Smart live affiliates warning !!!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Dear affiliates,

Smart Live wish to inform you of our decision to call a halt to our affiliate program with immediate effect. This decision has been made as a result of ongoing technical issues and integration with Income Access which we are unable to resolve fully. This means that we are not able to offer our affiliates the service that we want going forward.

We have been constrained up until now with managing this on a manual basis but this is not going to be possible to continue in this way if we want to offer the best service possible.

Therefore with regret all affiliate accounts will be closed and no new affiliates will be accepted to the program.

We at Smart Live feel that this is the best option to minimise any further issues that will begin to affect all affiliates. We will notify everyone should we reach a point where we can start to re-open a program that is technically stable.

All affiliate accounts will be paid up to date with the next accounting period.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and we hope to be able to work with you again in the future under better circumstances.

Kind Regards

Smart Live Affiliates

Affiliate program is put offline without ANY prior warning even incomeaccess is surprised by their move !

IMO : thanks for the players you sent us we will sure have a nice Christmas !

Idiots, SCAM, Blacklisted, Rogue program !



Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I'm still in shock.

I responded to a similair post at GPWA.

They pointed the finger at IncomeAccess as the "source" for their misfortune. I integrated with incomeAccess before. Let me tell you.. it took less than 2 weeks to go through integration and three rounds of testing. From a technical standpoint it wasn't anything out of the normal for a real software provider.

They needed to point a finger to divert reduce the perceived "fault" coming their way.

The fact of the matter is that they needed affiliates to launch their program. After spending who knows how much on direct marketing and SEO they are now on dominant search terms phrases in google.

So, not only do they get the future earning of all the affiliates, but they also get to compete with the same affiliates. WOW!!

I spent many many hours on building pages, content, links for them in the beginning and this is what they do. I guess I earned the right to complain.

So.. like I mentioned in the GPWA thread. check out our program We offer LuckyLiveCasino as the brand, who's software platform has been proven to provide excellent conversions for affiliates. Shameless plug? Hope not. I don't want to see other affiliates be taken in by programs that don't know the affiliate side of things. Our program is here to stay. We have a strong business model and ethics that will ensure your time and energy will not be wasted.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
Wow this sucks big time!
I'm not happy to see where the industry is going... :mad:

Adrian, I am flirting with your program for a long time, just I was busy with my bingo sites. I'm curious though, what would you do if your superiors told you to close down the affiliate program? Is there a space for AMs to stand up in these kind of situations or you should just need to go with the flow (if you wanted to keep your job that is)?


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Smells like another Grand Prive to me...


New Member
Sep 4, 2009
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We deeply regret that many of you are so disappointed. Whilst we quite expected this response, some clarifications need to be made on our part to ensure that we are communicating our position as effectively as possible.
First of all, we want to reassure everybody that the Smart-live affiliate program has not shut down –as stated from different sources - but is momentarily suspended, in light of some technical issues that need to be 100% sorted out before launching the whole new affiliate program again. In fact, previously we have managed to continue running the whole process with a very manual processes, we feel that this cannot be done in future, because of an increased number of affiliates, traffic and the next launch of the poker platform. The new management and affiliate team strongly believe that transparency is the main value in a business relationship with our affiliates and partners. So, instead of hiding behind the trees and claiming that everything is ok – and we bet there are some out there doing just that- we would rather be honest and prefer to pause the program for some weeks, get exclusively focused on what needs to be sorted out, changed and implemented and get back in the arena in the best possible shape.
Secondly, during the closure period, existing affiliates will continue to be paid for the revenue generated by existing customers referred. Each one of our affiliates will be provided with a specific report showing all the values and the amount of updated commissions as soon as the program is live again. We are honouring our Lifetime revenue commissions and have no intention to renege on this. It is just that whilst we are sorting out the issues affiliates will not be able to view statistics.Finally as a gesture of good will once we are 100% confident that everything is stable with the program, , we will be ready to reward all existing affiliates with an increased flat rate of 40% commissions on net revenues for the first 2 months once that we re-launch the program.
We hope that this clarifies our situation and looking forward to seeing you all again soon when we have better news!
Many thanks
Smart Live Affiliates


New Member
Sep 29, 2009
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I responded to a similair post at GPWA.

They pointed the finger at IncomeAccess as the "source" for their misfortune. I integrated with incomeAccess before. Let me tell you.. it took less than 2 weeks to go through integration and three rounds of testing. From a technical standpoint it wasn't anything out of the normal for a real software provider.

They needed to point a finger to divert reduce the perceived "fault" coming their way.

The fact of the matter is that they needed affiliates to launch their program. After spending who knows how much on direct marketing and SEO they are now on dominant search terms phrases in google.

So, not only do they get the future earning of all the affiliates, but they also get to compete with the same affiliates. WOW!!

I spent many many hours on building pages, content, links for them in the beginning and this is what they do. I guess I earned the right to complain.

So.. like I mentioned in the GPWA thread. check out our program We offer LuckyLiveCasino as the brand, who's software platform has been proven to provide excellent conversions for affiliates. Shameless plug? Hope not. I don't want to see other affiliates be taken in by programs that don't know the affiliate side of things. Our program is here to stay. We have a strong business model and ethics that will ensure your time and energy will not be wasted.

Hi, I'm new here, pardon me for poking my nose in but I have an idea on this. Assuming we all capture our players' email addresses couldn't we mail them all when this sort of thing happens? Something along the lines of - "These people have shafted their marketing partners so it won't be long before they do the same to you? Read all about it here." Oh and of course we could then suggest they play with a more reputable partner.

Feel free to correct me if I'm talking rubbish but it might make the bad guys think twice next time. Pay us what we're due or we'll bombard your players with nasty stuff about you.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I think you need to contact them via your own email list (newsletter) or have a privacy policy that indicates what you are doing. In general "capturing" emails is never the way to go. Have them "opt-in" for reports on the programs you promote.

A lot of people will also say that players don't care about us as long as the casino is playing nice with them (you'll have to make up your own mind on that)

Good luck