Link exchange


New Member
May 12, 2020
Reaction score
When you are an affiliate, you are obviously looking for traffic to send to your sponsors / affiliate programs.
Google can send you some traffic, but in reality, unless you are one of the few lucky 1% websites who are getting tons of google traffic, chances are what you get from google is making you little to nothing...

So, one of the best and cheapest way to get a consistent flow of new traffic, is to exchange links with other sites in your niche.

Also you have to realize that the average page per session is 2-3 lol

You can have TONS and TONS of content and pages, a surfer is going to browse 2-4 pages on your site anyway lol
If you did not convert him during his session, it means that
1/ he's a freeloader and not going to spend anyway
or 2/ you did not do a good job at convincing him
In both case, he's lost (at least for today)

So it's probably better to let him go somewhere else
AND get another guy from that website you exchanged link with.

Comments, thoughts ?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
So basically what you are saying is that you should exchange links with one of the sites that has little traffic just like you have, and then magically you will start to receive traffic from these site exchanges? Because there is no way you will receive an exchange from sites that have tons of traffic. Seems a pretty useless venture to be honest.


New Member
May 12, 2020
Reaction score
So basically what you are saying is that you should exchange links with one of the sites that has little traffic just like you have, and then magically you will start to receive traffic from these site exchanges?

I'm absolutely not saying that, you totally - TOTALLY - misunderstood what I said.
I believe I used pretty simple and basic words though, just so anyone could understand.
But no, you did not get it.
Read it again, maybe you'll get it right this time