
Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Hollywoodbets are a big brand in South Africa, and are moving into the UK market by sponsoring Brentford.

They launched their program on Income Access a few years ago and like a number of African programs they were pretty mean with revenue share levels, and in particular only paid revenue share for 1 year from the registration of a player, which we all know is very unfavourable. We estimate that agreeing to 1 year revenue share terms loses the affiliate anything up to 70% of the revenues you would get from lifetime revenue share!

In July 2021 they realised that these terms were really poor and a lot of affiliates didn't like them. So, they moved to lifetime revenue share. However, all of the affiliates who had previously sent players, who had helped found their program and send them traffic and valuable market share, had their players cut off at 1 year on the old deal.

Then they have the cheek of asking these loyal affiliates to effectively start from scratch and send NEW players on the lifetime deal

Avoid this program at all costs. If they can change the rules and steal historical players, and be completely unaware that asking affiliates to then promote on the new deal just isn't ethical, then they'll be sure to change the rules in the future.

If you're promoting in South Africa there are loads of good options to choose from. Hollywoodbets itself is far from being the best product out there anyway and you'll do better on other operators, get better revenue share and lifetime, trustworthy deals. South Africa is a good market with good player value. Don't go with anyone who is going to cut short your revenue share or steal players and commissions


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Seems Hollywoodbets are very toxic as a brand across a number of independent reivew sites -

93% bad reviews!

87% 1 star reviews :eek:

Reviews written by their own employees - Juan is Juan vd. Westhuizen, Simon is Simon Munsamy, both at the company


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
Much better brands to work with to be honest. Hollywoodbets changed the rules, they'll change them again

Betway are much better and more reliable in South Africa.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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@Guard Dog can I suggest that Hollywoodbets are reviewed with a view to placing in the rogue section? Retroactively changing terms, not paying affiliates, terrible customer reviews


New Member
Sep 2, 2022
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I had no problem getting paid, but they don't do auto-invoicing and automatic payments - you need to submit one yourself and trust me, it's never right, even when you ask them the correct amount it gets revised.

This is because the affiliate interface is dreadful and hard to find your way around and understand. I have had a few payments, but if I look in the relevant part of the account the previous invoices are marked as 'declined' and my headline commission still includes the amount I have already been paid. Netrefer it certainly ain't....


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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You're talking about a different Hollywoodbets, as the South Africa one is on Income Access. The other one is other countries in Africa. There's a .net and a .com - two different companies


New Member
Sep 2, 2022
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You're talking about a different Hollywoodbets, as the South Africa one is on Income Access. The other one is other countries in Africa. There's a .net and a .com - two different companies
I am talking about the UK interface, fair enough.


New Member
Sep 2, 2022
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You're talking about a different Hollywoodbets, as the South Africa one is on Income Access. The other one is other countries in Africa. There's a .net and a .com - two different companies
I am talking about the site. The affiliate interface is hopeless to unravel, each invoice results in a long exchange of e-mails back and forth where they tell you an amount (it's impossible to ascertain from the account) then later change it. When they've decided an amount (contrary to what you believe is owed) then the invoice will require amending in some other way. My latest is rejected as I took them down ages ago due to the aggro involved, they want me list all the u/l amounts for numerous months, something which cannot be ascertained in the account easily.

So after lenghty e-mails, they decided I am owed about £68. The account says thus:
2023-01-01 11:00:58
Monthly Calculation
Pending 843.18

I have received a couple of hundred in the past so the big figure there cannot be correct as 851.10 seems like the whole amount I earned in the few months I had them up before removing them due to the payment aggro. But still the account added January's legacy player earnings to the 843.18 and according to it I've never had a paid invoice (I have, twice!) The whole thing is a mess, they are totally incompetent and I would say avoid them until they get a decent interface.

So they tell me thay actually owe me £68 and yes, the invoice is back and forth yet again, I cannot be arsed with it. I tried to close the account (something else you cannot seem to do in the interface) and e-mailed them to donate the monies to charity. It just isn't worth the aggro.

