Are you getting your Casino Rewards from CA...?


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I just noticed something strange, and wondered if anyone else has seen the same?

I wasn't promoting Casino Rewards at all until they took over the old Casino Action group in March 2008.
I only started with CA in Sept'07 - just 6 months before the take over.
In that time I got 4 new players, all at Golden Reef casino, and had activity every month from Oct'07 onwards; deposits ap. $2,200 and earnings for me $406.

After the take over I got $1.77 from Casino Rewards in April 08 for Golden Reef... then nothing. Not one more cent from then to now.
It could be just coincidence, but has anyone else seen anything similar?



New Member
May 9, 2009
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Thats funny you bring this up, I was just curous with my stats as I see 4 downloads for Oct,
and those 4 are on the same day, same casino, CCC
I also havent seen any deposits in several months now.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hey KasinoKing

I just checked the first site in your signature and when I found the old CA brands, I can see that you have not changed the linking codes since we took over... this is probably why you're not seeing any new players for those casinos. When we took over we sent out an email, newsletters, forum posts etc to everyone telling them they will need to update the links as we were not able to take over the old system and carry over the links, in fact I don't believe the links will even go to the casino sites now. I can see where you may have missed this if you had an invalid or old email address with CPS, it may have gone to spam, or you could have just plain old missed it.

As for the old players you had before we took over, if you'd like to send me your Rewards Affiliates aff id or username, I would be happy to have a look at your account and the players.

When we took over we mapped all accounts from CPS over to existing RA accounts where we could confidently match the details. If there were accounts that we couldn't match details, those affiliates were contacted to see if they had existing accounts, and if not, a new account was created with the existing players tagged to it. Any affiliate we couldn't get in contact with had a new account created for them with all the details we were given by the CPS liquidators and the players were put in there. Unfortunately if an affiliate cannot be contacted there isn't much we are able to do in that case. The only thing we could do is wait to be contacted.

Because this take over was not like the others (i.e. Cooks etc) in that we had to deal with liquidators, we were not able to easily obtain the info that we would normally get in a take over, but we got as much as we possibly could, and this included any player mappings and affiliate info, so all players that we could successfully map to accounts were mapped. As I mentioned above, any that could not had a new affiliate account created for them.

The other thing I should not fail to mention is that the CA group went into liquidation as you know, and the casinos were closed for a number of weeks before we took over, paid out players (since they thought they would never get paid the money they had left at CA) and then they were able to play again, so we lost a lot of players from that, even though we managed to pay out the money that was lost at CA. Some players just do not trust again once they have lost it, even if there is new management.
It wasn't something that could be avoided since the casinos were already closed for some time before we took over and while we have managed to get a large percentage of the existing players back playing, some players will just not come back.

I'm sure there are some affiliates here who can comment on how they still have players from before we took over. Just looking at one affiliate account I can see that in July they had a player playing who joined GRC in 2003 and did not make another bet after we took over until June 2008.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hey KasinoKing

I just checked the first site in your signature and when I found the old CA brands, I can see that you have not changed the linking codes since we took over... this is probably why you're not seeing any new players for those casinos. When we took over we sent out an email, newsletters, forum posts etc to everyone telling them they will need to update the links as we were not able to take over the old system and carry over the links, in fact I don't believe the links will even go to the casino sites now. I can see where you may have missed this if you had an invalid or old email address with CPS, it may have gone to spam, or you could have just plain old missed it.
Thanks for the reply!

You're right, ALL my banners still have the old CA links.

I'm one of these sad old people who very rarely deletes e-mails (except spam!) and I'm 99% sure I never got an e-mail telling me to update my banners. I don't have one anywhere and it's something I definitely would have acted on.

However, clicking on my banners still goes to the casinos - so is no-one logging my clicks anywhere?

Oh well... another job to add to my mountain... :mad:

My aff ID is: aff9991

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Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hey mate

Unfortunately there is no way for us to track anything that is coming from the old links because of the nature of the takeover :(

When we took over the first casino from CA (it was either Phoenician or Aztec Riches) we still had access to backend data because the company was still "running" so it was easier for us then to remap any links that were not changed (not to mention CPS changed all the old links to go to one of the casinos they still owned) so you probably wouldn't have even noticed back then.

I'm surprised the links are still going to the casinos. After we took over the liquidators closed all that down and all the old links were going to an error page... very strange.

Did you want me to look at your account?