Prime Partners Terms Update - Lead Generation

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Prime Partners have updated their terms and conditions in regards to what a real player means to casino affiliates and how a “lead’ is defined

DELETED TERM, Lead Generation, Real Player and Leads
1.6′ ‘CPA Payment Plan” means a payment plan in which you are being compensated according to the number of Real Money Players who opened an Account, provided that the Real Money Player actually played with real money or, if the Service is Poker, the Player accumulated at least 100 poker points. If the Service is Casino, the player minimum first deposit should be $50.

1.9 ”Fun Players” means Players who successfully completed the registration process required in connection with a Service and who are not from a Prohibited Jurisdiction. ”Lead” means a player, that completed successfully the registration to play for real Money.

Summary:It appears from the term removal that CPA is not available for Casino affiliates and ‘Lead’ is a term defined more for ‘Real Players’ than ‘Fun Players’.
Prime Partners Terms Update - Lead Generation