Newbie questions part II, getting relevant links somehow


New Member
Oct 16, 2013
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I think MOZ is just too commercial and had become a tool for the masses, SemRush is good for volume tracking and visibility, majestic seo and ahrefs are equal to me


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 9, 2013
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I dont think Moz is such a great tool, considering the monthly price they charge. Their approach and videos are really cool for newbies like me but I didn't find their tools so complete. Im still searching for a service that will provide more help to optimize my sites and choose the proper keywords.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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FYI I don't actually pay for any of these tools.. I just use them on the free daily trial basis... Mixed with the info that GWTs provides, and putting my own spin on things, I find it to be enough for me. Call me cheap, but some of my sites rank fairly well :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I do not have a huge link profile, it has never really bothered me. I have some natural links but its probably 1/100th of what some of you guys have.

I have thought about article exchanges or even putting up others articles but I am to weary of where I am linking to and what content I might receive. Do you guys usually look at the site you want to exchange with? Do you also ask for particular articles to be written or just except what is on offer etc?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I do not have a huge link profile, it has never really bothered me. I have some natural links but its probably 1/100th of what some of you guys have.

I have thought about article exchanges or even putting up others articles but I am to weary of where I am linking to and what content I might receive. Do you guys usually look at the site you want to exchange with? Do you also ask for particular articles to be written or just except what is on offer etc?


Yes, I always look at sites that I exchange links with. I posted a link in GPWA about doing link exchanges and after looking at the persons website and speaking with them I thanked them and told them I am not looking at this time anymore. Some sites are junk, horrible content, ads for people to buy, new people in the forum that look okay but I haven't spoken to enough to feel comfortable doing a guest blog with.

I have had too many experiances of webmaters taking down my links. I think that is wrong, when I do a link exchange it is permanent. In conclusion, I look at the person, the site, content, and also go by my gut.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I do not have a huge link profile, it has never really bothered me. I have some natural links but its probably 1/100th of what some of you guys have.

I have thought about article exchanges or even putting up others articles but I am to weary of where I am linking to and what content I might receive. Do you guys usually look at the site you want to exchange with? Do you also ask for particular articles to be written or just except what is on offer etc?


You don't have to go far for article exchanges.. Find a small handful of friends you can trust. The way to not have your links deleted is to build relationships with the people you are exchanging with :)

The relationship can be more then just article exchanges as well.. muffincrumbs and I also play off each other on G+, FB and the like.. Some extra buddies liking the content you post, or re-tweeting some of your tweets benefits both parties.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Its true. Jared Bates (muffincrumbs) on Google plus loves to reshare and talk gambling because Mark is the coolest.

I have guest blog posts on CBR from others that date way back... lost a few along the ride and I can't find the sites or webmasters. I don't know why someone would de-link since linking out can help rankings if it goes to a valuable resource in the eyes of spiders.

If anyone is looking for a quality for quality trade please let me know :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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Yes, I always look at sites that I exchange links with. I posted a link in GPWA about doing link exchanges and after looking at the persons website and speaking with them I thanked them and told them I am not looking at this time anymore. Some sites are junk, horrible content, ads for people to buy, new people in the forum that look okay but I haven't spoken to enough to feel comfortable doing a guest blog with.

I have had too many experiances of webmaters taking down my links. I think that is wrong, when I do a link exchange it is permanent. In conclusion, I look at the person, the site, content, and also go by my gut.

You can always tell a website that is complete junk and trouble by some of the casinos programs on the main page. I *LOVE* how many webmasters email me for link exchanges on their *GREAT* sites that are still plastered with old C-planet casinos. You know that sites only purpose is to collect links... Run from those guys...

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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You can always tell a website that is complete junk and trouble by some of the casinos programs on the main page. I *LOVE* how many webmasters email me for link exchanges on their *GREAT* sites that are still plastered with old C-planet casinos. You know that sites only purpose is to collect links... Run from those guys...

