Class1Casino what's going on?!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Does anyone know what's going on with Class1Casino? The site has been down for more than a week and now we can't access our affiliate account to check our stats.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Hmmm...well, is still up. is not and the new URL for the affiliate program in the footer of is:
Welcome to Class 1 Affiliates

However, trying to log in with my affiliate ID and password doesn't work and takes me to the affiliate signup page. Alarm bells are going off here.

Bonus Paradise

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 30, 2008
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The issue was already posted on gpwa on the 19th oct. and yet no response there from class1

I think affiliates got screwed, no answer from aff managers or support.

If players try to login they get message about a maintenance - since DAYS!
Wonder if players will get pending cashouts or monies which is sitting in accounts.

Removed banner for class1 yesterday, redirecting all class1 links on my forum to another , better Playtech Casino.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 8, 2010
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Took down banners as well.
The old affiliate site url was up a few days ago but stats hadn't been updated since October 11th which was the exact date when their entire casino went offline cause of a "technical maintenance".
Spooky, went to this "new affiliate site" Welcome to Class 1 Affiliates and as said in this thread surprise,surprise the old login doesn't work there.
There was rumours that the casino doesn't take in deposits or payout pending cashouts at the moment.
I guess that was the last nail in the coffin if this situation isn't resolved properly...would be insane to ever promote them again. Just not worth it with a lot of decent Playtechs out there. I'm glad we only got around 100$ in that affiliate account, I feel for others who have larger commissions there at the moment.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
The issue was already posted on gpwa on the 19th oct. and yet no response there from class1

I think affiliates got screwed, no answer from aff managers or support.

If players try to login they get message about a maintenance - since DAYS!
Wonder if players will get pending cashouts or monies which is sitting in accounts.

Removed banner for class1 yesterday, redirecting all class1 links on my forum to another , better Playtech Casino.

Please look at certification here


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I've never seen such blatant robbery in my life! It's shocking to say the least. According to my knowledge GPWA has not given any feedback to affiliates concerning Class1Casino. As far as I'm concerned affiliate contracts mean absolutely nothing. If this casino can get away with it, to put it blunt we're pretty much screwed in this business!


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
If this casino can get away with it, to put it blunt we're pretty much screwed in this business!
Totally disagree.
I'm sorry, but to you and everyone else in this thread who listed them; If you promote Rogue casinos you should not be surprised when you get burned. :(

They have been rogue at CM since 2007:
Maxima Casino renamed Class1casino - Confiscation of winnings - No Response - Rogue
(Previously called Maxima Casino before changing their name to Class 1 in 2009)



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Totally disagree.
I'm sorry, but to you and everyone else in this thread who listed them; If you promote Rogue casinos you should not be surprised when you get burned. :(

They have been rogue at CM since 2007:
Maxima Casino renamed Class1casino - Confiscation of winnings - No Response - Rogue
(Previously called Maxima Casino before changing their name to Class 1 in 2009)


I share your sentiments KK, sometimes you have to give some programs the benefit of the doubt. I'm just a bit disgruntled at the way they treated us without any prior warning whatsoever.

I contacted Rick C1C's affiliate manager about a year ago and notified him about C1C's rogue status at CM, he said to me that they were aware of it and that they were busy discussing it with Brian.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 15, 2011
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This casino has been known for problems for a very long time. I am not surprised at all.


AGD Member Ltd
Jun 1, 2010
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Totally disagree.
I'm sorry, but to you and everyone else in this thread who listed them; If you promote Rogue casinos you should not be surprised when you get burned. :(

They have been rogue at CM since 2007:
Maxima Casino renamed Class1casino - Confiscation of winnings - No Response - Rogue
(Previously called Maxima Casino before changing their name to Class 1 in 2009)

I came here hoping to find some answers as to what's going on with Class 1 Affiliates as we've been ignored at GPWA and i find this. I'm hitting myself right now.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 8, 2010
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Makes one think what actually are GPWA's priorities...???
Regarding the rogue status at CM, thing's aren't always that black and white imho.
Not saying it's not a good list but some information is really outdated. :)
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
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KK wrote:
Totally disagree.
I'm sorry, but to you and everyone else in this thread who listed them; If you promote Rogue casinos you should not be surprised when you get burned.

