Rebuild a website!


May 27, 2017
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Hi guys, lats couple of weeks i have been rebuilding one of my sites offline www. casinopro . se . As you can se site has been here for a while, it has good value and good rank on many keywords.

Beside the new design there will also be new reviews and new text.

My question is, have anybody done something like this with a "money site" before and if so what things are important to think about? All tips are welcome i dont want to miss anything at relaunch!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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I am not really sure what you mean by "rebuild" and how that would differ from "update"? I would surely keep your link structure the same, and /keep-your-links-urls/ live or you may take a major hit, especially if other sites already link to any of your subpages.

If you plan on rewriting all your content/pages I would think Google would see that as a positive update.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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Be careful when rebuilding a web site, if you have existing rankings that you want to keep. There are times when you
can re-build a web site or change themes, and it can influence your rankings in a positive or a negative way.. due to
changes in on-page optimization, etc. If you are simply updating the site with new pages and content, then I can't
see any problem with that.. but if you are changing the entire structure of the site, then you should tread carefully.


May 27, 2017
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Hi, thanks for the tips. Yes the design and the content will be changing. The structure will stay the same but im going to simlify it. So before for example i had 10 subpages in top menu now there will only be 4.

Many "links" will disapear from the site to subpages but theese are pages i can lose rank for since they are not that important. If i take a review for example it will be same domain just that the information will change in the review couse they where writer a couple of years ago and its not same info anymore.

Kind of the whole structure will be changed but it will have same base, same fron page + more info, same subpages still exists and so on. I know this could be verry good or like you say even verry bad hahah but i have have rebuilt it to make it much better so i hope it will get a positive effect.

But as said still wanted to ask couse there might be things sometimes that you dont think about andif somebody have done it before they shure learned a thing or two.

Thanks for advice NDG!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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How old is the site? it will drop a little but by next crawl should come back on top.. around 2-4 weeks on average


May 27, 2017
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Site is at least a couple of years, not shure exactly when i had it live. Yes i expekt something like this, i mean if site ranks good it cant get worse becouse i make improvements and new better reviews right?


May 27, 2017
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I am not really sure what you mean by "rebuild" and how that would differ from "update"? I would surely keep your link structure the same, and /keep-your-links-urls/ live or you may take a major hit, especially if other sites already link to any of your subpages.

If you plan on rewriting all your content/pages I would think Google would see that as a positive update.

No all pages will be left so for example /svenska-casinon/ codeta is a review and the url will be the same after update but there will be a new review , new table and the whole site will have a new look.

Well not shure where the diffrence between rebuild and update is here but here is a list of things that is going to be changed

- Many reviews will get new ones (not all)
- Site will have a new template (new look)
- There will be much less choices in menu (the other menu links will still be on site just not in top menu)
- all wrong code will be removed
- Some subpages will get extra text , even front page.

Besides that not much more, so mostly its design and text. When i say text this also means like for example an old review could link to frontpage and other subpages. They new reviews will not do that so some internlinks disapear.

The link structure is same this cant be changed ofcourse couse as you say there a links pointing to them.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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There are times when you can re-build a web site or change themes, and it can influence your rankings in a positive or a negative way.. due to
changes in on-page optimization, etc.

I can vouch for that. Had a 'money site' which was ranking extremely well for years. Traffic averaged around 7K p/m - niche terms and long tails. Updated to a responsive WP theme (kept all the old internal page structures), plus added addition new pages. Rewrote 95% fresh content. Honestly thought I was doing the right thing, but the site totally tanked. So much so, ended up decommissioning it 18 months later. Regardless of what I did, couldn't get it back to what it was before.

So be careful. Sometimes it's far better to add more pages, a new site logo etc. Keep what you have. Make a new site, with a new or aged domain ;)


May 27, 2017
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I thought about this to actually, so i started a new site a couple of month ago with the masterplan of doing both this and having a new one in back up. Ofcourse the new one is not as good "yet" but some ranks it has even better so im hoping to implent the same good things into this site now. I knwo what you mean though i have some sites like that , that i dont touch they work i let them work but feelt i have to do this =( Well se if anybody is intrested a be happy to shear my expiriance after this=)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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As SEO is experimental, and always changing... I would very much be interested in hearing how this goes for you :)

Best of luck, and please do keep us updated!


