UKGC Regulations


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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We keep getting e-mails that basically say that you cannot do certain things "for our brands in the UK" .. so the question that really needs to be answered is what designates the brand being in the UK? I understand that if the advertising is in pounds or if you are directly appealing to UK players with UK imagery or terminology.. but if you have a UK licensed brand on your web site with no reference at all to the UK and you are promoting it globally, I don't think its fair to force affiliates to comply to terms that may not apply.

The regulations are a bit excessive especially now that they are saying that slots like Superman, etc.. cannot be promoted in the UK to protect children. Much better if the government makes laws that require parents to be responsible for the actions of their children, instead of them trying to enforce good parenting through regulations.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Usually, the rule is: if your website is accessible from a certain country, those rules are applicable. For example, for Romania, I had to block some non-Romanian languages .com websites to comply. On that website, the word Romania wasn't even mentioned. They could have been in Chinese.

I should say that if a website is in English and accessible from the UK, those rules should apply. On base of the IP we will show within a few weeks UK visitors other images than visitors from other countries. They won't see a Superman-logo anymore for example. However we're still awaiting results of a legal audit we've requested, we read the rules as it's not that simple as just remove the word UK, the UK flag of the pound sign.

Of course, it's complete bullshit rules and it seems that lawmakers in the UK have mental issues, but "what if" is not relevant. Rules are rules unfortunately and my choice is just to comply or not comply. Not complying will lead to the closure of accounts of affiliate programs I think.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I just finished responding to another similar thread... So I'll just add those words here:

Regulation is a good thing, but, sometimes power in the wrong hands isn't. Which turns into being counter productive for the reasons the regulatory body was set up to police.

The UKGC is going to ruin the UK gaming industry. Hmmmm maybe that's their agenda.

I just hope that when all this implodes, which I believe it will, gaming entities will have realised it's a no win situation, and they yank the plug.

This is exactly what happens when politicans et al try to run an industry, or try to control the internet. It all turns to shit, eventually. Policy frameworks/political correctness and all the other BS, take the focus away, from their established and primary purpose. To protect gamblers from rogue and dishonest operators.

I'm glad I don't promote to the UK, and that I block the UK from my site(s).

I believe this is just the tip on the preverbial iceburg.
Just wait till they (UKGC) stoke the fires, and the boiler is at full steam!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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If they want to destroy their own market, that's their right, the most annoying thing is that their BS also affect other markets or people that have nothing to do with UK.

All kind of programs are wanting source lists, confirmations, etc. Waste of time if you're not doing anything with UK and all just to not have your account blocked.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Much better if the government makes laws that require parents to be responsible for the actions of their children, instead of them trying to enforce good parenting through regulations.

Totally agree, 100%.
Sadly though, some parents shouldn't have children under their care.

Rather bizarre really. Because out here, if someone wants to adopt a dog, from a shelter etc, they go through a screening process. However if someone wants to have a child, well...


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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the most annoying thing is that their BS also affect other markets or people that have nothing to do with UK.

All kind of programs are wanting source lists, confirmations, etc. Waste of time if you're not doing anything with UK and all just to not have your account blocked.

Well, I've responded to two (2) programs so far with this:
  • I do not promote to the UK;
  • UK traffic on my site(s) are blocked. I use both IVP4 and IVP6, in addition, have other security levels in place, to block Tor Network, and other means to attempt to hide one's true country of access.
  • Also added that I block AU traffic too.
  • I neither operate a UK site, and I don't reside in the UK.
Both programs accept my explaination. I'm sure both ran a couple tests to check my sites.

My advice, if the UK is not a primary market for you, and it doesn't make much cash for you, then just block it, and save yourself the headaches.

Bonus Paradise

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 30, 2008
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We are working on to block UK IPs also.
I am done with the UKGC rules, they will come again and again with new rules!

I wonder if there will be any casinos soon giving up their UK license? What ya think?
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Bonus Paradise - I wont divulge who I was speaking with a few nights back, lets just say someone in upper management, who, works for a prominent UK facing gaming establishment. His thoughts were... Since the UK media had a field day with the FOBT's (fixed odds betting terminals), and a win on that scale, it would seem their attention has now turned to UK online gaming. The poli's are running scared, not wanting another backlash like the cigarettes, and subsequently, licensed UK gaming operators are now scared of the power the UKGC now reins.

