Is this time to dive into Bitcoin Casinos?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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I remember a year ago you were exchanging the coins the moment you got them. Big change since :)
Actually - It's pretty much the same.

I still object to being forced to take BTC as a payment method - it's inefficient - and takes around 2 hours of my time to receive the funds and transfer it to fiat currency via an exchange. My affiliation business does NOT need the hassle and he potential devaluation.

However, I will acknowledge the forced accelerated learning about crypto-currency that the situation provided, which enabled me to become an early adopter and see some staggering increases in values over the last year. THAT WAS HUGELY ADVANTAGEOUS.

As a personal investment opportunity for 1% of my wealth, this area has some great opportunities outside Bitcoin. XRP, ETH, PAY, OMG, QTUM and even LTC to name a few.

So I am still crypto positive - but "forced payment" negative/


Note to Roulette Zeitung - and other no-coiners out there - that automatically nay-say a vast field of human endeavour without really taking the time to investigate it.

There is a vast universe of tokens and projects out there beyond Bitcoin - in fact I note today that BTC is just 34% of the total market cap. So there are literally over 1200+ additional tokens and projects worth and additional 2x more than BTC.

I'll provide a link today that links all the projects - and you can go into the individual projects via the site and actually learn more about each and every one and choose what to invest in.

Crime exists everywhere with almost every medium of wealth. Cash probably makes up 99% of it as it's so easily used. But gold, diamonds, bearer bonds etc all also provide higher value anonymous sources of funding. Bitcoin is NOT anonymous. It is completely trackable and traceable.

If criminals ARE SAVVY enough to understand bitcoin and use it they should not be dumb enough to use a medium that tracks and traces each and every movement. There ARE anonymous crypto-tokens but bitcoin is not one of them - and only idiots or ignorants (like Jamie Dimon) maintain the belieft that it is so.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Title of the thread: "Is this time to dive into Bitcoin Casinos?"
Answer: No.
Reason: Since one year Italian officials confirms, that Mafia is using Bitcoin casinos for money laundering. And we are not talking about some thousand bucks. In case the owners will not cash out, they will simply abducted or more worst. This is the reality of Bitcoin casinos.

Every 17th Bitcoin in the meantime is acquired through theft. Last Christmas a major Bitcoin Exchange CEO was taken hostage (Source: ).

This is the reason, why South Korea is sick about Bitcoin and will prohibit anonymous dealing with it. Israel goes one step further. They probably will ban all companies who are dealing with Bitcoin. Steam already banned Bitcoin. If you look at the Bitcoin charts for 24h hours, then even an idiot can see, that this is only a speculation bubble.

One may say, that so many people became rich with Bitcoin. That's right. More than 50% are serious criminals, 30-40% speculators and the rest ordinary people who will be milked with insane transaction fees.

It's a proven fact, that Bitcoin destroys the environment due the tremendous energy waste and no one is rich until she/he has not sold their Bitcoin, because as long as you hold it, you are living in a fantasy world with a pseudo-currency that can go close to Zero within 4 days, and then you have nothing.

In the real world, you can not even buy a piece of bread with Bitcoin.
But you will find everywhere propaganda shills or simply idiots who does not want you to know the risks or the truth.

The worst internet crime, and I am talking about drugs, weapons, hitman, live stream child killing and abuse or paid torture, all these things from the Dark Web you can pay only with Bitcoin, not with cash.

It is a "crime currency", and the Bitcoin casinos are the sleeping room for Mafia in the meantime. This will end in a big blow, with more regulations in general for this industry, that in major parts is acting since years like drug dealers and pimps, and since years I am warning about the consequences.

Now they are coming, and if I am honest, it's well deserved.


In the mean time, why not make a few bucks off it?


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
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Used to be easy to use crypto, quick transfers and a few cents.
Now just got harder for an average person to use it for casino deposits with tranfers taking hours and costing $20+ .

Not "crypto", but "bitcoin". Other cryptos have low fees. Bitcoin Core has been hobbled by the developers who I suspect have ulterior motives. That coupled with interest from huge appreciation as well as some malicious attacks and Bitcoin is quite expensive to use compared to last year (20x) and from the year before (1000x).

Bitcoin Cash, the fork from August 1st 2017, can still be sent for pennies. Odds are you'll make it into the next block too (10m transactions).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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My advice would be to promote online casinos that offer crypto-currencies as an expansion
of your existing web site, and not put all of your focus on players using those currencies.

Nobody knows what will happen with the crypto-currencies. It may be a bubble that ends up bursting soon,
or it may go on for a long time, and the blockchain may evolve into something bigger, better and more efficient.

If their is criminal activity with the crypto-currencies, then weed out the criminals. We must
get ourselves out of the mindset that if criminals are using something, then it must be bad.


AGD Member Ltd
Sep 13, 2016
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My advice would be to promote online casinos that offer crypto-currencies as an expansion
of your existing web site, and not put all of your focus on players using those currencies.

Nobody knows what will happen with the crypto-currencies. It may be a bubble that ends up bursting soon,
or it may go on for a long time, and the blockchain may evolve into something bigger, better and more efficient.

If their is criminal activity with the crypto-currencies, then weed out the criminals. We must
get ourselves out of the mindset that if criminals are using something, then it must be bad.
That is very well said, NDG :)

Casino Extreme

Affiliate Program Representative
Jul 20, 2015
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Used to be easy to use crypto, quick transfers and a few cents.
Now just got harder for an average person to use it for casino deposits with tranfers taking hours and costing $20+ .

True indeed ABC ,the current price doesn't favor an average casino users to use BTC as the cost is just high .At one point it was cheap fast and secure but now it's not worth it to deposit smaller amounts . That's from players perspective and the feedback's we keep getting every day .


New Member
Jan 6, 2018
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But if playing using paypal or visa,Mastercard is better than bitcoin. I think so.. how about u?


AGD Member Ltd
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
But if playing using paypal or visa,Mastercard is better than bitcoin. I think so.. how about u?
Hey, yes, absolutely! Bitcoin is the go. Because with Bitcoin, there are no conditions with it whatsoever and it is also available worldwide :)


AGD Member Ltd
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
but why now so many using bitcoins for play? o_O
I think it's just because there are no restrictions involved, mainly. Also, I think that Butcoins are more easily accepted and their value (in USD) is always fluctuating. It's mainly more rising in value than the opposite way around.

Good luck to you! ;)