiliate manager. Many are, but some simply do not have an AM as a member here.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'd like to see all the sportsbook affiliate programs added.