Best comment ever... and GREAT advice. Check sites and who they promote before you link up with them. Seeing C-Planet casinos is common on these to be honest as it used to be one of the most popular affiliate programs. Dead giveaway that the site isn't being updated and is only used to add link juice to another site.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I check up on the sites, since I put a contact me page on my site I have been getting ridiculous requests.

I have had too many situations when people are new to the forum. They respond to my link exchange post (GPWA) and I have exchanged links only to find a month later my link was removed. Now I only feel comfortable exchanging links with people I know and have spoke to on here and GPWA.

I would rather keep my focus on content. I never heard of c planet casinos, i googled them and they came up

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I have a link service that was created for upstanding members of AGD. I never launched it because the coder simply did not do a great job with it. I may get my new coders on this at some point to help us all out. I wouldn't trust the single or even 20 post-count guys in most cases, but most of the quality posters here are people I would exchange links or blog posts with.

The link service had a spider that checked links and PM'd both parties when the link could no longer be found. It was actually quite nice for the most part, but some things just were not complete.

That was a lengthy aside from the thread.....sorry! :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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I have a link service that was created for upstanding members of AGD. I never launched it because the coder simply did not do a great job with it. I may get my new coders on this at some point to help us all out. I wouldn't trust the single or even 20 post-count guys in most cases, but most of the quality posters here are people I would exchange links or blog posts with.

The link service had a spider that checked links and PM'd both parties when the link could no longer be found. It was actually quite nice for the most part, but some things just were not complete.

That was a lengthy aside from the thread.....sorry! :)

That would be pretty neat Big Dog,

In the mean time, I think I will be using on all pages that reference my sites.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I hear a lot of webmasters complaining about the latest Google algo updates and in certain way I agree... but I have to say that - in my opinion - all these changes are helping to build a better community, with better tools and higher quality link exchange, based more on content. This is helping to build a more interactive gambling community!

By the way, the tools you are adding to your site are great G.Dog and as mentioned before, I really think they help all webmasters.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 6, 2013
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I hear a lot of webmasters complaining about the latest Google algo updates and in certain way I agree... but I have to say that - in my opinion - all these changes are helping to build a better community, with better tools and higher quality link exchange, based more on content. This is helping to build a more interactive gambling community!
That's not what's happening though, quite the contrary... The results are now much more spammier than before AND even white-hat sites aren't a totally "safe" business model anymore because Google is allowing negative SEO to be an issue. You'll notice this as soon as you rank for some more competitive terms.

One thing that newbies (and even more experienced SEOs) should understand is that Google isn't your friend... They don't want you to be able to rank, all they care about is revenue. Stop listening to their propaganda.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2011
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again, I'm not saying Google is trying to help the webmaster neither that is your friend. What I'm saying is that webmasters are trying to find a way out of that mess and starting to cooperate together in order to help promoting their websites. I see affiliates promoting our brands that re-post or like each other posts on social media, without caring about the competition. This is, in my opinion, what is helping to build a better community. People exchanging articles and participating more actively on each others blogs.

By the way, I'm not working as an affiliate but I do check websites in a daily basis, so my perspective is from the other side.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2012
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I wouldn't stress about the links. Like online18casino said, you can rank with just a couple of decent links. Definitely don't overdo it on a fresh domain. It can take 12 months or more to gain enough trust to rank a new site. If you can, buy an established site or aged domain that has a good history and clean backlink profile. Use the tools already mentioned to research potential sites/domains. You can use the Wayback Machine at to see a site/domain's indexed history. Once you have one, focus on building it into a brand.

-Set up and build a following on social media (Google+, Facebook, Twitter)
-Guest post in moderation
-Promote your best content by asking relevant sites to link to it

Here's a great article on launching a new site. While a lot of this advice is more conducive to niches outside of gaming, I still think there's value in it.


New Member
Nov 11, 2013
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I would advise you to analyse your competitors backlink profile and see what links they have in common with other competitors in your niche then get the same links. for example if x,y,z competitors have a link on site A then if you get a link on site A your not only gaining the benefits of that link but also google will see that you have links in common with X,Y,Z and will take this into account as part of your sites own authority.