Playshare stats resetted


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I noticed that my Playshare players database have wrong resuts, i had active players and downloads since 3 days ago, and now they are 0 ..disappeared ???
I know that many other players are in this situation, and i didn't heard from them an answer, please make your voice heard ..the month is finished we need at least an explanation.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I really hate when stats just disappear without a word from the affiliate program :(

There needs to be more interaction, even if it is a minor glitch.
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
PSP Stats

Hello Everyone

Jorge from PlayShare Partners here to give you an update in regards this matter.

First we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period. We are aware of this issue and our IT department is working in a solution as we speak.

At the same time I would like to highlight the fact that all the information related to tracking, players, revenue and commissions is safe and has not suffered any inconvenience during this period. All our systems are running smoothly but due to some changes implemented in our technology precisely in order to avoid this sort of issues in the future, we have experienced some headaches with our platform. This is just affecting the correct display of the information in PSP although all our systems are working as per usual in the background.

Finally I would like to assure you that this won’t affect our next payment process that will be finalized around the 15th of this month as usual.

Thanks to you all for your understanding and your patience, most appreciated.

Sincerely yours.
Jorge Silva

Affiliate Team
PlayShare Partners