Aussie Players and Slots Magic


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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This is heads up for affiliates who have Aussie Players at Slots Magic.

I received an email notifying me that they (Slots Magic) have made arrangements with Casino Max to accept their AU players. The email is below. The included link, redirects to Casino Max.

I would hope, and given that Martyn is a straight up guy, that affiliates tagged to these AU players, will receive due commission going forward. However, I thought it was important to let affiliates know about this agreement.


----- Original message -----
From: SlotsMagic <>
Subject: Important Update for our Australian players
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 08:04:10 +0000 (GMT)

Dear xxDavexx
As you were previously informed, our Casino cannot offer any services to customers that reside in Australia.

We would like to update you that we have been contacted by a Casino who claims they can welcome players from Australia and they wish to invite players to play under their platform.

If you find this relevant and you are interested in playing Casino games, please do the following:
  1. Go to hxxp://
  2. Click on ‘Forgot Password’
  3. Put your Username (xxDavexx) & Email address ( and click "Ok"
  4. Check your email for further instructions to complete the registration process

By following the above process, you will be able to register an account and play.


The above email indicates to me that Casino Max contacted Slots Magic. However, lets be frank here, I highly doubt Slots Magic is doing this without any type of kickback. Hence, AU players tagged to affiliates at Slots Magic, should continue to receive commission from Casino Max for these referred players.

Lets hope this is the case, and Slot Magic Affiliates get credited for commissions going forward!

Forgot to check if there was a tracking (aff) tag associated to the above link, and it seems there is:
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
If I understand correctly:

- they've given player details to some illegal casino that's seeing its chance now that every legit casino left AU;
- they're getting paid commission for that.

So, if we bring players to Slots Magic - in whatever market - they use that later to get commission for those players at another brand?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
If I understand correctly:

- they've given player details to some illegal casino that's seeing its chance now that every legit casino left AU;
- they're getting paid commission for that

Until LegendAffiliates (Martyn) clarifies who is receiving commission on these tagged AU players, then that's an unknown. But, yes Casino Max seems to have some deal setup with Slots Magic for their Aussie Players.

So, if we bring players to Slots Magic - in whatever market - they use that later to get commission for those players at another brand?

I can only assume (based on what's happened with Slots Magic AU players now), that if a market closed in the future, and there was a casino that accepted players from that "closed" market, then Slots Magic may decide to arrange a deal. Reiterating, whether affiliates get paid commission on their tagged players going forward...well that's yet to be discovered ;)


Affiliate Program Representative
May 23, 2017
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Thanks all, let me investigate further and I'll come back to you.


Affiliate Program Representative
May 23, 2017
Reaction score
OK I've done what I can on this one and I believe there is something set up that will credit the original referring affiliates. As to the specifics of the affiliate deal I am unaware but it's not with our side as we don't have any access to the original referring information.

There was never any intention to try and cut anyone out nor was it done in bad faith. We're a new brand with an elevated trust level as a result of our previous work in the industry, we'd never do anything to risk losing that status.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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So, there is some tag that makes that the revenue from this AU Casino is dropping into the affiliate account of EGO ?

I don't think this AU casino is doing something wrong. They're just looking for traffic. It seems that EGO wants to earn something with an AU playerbase. I would like to know if that money is transfered to affiliates or not. If not, I should be very aware for EGO in grey markets. They might earn longer with my traffic than I do. That would mean that I would agree at forehand a pay-off in case of closing countries.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
As to the specifics of the affiliate deal I am unaware but it's not with our side as we don't have any access to the original referring information.

So to recap, a deal has been struck between EGO and Casino Max et al.

Thanks for chasing this up Martyn.

My advice for affiliates caught up in this, you need to contact EGO ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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If EGO is sending AU traffic to Legends Affiliates, but Legends has no original referral information,
then I don't know how exactly EGO is tracking individual affiliate traffic to that affiliate program.

The easiest way to refer affiliate traffic to another affiliate program is to allow affiliates to provide
their own affiliate link for the affiliate program, but that would take EGO out of the loop. It would
be nice to hear what EGO has setup on their end to properly track AU affiliate traffic over to Legends,
because my gut feeling tells me that I never received an announcement, so theres likely no tracking.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
my gut feeling tells me that I never received an announcement, so theres likely no tracking.

Yes, well that's my take on it too. But, I had to give Martyn (and Legends) a chance to respond.

Clearly there is "tracking" on the side of Casino Max.


But seems that relationship is between the aforementioned and Slots Magic.

Reminds me a bit of the 32Red/GoWild fiasco, where each party said it was the other's responsibility.

