See You In Budapest!! Sunday Affiliate Meet Up Sponsored By Intertops!!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Once again Intertops has graciously sponsored the drinks for our Affiliate Meet Up! Here are the details everyone and I hope you all can make it! This is such a great time to unwind from the conference with friends. You can RSVP here and see pictures from the last event in Prague.!/event.php?eid=108069505919120

TimeOctober 10 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm
LocationThe Outdoor Terrace, Marriott Hotel, BudapestCreated ByiGaming Notworkers
More InfoThe next iGaming Notworker Meetup will take place the day after the Budapest Affiliate Conference as the official "Sunday Session" - Come down grab a drink and some food kindly sponsored by Intertops and finish off the event in style.

The bar we are using is the terrace bar at the official hotel so its as simple as wondering downstairs or if you are at one of the other hotels, just a 5 minute walk