Just a simple affiliate


Nov 17, 2008
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Let's think about this. I have been doing much thinking in the last almost 6 months now since I found out Playshare changed the rules. I posted this in the private section of the GPWA but there is nothing I wouldn't post in public. :)

I don't want to pick on anyone. We all work hard.

However, we are now faced with a serious affiliate crisis. It is indeed a crisis.

I am going to speak freely. I always do no matter what anyone thinks of my posts. It comes from the heart. And from the wallet. Make no mistake. This is OUR MONEY. And OUR MONEY is YOUR money for those of you who cater to affiliates.

No matter what anyones interpetation of the law is, or what anyone thinks of the poor affiliate managers plight, the fact is that affiliates are being disregarded and disrespected right now. Not to mention, taking a huge hit in the wallet. That is what it is ALL about - the wallet. And affs are getting screwed, plain and simple.

It is not productive or professional to say 'he's a great guy and I talked to him at such and such a conference'. The more I hear that as my earnings are taken away the more infuriating it gets.

It's about fairness to affiliates. It's about solid rules. It's NOT about 'behind the scenes' because gawd forbid we upset them they will run away and do it anyway. BS. It's not working and no longer acceptable.

What it IS about is our LEADERS doing something about it and representing us.

If leaders cannot do that then do NOT be in that role! Leave it to someone who can.

Often times I hear 'we spend sooo much time' and 'I worked 100 hours yesterday'. But yet we haven't gotten anywhere! Then don't take on that role please.

I no longer accept just wait mojo. We are talking. That is just a way to say shut up and it will die down.

Not accepting that. Ever.

Another 'unprofessional post' by mojo.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I am not taking their recent actions lightly as this a clear move to screw us up when the future will be bright again.

They are still listed on my sites BUT I do not have that good feeling about them as before.

Do not think I am not feeling the pain......if affiliates talk about their behavior it leaks to player forums and e.g. APCW videos...then players think the casinos have a worse reputation etc etc. It is not just the affiliate program which will suffer, commssions will have a nose dive too in times of "war".

Just sad it looked very promising, the economy is about to turn and now this.

These days you must be on guard for chosing programs to promote.

Btw : I am a much much smaller affiliate. ;D


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
You rock insperation. ;D

I can't really go any further. Anyone who knows me knows I have spent all my time at childrens hospital with my daughter.

Just be fair is all I ask. It's not to much to ask. It's not a complicated math problem lol.

EVERYONE. Do the right thing.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Your always allowed to speak your mind and give your opinion on AGD Mojo. Not sure who you consider to be the leaders and sorry they are not working to your satisfaction and I hope that things get better via whatever means it takes to get it done.

I myself am all for open talks and communication and I realize time is a factor but often times things in this nature do take a bit of time. We have taken down Roxy on our sites because they have not even bothered to address this issue the other programs are showing a willingness to negotiate and talk so I will give them the chance to do that, I have worked for years with them and I hope to to continue to do that in the years that come but if not then so be it no matter how much I like them the dollar is my bottom line.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Unfortunately I am split on this one. I actually agree with you (Mojo) quite a bit up there. But it's not the "watchdog/association" groups fault this happened, and if the casino will listen to them, this is good.

Look around the forums, they aren't talking to us as individuals, and they could if they wanted to. It's really the casinos choice in the end whether or not they post in public, or engage the "leaders" or owners of these sites.

Imagine what our individual voices would be like without GPWA, GIA, AGD, GAP and others... You are a trooper and we'd all be disheartened (I know I would) if you stopped your mission. I appreciate it a ton! I just think we should keep the eyes on the prize. It was BB1 coming in here a few months ago much like you have been doing recently that sparked WCD's blacklist page.

---from my perspective---

We have only a few options:

1. Become better leaders ourselves, yes that involves starting a group of people (cause who to lead if no peeps?)

2. Volunteering with one of the groups. I am not officially affiliated with any of them, so you'd have to ask them each what their procedures are to become involved.

3. Wing it alone, which you are doing, and I think whether you know it or not, it helps a lot.


4. Take the benefits of these groups like AGD, GPWA, GIA, GAP, etc ... trying to help (slow going) and also do what you can on a personal level (which is what you're doing) and I think its the best option for many of us. Sometimes we may not be happy with the speed of whats going on or the results, and we always have the options to start our own groups (GIA, GAP, etc). The truth is, it's a huge undertaking. Everytime I think about that, I get real warm and fuzzy feelings towards AGD, GIA, GAP and GPWA. I am really happy they are here. (and all the individuals that make these groups up)

Thanks everyone for the level of participation you are able to provide whether it be great or small! :emoticon-0155-flowe