From what I could gauge on the convo. The latest fines imposed by the UKGC, have gaming operators running around like headless chickens. All too scared to fight against this Gov., body. So instead, they are all caving into their demands.

My opinion of these actions... Seems to just fuel the beast per se. And, more and more demands are issued.

Reiterating my comment from another post, if this maintains its status qou, I can see the UK gaming industry imploding.

However in answer to your question... Everyone has a breaking point. That's usually when the pain/discomfort of doing something, far outweighs the enjoyment & or reason for doing 'that' something in the 1'st place... I think in 2018 (if demands continue snowballing), we'll see a few operates saying f#ck it... We're out of here!

sorry for the multiple edits, been awake for ages...
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Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Here's another one - with NO CLUE as to which operator it's from in the sending address, the e-mail subject OR content... until you get right to the very bottom of the e-mail... :confused:
Very clever... not!

Subject: UKGC Regulations

Dear Affiliate,

If you are targeting the UK market or have UK Traffic, it is extremely important for you to read the full legal notice below with respect to the latest UKGC regulations.

In brief , the UK laws and regulations for Affiliate marketing:
Does not aim or have the effect of enticing minors, problem gamblers or other vulnerable persons to gamble;
Does not aim or have the effect of enticing customers to gamble irresponsibly or for reasons other than entertainment;
Does not mislead and provides sufficient clarity for customers to make an informed choice; and
Does not directly approach anyone without proof of the explicit consent of that person.

Please pay particular attention to minors. The UKGC, ASA, CAP and RGA have required that the industry take immediate action to remove freely accessible ads that are likely to appeal particularly to people below 18 years of age.

Any accounts which do not comply with the regulations will be closed.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation with us, and look forward to working with you on marketing of our services which is both compliant and successful.

Kindest Regards,
Affiliate Team

Xxxx Xxxxxxx
Senior Affiliate Executive
Tel (MLT): +356 2015 6692
Mob (MLT): +356 99467222
Skype: Xxxx.x (

At least it's much simpler than most of the others!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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We are working on to block UK IPs also.
I am done with the UKGC rules, they will come again and again with new rules!

I wonder if there will be any casinos soon giving up their UK license? What ya think?
It's annoying that they come up every time with new things, but I must also say, some programs tend to abuse this kind of situations.

I think no casinos with a decent market share will give up their license. Maybe some smaller brands will pull out. You will need a certain volume to have a business case. Although many are on white labels. They'd better clean up crap like Nektan, etc.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
It's annoying that they come up every time with new things, but I must also say, some programs tend to abuse this kind of situations.

The problem seems to stem from the UKGC guidelines being open to interpretation per se. If they had issued a generic KYC/Media list, without deviation, I think affiliates wouldn't be jumping hoops, now.

Though, after the latest false marketing fines, I think most operators/programs are scared sh#tless, of being fined too. Most if not all, at one time or another have used ambiguous, even fake marketing practices. So, I would say a lot are adding requirements than probably aren't UKGC required, but doing so to not leave themselves open to any risk of fines.

I think no casinos with a decent market share will give up their license. Maybe some smaller brands will pull out. You will need a certain volume to have a business case. Although many are on white labels. They'd better clean up crap like Nektan, etc.


The UKGC has imho gone through its teething stages. I couldn't see it losing face, by admitting it probably handed out licenses too freely. Instead, and maybe this gung ho approach by UKGC of taking no prisoners, is in fact, a well thought out plan, to force these white labels etc., to pack up shop. What remains would (hopefully) be stellar operators.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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There are very few instances where you can put " a well thought out plan" and a government entity in the same sentence.

I agree that the operators are scared and paranoid over recent fines, and it seems that they are panicking over this. It's the fault of some of the operators that really misled players with over hyped bonuses that did not offer free spins or anything else for free.

We have roughly 1% of our total visitors from the UK, and we've now decided to block UK visitors for the time being,
until things cool down.. and then maybe we will remove some of the UK-licensed brands and comply with others.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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