PDC Affiliates Change Terms - Tracking Cookie and PPC

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
PDC Affiliates update terms to add a clause about tracking cookies and another clause about PPC campaigns and which terms are restricted.

NEW TERM, Player Tracking, Cookie
The tracking cookie duration is set to 30 days by default. Any players visiting your site will retain your specific cookie for this period. Cookies are set per the last site visited (assuming it has a valid PDCAffiliates.com cookie). This means if a player visits another affiliate site and then comes to your site, your cookie will over-ride the existing cookie and you will earn the signup.

NEW TERM, Marketing Restrictions, PPC
You are not permitted to use the Carbon Poker or PDC Poker brands as part of any PPC advertising campaign. If you are found to be brand bidding we reserve the right to withhold all revenue and close your account with our program.

Summary:The cookie (30 day cookie) is a typical cookie length and was likely put in the terms for the purpose of clarification. The PPC clause is becoming more prevalent in that companies do not wish for affiliates to use keywords they would like to use themselves.
PDC Affiliates Change Terms - Tracking Cookie and PPC