Anyone had success outsourcing content creation?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Hi all!

I work full time, out of the country – and creating content is a real pain sometimes (when working late on the full time job, it’s hard to get the motivation to write articles afterwards). I’m making a reasonable amount of monthly income, but not enough to quit my job.

I’ve done very small amount of outsourcing, but the quality seems to vary massively, and most of the articles aren’t good enough to publish. If you’ve got experience with outsourcing, can I ask:

• How much a ‘good’ article costs (I know that’s a broad term, but good enough to publish on your website)?

• Where’s the best place to find the writers?

• Do you just outsource the content, or do the writers add in the affiliate links / images / publish the article too?

I’ll probably just be outsourcing blog posts and casino reviews, all the guides and strategies I’ll still write myself (because I enjoy writing those)!

Thanks for any help / suggestions!



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I've tried Odesk and places like that with very little luck. I have found craigslist works best for finding English (First Lang) writers. When I post the ad, I include the price and ask for a sample of work. Most people have portfolios they are happy to share, or they can write up a creative article for an example (If I use it, I pay them for it and hire them).

Price, all depends on the person... You can find a quality writer to work for $5 an article, and are very happy just to be able to make some side money... You can also find bad writers that want $15 an article. I start at $5 an article (yes I'm cheap) and some of the better writers will negotiate. I also give bonuses, sometimes large if I really want to keep them, as it keeps the work quality and keeps them motivated.

That's all I got :) hope It helps a little.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 6, 2012
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Finding a good competent writer is hard.. I would second what online18casino says.. and would add STAY AWAY from INDIAN writers. They may even give you a good portfolio of work.. Then you place a bulk order and bam. you get pages and pages of useless shit. Stick with American/Canadian English as first language ppl. Otherwise you will spend most of your time re-writing it to sound reasonable.

- good luck - its a mine field out there.

I use Elance personally..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Thanks for the tips, I’ve managed to get some content written on Fiverr (don’t get me wrong, I know the quality of content sucks) for when I’ve been on holiday / out of office – just so my website had content going up consistently. When I get back home I’ll get some video recording software and I’m going to get some real quality articles up with images / video – but until then I’m looking at around ~$20 for solid articles and ~$5-$10 for blog posts.

I’ve been through about 10 people so far and it’s been really hit and miss – if someone knows a quality writer then I’d love to know about it.

PM me a referral / affiliate link if you’ve found someone worth while, nothing’s for free in this world ;)


Lucky Bob

New Member
May 4, 2012
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I've used a guy on Fiverr recently. He posted on the GPWA and I've had him do two articles for me. For the price he's really good and does a lot of extras as he's trying to get established. I add a bit and polish the writing - so far so good.

Tell him Lucky Bob sent you.
Good luck


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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For me any serious content writer will do SERIOUS research first before accepting the order, and yes Indian guys - no offense but out of 10 000 writers you might find 1 worth it, but the time and money you will waste finding it.... just stick to USA/UK/CA/AU writers.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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For me any serious content writer will do SERIOUS research first before accepting the order, and yes Indian guys - no offense but out of 10 000 writers you might find 1 worth it, but the time and money you will waste finding it.... just stick to USA/UK/CA/AU writers.

Unfortunately, I've found the same to be true with programmers :( I've found a couple of good quality Romanian programmers, but Indian have all been horrible for me with TONS of excuses (usually family-related or I have been sick). Who knows what the actual reasons are.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I would also like to know for how long I got banned, since i try to be active in this forum :-( I can't even send personal messages to explain myself:-(


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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I've always wanted to outsource articles to others, but it is difficult to find someone that can write-up
a good article in English for a decent price. I end up writing the articles and content on my own.

The only thing that I really outsource is web design. Over the years, I found a good web designer to
handle any project that I have. Outsourcing is great if you can find the right person, but their are
so many people that accept freelance work without any real concern for the final product.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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One of the best ways I have found writers is by talking to my affiliate managers. They know the top writers out there and most likely use them themselves. One thing that I worked out with some managers is them supplying a set amount of articles per week in exchange for ONLY their links and banners in the articles. This has been a win/win situation for everybody.

This is the most effective method that has worked for me. If the affiliate manager does not want to pay for the article in exchange for ONLY links and banners in their article you still have a great recomendation. Good writers cost a lot more than the 5 bucks you can get them for, but are worth it in the long run.

I have also used iwriter, there are a handful of good writers on there. If you are to do it, try only reaching out to 4 and 5 star writers and put in your special instructions please no grammar errors as the article will not be excepted. Please run a spell through MS Word as the article will not be accepted. Only American English Please.

Hope this helps