
WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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Over the years Slotland has made us a good chunk of change. They also seem to be a very good group of people doing good things with the money.

Its slowed down over the years. Last month I made zero. Is anyone else just not able to do anything with them anymore? It's conceivable that my old players just slowly died out (because of limited games) ... so I'm not throwing sticks at Slotland, I think they are great. I'm just wondering if I am alone with this problem... Big thumbs up to Slotland for doing good works, too, this is not meant to be a slamming thread. I don't have them up in the greatest places anymore, but they do have good saturation. I sent them close to 500 visitors, got 3 fun signups, 14 real signups, 0 deposits, and 0 revenue after promoting them for years and years... Is it my old banners? Is it their games? I'd love to keep promoting them, but its starting to not make good business sense. They've worked with me (bonus) to let me push them longer to see what happens, but I can't get the old $$ back. And unfortunately if my memory serves me right (which sometimes it doesnt) the big drop off came right after they got the new stats program. :rolleyes: coincidence? anyone else have anything to share on this?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
They just don't convert me either, I have sent thousands of clicks, some fun players here and there, but I haven't made a dime for years. Don't know why, because they have some great mechanics of slots (but awful design if you ask me), so maybe that is the reason? I don't know, I slowly moved them to secondary spots. I won't remove the reviews as I get some visitors for the keywords, but I rather try to convert them with other offers when they land on Slotland related pages. :(


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Same story here B, and as you so elegantly pointed out ... not throwing sticks at them.

I said a very, very long time ago that their games were just not destined to compete but I add the caveat that I haven't checked them out in years and maybe they've updated the games to be more competitive in an appealing sense.

I did just recently go in and try and make a deposit using a debit card which was quickly denied. To check the card (and honor my departed Grandmother) I made a contribution to billy graham (that'd please her). It went thru just fine.

ADHD took over bout that time and I didn't pursue a deposit via eWallet so I cannot speak as to that means.

I agree they are to the point that though i really trust them ... its like throwing away traffic.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
I experienced a drop off with the new stats introduction also. A considerable drop. I love them but this is not good...