Incent Traffic

Gerry Casino

New Member
Jan 28, 2015
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I'd like to send a newsletter with weekly roundup of the featured offers etc to my subscriber database, along with other content. (It's not offers only)
However, I'd also like to attract new email signups, I'm thinking through a competition or giveaway to one lucky signup.

At the same time - I want to avoid my signups being labeled as 'incent traffic'.

My question is - If the data isnt directly receiving an incentive for the act of signing up, (sure, they have the chance of winning, [and one lucky person will win], but they will not directly, immediately or knowingly receive anything for their signup) is that still classed as incent traffic?

I'm reminded of the phrase "if you need to ask, it probably is", but I'm hoping for some clarification on this. Thanks in advance


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Incentive traffic, is defined as, least in the context you've questioned...
The act of actually saying to players... If you sign-up and deposit X at casino Y, this site will give you back (refund) Z amount. Or similar.

Running a competition, to encourage and gain newsletter subscriptions, is, imho, creative marketing.

Not even sure this could be called incentive traffic, if a comp was designed, where by:
  • All players who signed up to casino Y, at your site, in a given month, were all entered into a draw, where by one of these player's wins a prize.
It only becomes incentive traffic, when every player, who signs up, is given something back (cash or prize), in return, for signing up and depositing, at a specified casino.