What is the BEST promotion an Affiliate Program can give their Affiliates?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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What is the BEST promotion an Affiliate Program can give their Affiliates?

What sparks YOUR interest in an affiliate program? Once you become an active affiliate - what type of promotion will give you 'renewed energy' in promoting that program's brands?

There have always been times when affiliates will promote programs based upon Casino Bonuses, Banner Sizes / Variety, and even contests. What keeps you promoting a program in top positions?

Reasons I BEGIN Promoting specific Affiliate Programs:

#1. Quality Casino Property - My first look is at a program's Casinos. If the websites are put together with a template, then they will not be promoted by me. If they are put together with poor graphics or look 'cheap', I will not promote them.

#2. Revenue Sharing Percentage - Lower than 30%? Probably won't be promoted by me.

#3. Quality / Variety of banners - I hate to say it, but banners HAVE to be decent. They have to have the right sizes or I will not be placing them on my sites. I do not tailor my sites to the banner... it's the other way around (468x60 and 234x60 should be standard)

Reasons I CONTINUE Promoting specific Affiliate Programs:

#1. Retention / Conversion - Programs that convert and retain are what drives my continual promotion.

#2. Revenue Sharing Percentage - The higher the better (no negative carryover).

#3. Communication of the Affiliate Team - Without an affiliate manager that will email back in a reasonable amount of time... there is no point in promoting. When I want help... I want it soon. Otherwise the banner is replaced.

#4. Friendly Affiliate Manager - I have become friends with a number of affiliate managers. When they leave a program - I tend to promote their next venture. It is a win-win for me because I trust that person and I want them to do well in their next endeavor.

So - What about you? What is your opinion on what a program can DO FOR YOU?

Is it:

Promotions? If you can win an iPOD, will that help? How about a trip to Australia (I won that from Hype... hmm... I don't even remember going ;D )

Bonuses? Do good casino bonuses get you on an updating frenzy?


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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Excellent post, Guard Dog. I agree with everything you wrote.

Promotions? If you can win an iPOD, will that help? How about a trip to Australia (I won that from Hype... hmm... I don't even remember going ;D )

Bonuses? Do good casino bonuses get you on an updating frenzy?

No to both of these. Updating bonuses is a pain, and I get annoyed when programs keep changing the bonuses around every month. If this happens too many times (like more than twice a year), I just delete all references to the bonus in my reviews so that I don't have to deal with it ever again. Simplicity is the key. Just pick a good bonus and stick with it, please. :rolleyes:

I usually don't pay attention to promotions where I might win a trip or a prize. Give me an increased rev-share for a couple of months and then you'll get my attention (and more exposure). For example, I loved Mainstreet's 60% deal which ended on Jan. 31. Almost 3 months at 60%!! That was nice while it lasted.

I'm rarely interested in the "introductory" commission rates offered by some programs. i.e. sign up and earn 50% for the first 3 months, then the rate reverts to 25% or something. No thanks. I'd much rather have a lifetime rate of at least 35%. 40-50% would be better.... ;D


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Conversions & retention.

10% of something is better than 50% of nothing!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
This is the thread of the month for me.

This has been on my mind for the last month or so. What are the best promotions for players and affiliates.

As far as "Reasons I BEGIN Promoting specific Affiliate Programs:"

I would add:
(4) Value of the casino offerings relative to overall market. If there's a niche that's highly profitable and demonstrating strong growth, I would want to consider giving it a go before the market became saturated. Ie. Establish an authority site in a niche that's not well marketed. At least that's what I would consider in the initial stages when contemplating going through the hassle of starting on a brand. Examples, backgammon, skill games etc..

As far as "Reasons I CONTINUE Promoting specific Affiliate Programs:
There's nothing to add there, you addressed all my main points.

It's interesting to hear Engineer's perspective. I have the mind set that content is king. It's worked well for me. I've set up my sites where it's easy to include the latest promotion in the relevant places. Getting fresh content helps me write more.

The standard 100% sign up bonus have been around for ever, and are nothing blog worthy. Fresh dynamic content does it for me. I would say that the next step is richer media, like quality videos and tutorials that will reap rewards for those who generate them. There's so much affiliates have yet to do. I feel that the market is just barely scratching the surface of what's possible.

For me the quality of the casino in terms of customer service and stimulating games as well strong financial transactions are eventually the details that make the players and ultimately the affiliates come back.

Great discussion, I'd really like to hear what other affiliates have to say about the matter.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Updating bonuses is a pain, and I get annoyed when programs keep changing the bonuses around every month. If this happens too many times (like more than twice a year), I just delete all references to the bonus in my reviews so that I don't have to deal with it ever again. Simplicity is the key. Just pick a good bonus and stick with it, please. :rolleyes:


Hmm, I need new bonuses all the time, the more the merrier. I think this depends on the type of site you run.... For me, more new bonuses equals more exposure.

Banners and bonuses need to be appropriate for the type of site. Another standard banner size is 125x125. I will produce my own banners if needed, but really, that should not be necessary and besides goes against the T&C of the program at times.

Bonuses - that could be solved by having one basic permanent bonus and then short lived specials. That should make everyone happy.

Player reputation ranks high on my list.

Negative carry-overs - I will give it a shot but usually pull the program as soon as I get in a negative. If the program is stellar in all other aspects, especially retention, I put it back when the negative is gone, otherwise it's bye-bye.

Any minimum player rule and they are out.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Looks like we all agree on the 'Minimum Player Rule'. That's a give in my book. If there is a 'minimum player', 'minimum activity', or 'minimum click' rule - I won't step near the program and they (with full board agreement) be marked as predatory.

As for negative carryover, I tend not to promote places with negative carryover.

So - those are good points. But - what CAN they do correctly to get your business?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 7, 2008
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For me, it helps if a casino's landing page matches my site's design and content - I have a reasonably colorful, almost cartoony style to my site and most of my regular visitors are women.

The slots need to be good and accept US players, so Rival casinos do well for me

I'm not interested in a short-term revenue share promotions, that die away after a few months - I'm creating a long-term business and want long-term business relationships.

If I'm offered permanent 40%+ revenue share with no negative carry-over, then that helps me decide whether to test a new casino out. A 30% revenue share just doesn't interest me, given the amount of work I'm putting in to get players to sign-up and play.

Retention of players - I would expect at least some of the players to still be playing a month or two after signing up. If none of them seem to be playing regularly, then there could be something they are not liking about the casino.