Netent / Netrefer issues april 2011


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Anybody noticed any strange activity on the stats for Netent casinos using Netrefer this month?

Im aware of the new depositing players -issue in stats that Netrefer is currently working on to solve
but im mainly consired about the figures for deposits / net.rev / earnings.

Now we are currently breaking records in more than 5 different casinos using Netrefer, compared to any
other past month.

We have boosted up our traffic to the casinos and got records in views, clicks, new players, new depositing players,
active players, depositing players (overall) but the net.rev and earnings has been a disaster during april and i dont mean
on only one casino ( some players might also win :) )
but on over 5 different casinos!

Ofcource there can be winners on one casino, dropping the rev.share and comissions, but i have hard to belive that we
have a huge drop on all 5+ different casinos / affiliate accounts at the same time, like against all odds the five figure amounts in net.rev has dropped
down to minuses or ridiculous amounts like 120$ etc. this month...

Anybody that experience the same with Netent / Netrefer?
Any idea of what might cause this kind of activity in the stats?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 3, 2011
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We are equally frustrated with the slow fixing of the update. We are most of all frustrated about deposit volume not showing anymore. Used to be a great indicator of the quality our signups. Deposit volume does not even have a column anymore.

In March one of our programs ran just crappy, we sent in like 50 depositors and got very little revenue. They are performing really well now though.

Our main program went straight into the red in April, as far down as 15k negative, spread on many players. On the 15th it came back in the black and is already breaking all records.

Netent casinos swing like no others, i personally think big players love the volatility. I also think you need 250 active + in a month to even out the swings.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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We are equally frustrated with the slow fixing of the update. We are most of all frustrated about deposit volume not showing anymore. Used to be a great indicator of the quality our signups. Deposit volume does not even have a column anymore.

In March one of our programs ran just crappy, we sent in like 50 depositors and got very little revenue. They are performing really well now though.

Our main program went straight into the red in April, as far down as 15k negative, spread on many players. On the 15th it came back in the black and is already breaking all records.

Netent casinos swing like no others, i personally think big players love the volatility. I also think you need 250 active + in a month to even out the swings.


Well 200-300 active/month is what we have in avarge, some great winners ofcource getting down the netgaming numbers time-to-time but i have never had problem with winners, as long as they keep playing the next month :)

The deposit amounts row however in Netrefer is truly gone from almost every room except for unibetpartners...
Thats odd, like what do the other casinos got to hide, if they desided not to show that?

Well, well,,,
Might be a tear in my eye in the end of the month if thouse damn figures dont come up ;D


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 3, 2011
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Regarding the missing column, it is certainly a netrefer issue and not a casino by casino issue. The reason you are seeing it at Unibet, is that they likely have a bespoke solution hosted and maintained by themselves. Rather than being in the Netrefer shared hosting environment, i would guess that they have not updated their version yet completely, or have a different development path.

I have often said that no affiliate backoffice shows so much useless data as netrefer, now they have removed one of the useful items.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Can you list the programs using netrefer please? I heard that they are having issues as well which is very disappointing!

They have many clients, what comes in mind for me is the following ones
...not all with netent douh


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Regarding the missing column, it is certainly a netrefer issue and not a casino by casino issue. The reason you are seeing it at Unibet, is that they likely have a bespoke solution hosted and maintained by themselves. Rather than being in the Netrefer shared hosting environment, i would guess that they have not updated their version yet completely, or have a different development path.

I have often said that no affiliate backoffice shows so much useless data as netrefer, now they have removed one of the useful items.

The main page new depositing players -stats does not work in all casinos, eaven i have one casino that shows the full "costumers breakdown" with figures...

Now this seems to be kind of a mess on atleast one of the casinos.

NDC Stats current month checked in different pages on Netrefer

Costumers Breakdown: 27 (main page stats)
General Stats (Daily figures): 18
Customer Reporting (manual counting of players):21

Hmm...which one is the real one


New Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Hi Preditor, Hi Topponline,

The reason you are not currently seeing depositing counts is because of the commission plans that your accounts are attached too. Only the relevant information pertaining to your commercial agreement with the operator are displayed to you and if you aren't rewarded on deposits that information is no longer being displayed.

That said, following feedback that we received from various sources about these restrictions, we are now in the process of changing this and an update on this will be released over the coming week.

Regarding your comments about conflicting figures related to customer stats, please notify your affiliate manager of any potential issues or contact me directly, please specify your affiliate ID and the affiliate program these figures are from and we'll ensure checks are made to ensure no discrepancies in data. Our goal is always one of accuracy and transparency and thus will treat any issues of this nature with the highest priority.

On a separate note there is no relation between the display of the figures in NetRefer and NetEnt Casino.

I hope this helps clarify things a little and appreciate your patience whilst we work on a resolution.

Best Regards

Louisa Dyer
Director of Client Services


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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"We have received an update that NetRefer will reinstate the Deposit numbers in about a week."

This updeta to all rooms would be :eek::eek::eek:!!!
Cheers NRLD for taking action :emoticon-0142-happy

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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That is awesome! Good work to Netrefer.