Rewards Affiliates - Login Issue


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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As the title states.... Logged into RA earlier today, all went fine.

Tried just now and it keeps looping back to the login.

It's doing this on both Chrome and Firefox. Is anyone else having this issue?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Just checked on Firefox and Android and everything is fine for me.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Just checked on Firefox and Android and everything is fine for me.

Maybe it's a dns issue but still no go here. Tried Android and that doesn't work either. Cleared caches, cookies and even dns caches. Sent email to Celia and Renee, hopefully she'll reply before Monday.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Still not working.
Given that's two separate ISP's (mobile and home) has happened before so I'll wait till Monday.

Sh#t happens, thanks for checking :)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Still no go...
All I get is redirected to an error page, with another login screen :oops:


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Still no go...
All I get is redirected to an error page, with another login screen :oops:
Working fine here!
Have you tried using a VPN to pretend to be in a different country?
Might be something to do with the Aus draconian government...



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Working fine here!
Have you tried using a VPN to pretend to be in a different country?
Might be something to do with the Aus draconian government...


Yes tried that too. No go.

It was working fine Friday 1'st December (2023), right up until around 6pm, when I couldn't login in and kept getting that redirection, which also informed me about cookies needing to be active. Nothing changed on my PC or browsers so must be glitch their side. Will find out today I guess.


New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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Yeah working for me too and worked the whole weekend as well - no issues here FWIW


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Business hours here in AU have come and gone and no word, not a peep from Renee or Celia. both sent forwarded mailers of the one sent Friday. So I'm still clueless to what's happened.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 18, 2018
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@AussieDave We reached out to the representatives regarding the concerns raised on the forum. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer further assistance, as it has been communicated that you have already been informed about the reasons behind the account closure.
We were also informed that any future communication will be directed to the lawyer handling the matter.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@AussieDave We reached out to the representatives regarding the concerns raised on the forum. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer further assistance, as it has been communicated that you have already been informed about the reasons behind the account closure.
We were also informed that any future communication will be directed to the lawyer handling the matter.

While I appreciate the assistance, I was informed about the account termination on Wed 6'th Dec. In which I received an email from a lawyer in Israel. Given that legal office has no jurisdiction in Australia, and has no licensed to conduct legal services in Australia, that notice is basically null & void.

It begs the question, given Casino Rewards and Rewards Affiliates operate from the Sydney Australia offices of ITSM Digital in Darlinghurst, Sydney N.S.W, and I also reside in Australia, why they chose to have an Israel law firm handle this matter...

My guess, an Australian Law firm would ask too many questions, especially about operating unlicensed casinos etc., etc., on Australian soil. Even if they don't take AU players, it would seem they're still operating illegally.

I'm still owed NZ Tax invoices or if Renee et al still refuses to supply these, then refund the $250,000 in garnished NZ taxes. Australian Tax Office is aware of this shake down...

I tried to work with Renee on this, so too did my accounts lady.

Both of us were basically stonewalled. I advised Renee the ATO was all over my backside about these tax invoices. If she continued to dodgy accountablity I would be forced to hand over ALL the info I hav about this tax, including screen captures, emails and other proof. Renee again refused to help...

I find it rather comical that RA/CR make out that they are ALL above board by following KYC etc., etc. However, supplying myself with these NZ Tax Invoices is not a choice, it's both an Australian and New Zealand Tax law. Reiterating, funny how the law only seems to apply when it suits RA/CR/ ITSM Digital.

Anyway, the ATO are now aware of this issue...

Australian Tax Office (online complaints forum)
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New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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Did the Lawyer provide a reason for the Account Closure - surely they must have done that right. Ive worked with RA for many years - I've never heard of RA closing an account - ever.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Did the Lawyer provide a reason for the Account Closure - surely they must have done that right. Ive worked with RA for many years - I've never heard of RA closing an account - ever.

Yes they (the Israeli Lawyers) did provide reason for the closer. The account was terminated on the grounds I had posted disparaging comments about Rewards Affiliate et al.

I never posted anything that wasn't true & or backed up with hard factual evidence.

If a program chooses to act in a way which is not ethical, honest or fair, then I have the right to speak out about it and call them to count. If they don't like this, then don't be dodgy thieving bastards!

Casino Rewards recently acquired an Ontario igaming license, for a number of their casinos.

Literally pages and pages of disgruntled Canadian players, started to appear on Trust Pilot. Going on these posts (they all can't be bonus abusers/scammers), Casino Rewards are back to their old tricks (scams which I have reported about on DOCH 10+ years ago):
  • Bait and Switches
  • Withholding loyalty points and accrued bonuses to ransom (must make more deposits to receive)
  • False Marketing/Advertising
  • Legitimate winnings voided
  • And many other underhanded acts of thieving!