May 27, 2017
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Its almost ready so hopefully the new site will be live tomorrow. Scary but also verry intresting exeriment=) =( Promise to share more expiriance from this when some time has passed.


May 27, 2017
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New site is live check it out and please let me know if you find any errors or have any other tips. About the relaunching, what i can se google has already indexed the "new" site and what i can se in rankings are not at all a big change. Some drops a few places here and there but no big drop or big rank up at all. So far im happy it didnt drop so i can work on getting it up.

As far as i can se relaunching a site like this doesnt seem to be a problem as long as you keep all the structure and subpages and the site is ofcourse already valued before.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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Well the site itself, looks amazing, great job as I really love the layout, color scheme, icons, and buttons! Looks very user-friendly, clean and intuitive.

So far so good on the rankings then, but I would give it a few weeks to a month to settle in before being sure, but keep us posted :)

In the meantime, I would get a few (one or two) new strong links pointing to the site... May help with future rankings after a major update. Just what I would do.


May 27, 2017
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Thanks=) im actually not satisfied yet =( but glad to get that response=) Yes , as said i have seen some drop but its 1-3 pos not pages. I know i know but since google indexed it i thought to share the first stats and promise to get back later.

Thats exactly what i have in mind=) I actually stoped working with the site for 2 months ago when we did this new and the plan is now to get back in there both with text and new links. Thanks for sharing thought=)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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You are most very welcome. As they say, a webmasters job is never truly done :) There is always something more to do and add... Once a site is done, is when it starts to die imo...

I myself have started a new hobby site... With all the recent changes in the industry lately, I decided to make something small and simple. Trying to focus more on onsite seo and hit every area that I can. https, optimized images, page speed, clean html 5 code, vps, cdn, followed by detailed reviews of only the best of the best casinos. Will be a while before it goes live, but I'm going back to the basics and learning a lot more :)

My other sites where mostly just simple wp themes, on shared hosting, followed by a massive amount of unique content... It worked for a while... But I want something I can call a prize ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Yes i agree with the other comments, nice eye candy, looks clean & bright. Can i ask what theme you used?


Jun 7, 2017
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Looks like a good website! Althought I can't read Swedish. Make sure to properly 301 redirect your old pages, and you can optionally also submit your redirects through Google Search Console (but the crawler will pick it up anyways).


May 27, 2017
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Thanks Juegos and casinowbie=) all pages are same efter relanuch so didnt need to. Just an qucik update when im here site actually got a good rank up on the keywords i want to, so removing old linkjuice to subpages that ranked but never really had good conversion was a really good thing for me. It was scarry and site lost quite a lot ranks + trafic but since it ranked up better on better keywords it actually delivers better. Leason learned - dont try to rank for evrything, focus on a few keywords and the rest will fallow.

Theme used is Genesis frame and then its own css plus visuall composer to create layout.

So true Ryan=) Best of the best casinos is a great idea, i recently created which has exactly the same idea=) Make sure to share i like to check it out=)I understand what you mean the one big site (the brand) living for it self =)

Good luck with that!


May 27, 2017
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Update: I learned that rebuilding a website is good for buissnis and a lot of important pages now ranks better then before just like planed. Before i had to many internallinks and many subpages ranked but they wasnt worth it so also learned that maybe you dont have to rank for evrything. Focus on 2-5 keywords and let the rest fallow (or not).

Another lesson learned is that a company that builds websites doesnt gonna work like you where you are trying to make the best possible site with evry little detail. Companies get paid and want to make a website fast as you want it without own imagination of how to create the best site for coustumer. Well this company i hired did anyway and they are suposed to be one of the best in Sweden.

Front page did lose rank on keyword casino from page 3 to page 7-8 which is bad i guess but same time sites other best keywords got better rank. I belive this isnt about the new website but more about links or content (or both).

Also the design was created by a guy i recently started work with and must mention its a great guy that know how to design, its good price and he is awsome to work with so if anybody need design i be happy to present you to this guy if you like his work.

Still not satisfied with the table (we had to use flytonic review plugin) whichs is good and we use it often and loved it for our new site where you can check it out as well but for this site we wanted something diffrent so if anybody knows a good webbdeveloper that can create awsome tables please let me know.