This is all about Retention and Attention


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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What things should not be done by the casinos? What should be done to keep customers longer? Do we need more casinos - to spread the risks (?) - that seem to pop up at rtg and rival gaming? Do we need customers surfing all day long for the best promos because there are so many we can not keep up with?

Just some thoughts here.....


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
What things should not be done by the casinos? What should be done to keep customers longer? Do we need more casinos - to spread the risks (?) - that seem to pop up at rtg and rival gaming? Do we need customers surfing all day long for the best promos because there are so many we can not keep up with?

Just some thoughts here.....


I think Casinos have to do their utmost to keep players. That should be their main goal, to be honest. But that is at a casino-level, not an affiliate program level. Both sides of the fence should be working hard. One to get players, one to retain them.

Having a bunch of Rivals or RTG's is no different than a bunch of MGS casinos, but nobody barks about the sheer mass of Microgaming casinos out there - I find that quite amusing.

There SHOULD be plenty of casinos, IMO, because it even furthur differentiates the good from the 'ok'.

It is OUR job to make sure that players see which casinos are great, IMO. If they surf 2-5 sites and all of them say that Casino X is great, then that's good! :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I know one thing they shouldn't do is to call players other than perhaps the very rare occasion and then they should make every attempt to avoid letting anybody but that person ... know that a casino is trying to contact them.

Spouses gamble behind each other's back so calling their homes isn't always doing the player any favors. Especially if they've lost a bunch recently and the spouse is pissed at them for gambling anyway.

I think email is sufficient enough contact.