Oh... and if anyone from RA/CR/ITSM Digital is viewing this, and you think this is BAD. I haven't even started yet. Not by a loooooooooooooooooong shot ;)
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May 2, 2011
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The review of every program on Trust Pilot is like that. Take the almighty bet365 and you will see their rating is poor. But they've never cheated anyone out of their affiliate money.

As for hard truths and whatnot, none of us are aware of what actually is going on. But it's a fact that this complaint was filled a year and 3 months ago, and the ATO has not taken any action yet? I was under the impression they are yet to find out, as the other thread suggested, but it appears they've known for 15 months?

Trust but verify, and so far the only proof here is "trust me bro, it's true".

Using the same logic of "they can't all be bonus abusers", I can say "surely if the ATO hasn't found anything in 15 months, everything is fine, case closed" but we know things are not that simple.

Oh and one last thing, why is the lawyer's country of origin involved every time it's mentioned? Curious about this one

While I understand your frustration about a loss of income, I don't get the steps taken here. You told us to start looking for a new program to promote cause this one is done, but you failed to mention to us that ATO has been informed already, 15m ago. That to me is a threat to my and many other's income. So if we are suddenly involved in all this indirectly, I'd wanna see something more than a few posts. Cause from the law's side of view, innocent until proven guilty, and they don't seem to care much after that report.
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New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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They shut you down because you posted disparaging comments about them? I'm finding it hard to understand why they would shut an account for disparaging posts.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@xecutable - your stance against all this is, and has been, fairly passive, to say the least.

Plenty of proof here abut RA/CR/ITSM et al. Here's a couple to get you started:


@xecutable - like everyone your entitled to your opinions. However, you haven't invested literally 1000's of hours into proving RA/CR have robbed affiliates blind since the early days. I've been at this shit since 2011, when, RA/CR were busted unethically cross marketing to affiliate tagged players.

Firstly it was flatly denied by Renee, then when proven "guilty" with factual proof, that's when the true colours shone, and RA/CR refused to STOP. I'm merely the messenger NOT the evil doer. Maybe something you may like to remind yourself of.

NB - Private GPWA members voted with a deafening YES to expell and strip Rewards Affiliates of their sponsorship at the GPWA, in 2011, when the truth was finally uncovered. However, Michael refused to act on that vote. You have private GPWA membership go look up that thread if it's still there.

Yes the ATO has been informed about this matter, but you missed the part where I said, I have not told the ATO who this company is, yet.
  • How many times must I tell Renee (the RA program coordinator) that the ATO are demanding NZ Tax Invoices?
  • How many times must I inform Renee that RA/CR et al are obligated by law, to provide these NZ Tax Invoices?
  • How many time should I allow Renee to stonewall, and simply refuse to comply with NZ/AU tax laws?
I have been more than generous with my time, in trying to obtain these invoices.
I am not paying tax twice!

If this affects other affiliates, I'm sorry but maybe if affiliates got behind me years ago, instead helping to drag my name thru the mud, by not standing up for what's honourable, then we pobably wouldn't be having this conversation, or more so, this thread and other would not exsist.

Renee's excuse not to provide tax invoices is, because they RA/CR pay this TAX, they don't have to provide me with tax invoices. Say what???!!! I have her in email saying all this BS. Even claims she spoke to their CFO (lol). No legit AU CFO would say the things Renee claims he said.

For the last time... That NZ TAX is garnished from MY GROSS COMMISSIONS. It's not RA/CR's taxes, regardless if they pay it or not. So on that idiotic mindset, whatever taxes RA/CR/ITSM et al pay with regards to employees, that's their tax too...lo-fing-l.

The question right now that RA affiliates should be asking themselves is... Why wont RA/CR et al provide Dave with these NZ Tax Invoices?
  • What has RA/CR done with this money? (and others like it)
  • Did they actual pay NZ Tax or did they pocket it?

    Have they claimed the monies garnished from my Gross Commission earnings (and others too), as their own tax deductions. Which would be tax fraud btw.
So many unaswered questions from RA/CR.

Yet instead of going after the real evil doers here, like always the messanger is riddled with bullets :eek:

FYI... Playshare group and their white label Players Palace was purchased by CR/Jimmy. Both PSG and PP were owned by people I've known personally, for well over 12 years now. Both people were suposed to receive a final payout on these purchases after a 6 month period. CR/Jimmy reneged on both payments. I believe the total was in vicinity of US$450,000.

Both people gave up trying to get that money, and wrote it off.

Reiterating, I'm not the dodgy bastard in all of this , so please stop trying to make it out like I am.
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