Gladiator Jackpot


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys,
any news about the Gladiator Jackpot (by Playtech)?...
it was about 2,900,000euro a few days ago; now it's 157,000euros.

Thank you


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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Unfortunately, I'm not tracking that one yet.... :emoticon-0114-dull: But if the jackpot was hit, there should be a press release coming soon from the casino where the win took place.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
It was won at Winner Casino. Poor schmuck. They won't get all their money for years...

8.4.4 You are aware of and agree for the following withdrawal policy:
While there is NO LIMIT to the amount a Player can cash out from the Casino, there is a maximum amount that can be withdrawn at one time, in any 30 days period based on the following category:
(i) For United Kingdom residents:
-Upon receipt of a withdrawal request a maximum of £10,000 will be processed after 4 business days.
-A maximum of £40,000 will be processed 10 business days after the initial 4 business days.
-Withdrawals will be processed up to a maximum of £50,000 in any 30 days period.
(i) For non UK residents:
At present, the maximum amount (the "Maximum") is set at 9000 GBP, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, CHF or 50,000 DKK, SEK, NOK, ZAR, in any 30 days period.
If the amount to be withdrawn is greater than what is permitted, the amount in excess of the maximum will be returned to the player's account, allowing the player to withdraw additional funds when it is next permitted in accordance with this term.
The foregoing applies also to Withdrawals of progressive jackpots. Withdrawals depend on all conditions specified above and the verification of all required documents as set forth in clause 9.4 below.

If they are extra lucky and live in the UK they could get £2.023m at £50k per month which is over 40 months to receive it all.

Otherwise €2.375m at €9000 per month is 264 months or 22 years.

Meanwhile the owners of Winner Casino earn interest with the money sitting in their bank account.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
That is absolutely ridiculous. Winner should pay the player in full, or in a reasonable amount
of time if the payment is huge. Forget about 22 years, 40 months is way too long to wait.

In Vegas, I do believe that the casinos must have enough money on hand to cover all of
the bets on the casino floor. I believe it is a licensing requirement for the casinos. The
online casinos should have that same requirement. I blame the casino for such a ridiculous
policy, but part of the blame has to go to Playtech as well for allowing this policy to stand.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
In Vegas, I do believe that the casinos must have enough money on hand to cover all of
the bets on the casino floor. I believe it is a licensing requirement for the casinos. The
online casinos should have that same requirement. I blame the casino for such a ridiculous
policy, but part of the blame has to go to Playtech as well for allowing this policy to stand.

The casinos do have the money on hand because Playtech is the one holding the money. The player wins the jackpot, the winnings are passed on to the casino by Playtech, and then the casino pays the player. That is the problem here. Playtech should either pay it direct or force the casino to pay it all.

All you can do now is hope that Winner steps up and waives their own policy.

This is nothing new. We know from a few years ago that Joyland Casino ripped off a player of around $2m after a Beach Life jackpot win. After some threats and trying to award the player the win as a bonus (yes, truly) they gave the player the choice to either be paid monthly for decades via this policy or receive about half the jackpot in a lump sum and not surprisingly the player took the latter option. Joyland Casino at the time was part owned by Teddy Sagi and Playtech so apart from there being a clear conflict of interest that made it so that Playtech would never force the casino to pay it all out, it was a convenient way for them to steal $2m at the expense of players who funded the jackpot.

Nothing has changed, most Playtech casinos still have this policy, and as affiliates you have to be aware of this sort of shit. Its little use in hindsight getting all militant and saying you're gonna remove them. The horse has already bolted, again. You should be checking this information before you recommend a casino to a player and letting them know the deal so that they can make an informed decision of whether to play there or not. For some players this policy doesn't matter because they don't play progressives and play at small stakes. For others it does matter. But I bet that 95% or more would never even know it exists because it is hidden half way down a wall of text on a T&Cs page. This is the sort of value that an affiliate can give to players. Not all players are referred by affiliates, so it might not have made a difference at all in this case. But just slapping up a glowing review and banner ads and funnelling visitors to whoever gives you the most commission or treated you nicest at the last conference isn't good enough.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
Winner should pay out the player in 1 go - making them wait for 40 months is ridiculous.

However, what can be done to change their policies?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
If they don't pay the player in one lump sum, then I may just remove any Playtech casinos
on my site. Playtech is just as responsible for this problem as the individual operators.