EgamingOnline Adds 'Special Deal' Clause

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
eGamingOnline added a clause to protect them from what they feel is fraud in regards to 'special deals' made between themselves and affiliates. The new term is:

[newterm][newtermtitle]NEW Term - Termination[/newtermtitle]
3.8. In the event that a special deal has been negotiated with you, it is your responsibility to honour your side of this agreement. If you fail to honour your side of the agreement or you remove our brands from your site, or change the position agreed. then the deal is considered broken and all deals - CPA and revenue share - will be immediately reduced to the lowest parameters advertised on this site. This reduction in percentages will be back-dated to the start of our partnership with you.[/newterm]