IMO until EGO come out and state exactly what's going on, we're left with a lot of speculation. Though, doesn't look good for EGO when AU players tagged to affiliates, and they have not informed these partners about this Casino Max Deal.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Just to ensure that I understand what's going on here - Slots Magic is leaving Aussie (no longer accepting new customers and also closing out player accounts). In doing so, they suggested (to their current Aussie players) that their players open an account at Casino Max. There has not been a "migration agreement" of any sort set up between the two affiliate programs. Is my understanding of the situation correct?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@Shay - clearly there is tracking from the email link received from Slots Magic/EGO, to me, an AU Slots Magic player account holder. However, AFAIK there has not been any mention of this fact by EGO to their affiliate's who have "tagged" AU players, of which those players are no longer permitted to wager at Slots Magic.

they suggested (to their current Aussie players) that their players open an account at Casino Max.

The above email (OP), reads a little bit too much like it's been, how can I put it, hmmmm... manufactured to sound like they (Slots Magic) are doing this as a goodwill gesture per se.

When in fact (and as Martyn has confirmed), there is a deal between both Slots Magic/EGO and Casino Max, for these AU facing players. Apart from what Martyn posted here, that's all we have to go on. But reiterating, AFAIK, EGO has not informed their affiliates who have AU tagged players about this "deal", so I'll assume that Slots Magic/EGO are pocketing all the proceeds.


If you find this relevant and you are interested in playing Casino games, please do the following:
  1. Go to hxxp://
  2. Click on ‘Forgot Password’
  3. Put your Username (xxDavexx) & Email address ( and click "Ok"
  4. Check your email for further instructions to complete the registration process

By following the above process, you will be able to register an account and play.

It would seem going on the instruction above that Casino Max has been provided with some type of AU player data from Slots Magic. Otherwise, why would a Slots Magic player be required to enter their username and email?

Repeating some contra deal has been struck here, which, it seems put affiliate's rightful AU player commissions (going forward), into the pockets of EGO et al. Casino Max/Legends are staying tight lipped about it, and EGO have not informed their affiliates. Make your own assumptions on what's taken place here...

Been thinking about this topic for a while now... Who exactly own players referred to casinos etc? Now in my way on thinking, affiliate's on a Rev Share deal, would be akin to renting a house. As long as you abide by the T&C's, and pay your rent, then you could, if the agreement allowed it, you could live in that house indefinitely.

Lets transpose that to affiliate programs and affiliate's sending players. We too have T&C's we must abide by, and in most cases, these T&C agreements, promise "Life time Revenue for the Life of each Player"...

A CPA deal for instance, is a clear cut case, where, a certain action is performed (min deposit) and the affiliate is paid a once off fee for that player. This type of agreement, the casino/aff program owns that player going forward... BUT... I don't see that this is relevant for Rev Share.

It could be said that Rev Share is similar to the house renting example I gave above. In which case, affiliate's still have a legal claim to any player's they are tagged to... Makes you think, hey... Especially when place like Slots Magic etc, start making under the table deals, where they continue to profit from players referred to them by affiliates, yet screw them out of their rightful commissions going forward, on players they may not hold sole legal ownership/custodial of.

With the latest batch of affiliates taking programs to the UK small claims court, I sure hope Legends/EGO et al, haven't shot themselves in the foot. Leaving themselves open to a legal nightmare.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Any update from EGO ?

Book of Ra review

New Member
Sep 30, 2017
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If I understand correctly:

- they've given player details to some illegal casino that's seeing its chance now that every legit casino left AU;
- they're getting paid commission for that.

So, if we bring players to Slots Magic - in whatever market - they use that later to get commission for those players at another brand?
smells like a scam for me too


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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I was never comfortable referring players to these guys after they took over from WMS and made demands of ex Jackpot Party affiliates to do what they wanted otherwise see your rev share cut to 5% or something. And then there was the evidence that Skillonnet made configurable video poker games that were able to cheat players. So I'm not surprised that you guys are having problems with them, but I am sorry to hear it.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I was never comfortable referring players to these guys after they took over from WMS and made demands of ex Jackpot Party affiliates to do what they wanted otherwise see your rev share cut to 5% or something. And then there was the evidence that Skillonnet made configurable video poker games that were able to cheat players. So I'm not surprised that you guys are having problems with them, but I am sorry to hear it.
Not related to Australia in particular - but I've promoted Slots Magic for 6 months now, and according to them I haven't converted ONE player!
This is so rare for me, as to be virtually impossible.
Many years ago I promoted the other EGO brands - and was blatantly ripped-off. So more fool me for giving them another chance I suppose... :(



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Slots Magic is a very poor product, but no conversion in 6 months is weird. Very, very pushy guys. They look and behave like some gold sellers you meet at holidays around the Mediterrean Sea.