Complete newb's idea getting started - Feedback appreciated


New Member
Mar 7, 2019
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I've read a lot, I've seen a lot, I am still clueless because I do not have a plan.

I do not have a plan because I want to be unique and bring something fresh to the table. I want to put myself into the shoes of the guy who will click on my affiliate link and deposit.

But I struggle ...

No, I am not trying to make it sound overdramatic, but it is tough for me to believe that setting up a website and publishing some SEO articles and reviews will seal the deal.

It definitely needs more to earn the first 100$. Perhaps I am wrong?

I am a complete newb in this field and as much as I wish to go to different forums and say "Hey, could anyone guide me through all this and help me?", I choose not to but I still hope to get feedback on my personal ideas and maybe I can make use of it.

Hence I am here.

Here is my plan, having a budget of roughly 200$ to start a small business and to grow it over the next 12 months without taking shortcuts (i.e. black hat SEO) or anything similar.

First things first, I will set up a website, I will use WordPress, I will then go to Themeforest and buy a nice theme that sets the tone of my website.

Once this is setup up, I will make a logo, publish my already-written reviews of some casinos (and this is where I put myself into the guy who is reading the review and being so impressed reading my review which is still hard for me to believe that he will do that, except I white-lie to him, saying how much money I made there and how many cool games it has) and put my affiliate link there.

That is for the start. What is next?

I would do something videos based, for example recording myself playing and entertaining people, either via YouTube or Twitch and promote stuff there.

After that, I want to know if I can use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google Ads to advertise. I have no knowledge in these fields and I believe this is where the most money is made, with targeted ads.

This is my plan, voila. And this is what most websites do and they make money, so there shouldn't be a problem for me as well getting my first 100$ this way within a year?

Correct me if I am wrong, but there must be more than this to make consistently a 100$ per month. But I have no clue if my business will work and if that all suffices.

Frustrated already without even starting? Check
Having a plain plan and complaining about myself? Check
Did proper research? Not really.

On this matter, what do you guys think of my plan? Is this a good start or is this so generic, that it does not make any sense starting that way? Do I have to think more outside of the box? Am I missing important steps?

Thank you, everyone, who is able to help.


PS: I am actually a happy guy and just making it sound like a thrilling movie. It is not that bad, but I am basically looking for some feedback for my ideas.


May 21, 2013
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All that for $200? Wow, you must have some good contacts.

Note that I am not trying to be disheartening, but you are talking about domain (cheapest), hosting for 1 year? Cost depends entirely on what you get, for budget you won't be able to do much with your WordPress site, if anything at all because your host will say you're using too many resources - or it will be down half the time, either one of the two. You want a theme from ThemeForest, some are cheap, usually the ones that have been bought hundreds or thousands of times - so your site will look like a lot of others. There's nothing wrong with that exactly, but I'm just letting you know.

Good luck though, $200 is a very small investment in any business, and I understand that online businesses can be started for less - it's a very, very small budget that you have to work with. I hope it works out for you.


New Member
Mar 7, 2019
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Thank you for your comments.

I am just wondering, is anyone here making a consistent 100$ at least per month the past 6-12 months or more? I would love to see such a website and analyze it to get an idea of what it takes to achieve that.

Maybe instead of myself chasing a plan, I should perhaps take a look at successful websites?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2017
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There are members on here who make $100 a month and members who will make $50,000 a month. It's not easy and as it's been said, work hard and expect nothing. It was a lot easier to make money 4/5 years ago than it is now. It if you can find a niche and do something different, there is no reason you can't make money.

Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Thank you for your comments.

I am just wondering, is anyone here making a consistent 100$ at least per month the past 6-12 months or more? I would love to see such a website and analyze it to get an idea of what it takes to achieve that.

Maybe instead of myself chasing a plan, I should perhaps take a look at successful websites?
I think if any webmasters here were making as little as that - they would quit o_O
I know I would for sure!

Looking at what others are doing is a good idea - but of course, you don't know if their sites are actually making any significant income...



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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How have you gone with your Forex efforts Ray?
(Assuming that your user name of RayForex is not totally made up)

If you've been able to sell and convert readers into Forex signups and users then you'll be able to work in this area.

If you've made nothing out of Forex and given up before succeeding - then once again - this segment will probably by exactly the same.


May 2, 2011
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There are members on here who make $100 a month and members who will make $50,000 a month. It's not easy and as it's been said, work hard and expect nothing. It was a lot easier to make money 4/5 years ago than it is now. It if you can find a niche and do something different, there is no reason you can't make money.

Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

I believe that's very broad in terms of conclusions. It really depends on your experience when you enter. In 2009, it took me nearly 2 years to make my first 200$. Needless to say I had just coding experience and entrance level of understanding affiliating and online markets. After the Skybet & bet365 mess last year I started a brand new domain, and it took me 1.2 years to make my first 3000$.

So I don't see how it's harder these days if you are not going blackhat. You would have ranked maybe a bit faster a while back as Google did not delay new websites as much, but with the mass spammer website can you blame them?

Ray, the guy who clicked on your affiliate link, is the guy who found you most likely on page 1 of Google and found what he was looking for in terms of his/her question. Even then it's up to the casino site to make an impression on the user and convert. And even then it takes entertainment to keep them as a reoccurring customer.

Most will tell you "think outside the box" "reinvent the wheel" bla bla bla bla. Top sites are nothing unique they just hoard the #1 positions on thousands of money keywords. They don't have the best product or the best representations or design or anything. And this doesn't just apply to our industry or online sites.

A year ago my fiancee and I ate a pizza in the middle of Milano, while visiting. It was the best pizza (aka product sold to us) that we had ever eaten. But the fact is they are never gonna be as big as a franchise like Dominos, but have a much better product. My point is, exposure = visibility and the quality of your product has nothing to do with it.

Overall I believe your success in this industry is equally tied with the passion you have to work online, with website, to tinker things on your website, and to test out new ideas. And all of this in the sake of enjoyment (aka being something like a hobby). And the money follow as a reward of a successful job done.

If nothing from this excites you and you just want consistent 100$, would be very easy to get discouraged and eventually give up. I'd say give us an url so some of us can look at it and spot maybe obvious no-nos.


Jun 29, 2015
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My advice would be to get quick results is to pick a fairly narrow niche and try to get search rankings for that.

For example, don't even think about trying to get ranked for keywords like "online slots" or something very generic.
Instead do some research on a group of very targeted long tail keywords that doesn't have much competition but still have some volume. I usually go for keywords with 10-200 search volume / month. Go long tail, for example target a very specific selection of slots like "fantasy online slots". Your competition will be much easier to beat. Even if you just land 50 visitors per month for this very targeted search your conversion rates should be fairly high.

Set up a simple Wordpress site, get 5-10 solid content pieces written (or write it yourself) at least 1000 words each. Add your affiliate links and you have a good start.

This strategy worked fell for me so far to get websites going fast and start earning.