Well, here's the thing. My understanding is that a new team had bought out MaximaCasino and had re-branded as Class1Casino. I was happy to promote them and they seemed to have turned things around. So, as far as I was concerned, this was a new set-up.

Remember the appalling reputation Windows Casino used to have? Rogues, for sure. Well, they were bought out by a new group and WagerJunction are now among the best Playtech outfits out there these days. It can and does happen.

It's all very well getting on your high horse about 'rogue' casinos but your complete lack of empathy with fellow affiliates who are trying to be honest and honourable saddens me. It's not as if every Rival Casino you've promoted has turned out be 100% on the up and up.

Not trying to have a go: my point is this - we all make judgements based on the information we have available to us at the time. Sometimes we're wrong. It happens - it's certainly not a time to accuse people of "promoting rogue casinos".


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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I share your sentiments KK, sometimes you have to give some programs the benefit of the doubt...
I am not trying to pick on you, but why in the world would you give KNOWN thieves the benefit of the doubt?

tryme1 said:
Well, here's the thing. My understanding is that a new team had bought out MaximaCasino and had re-branded as Class1Casino. I was happy to promote them and they seemed to have turned things around. So, as far as I was concerned, this was a new set-up.
That was what the thieves wanted all the affiliates to think.
The fact is absolutely nothing changed but the name and branding of the casino software. They re-branded(re-named) because they got caught red handed stealing... from everyone. So they just re-branded their software got a new domain name and they were in business again... ready to steal everyone blind... again.

If they have stolen in the past they WILL steal again and again and again...

That is one of the big problems with this business... way too many people wiling to give thieves chance after chance to steal from the affiliate and all the people that trust the affiliate.

This business is full of thieves... you don't give them another chance... ya give them the boot... up the ass.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
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That is one of the big problems with this business... way too many people wiling to give thieves chance after chance to steal from the affiliate and all the people that trust the affiliate.

This business is full of thieves... you don't give them another chance... ya give them the boot... up the ass.

Lots0 - I agree with that sentiment 100%. However, it's certainly been the case in the past that reputable, honest companies have bought out rogues. Call me naive: but I personally thought that was the case here. And, indeed, the indications were that this was the case.

Was I wrong? Yup, sure looks that way. Will I make the same mistake in future? Hopefully not. However, I strongly resent any implication that I - or anyone else here - promoted them knowing that they were rogue.

Anyway, I think I'm getting off topic.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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...However, I strongly resent any implication that I - or anyone else here - promoted them knowing that they were rogue.

Never meant to implicate you in anything.

I don't remember any rogue ever being bought out by a respected company... However, I can think of several Rouges buying out other Rogues.

FYI- There are some members and lurkers here that do knowingly promote Thieves. Not saying you do. Just pointing out that the world of online casinos is not a haven of ethics or morals.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I am not trying to pick on you, but why in the world would you give KNOWN thieves the benefit of the doubt?

That was what the thieves wanted all the affiliates to think.
The fact is absolutely nothing changed but the name and branding of the casino software. They re-branded(re-named) because they got caught red handed stealing... from everyone. So they just re-branded their software got a new domain name and they were in business again... ready to steal everyone blind... again.

If they have stolen in the past they WILL steal again and again and again...

That is one of the big problems with this business... way too many people wiling to give thieves chance after chance to steal from the affiliate and all the people that trust the affiliate.

This business is full of thieves... you don't give them another chance... ya give them the boot... up the ass.

Fair enough. It's time to clean up house, take it on the chin and move on. This industry has really gone to the dogs!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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tryme1 said:
Remember the appalling reputation Windows Casino used to have? Rogues, for sure. Well, they were bought out by a new group and WagerJunction are now among the best Playtech outfits out there these days. It can and does happen.
Can't believe I missed that...

If you believe that windows casino has changed ownership since 2004 when Mark and Tony Friedman sold out.. you are sadly mistaken.
Yes they put on a 'new' face, but the people that were were running windows casino are still there... Once a Rogue... always a Rogue.

And I used to promote the hell out of windows casino/wager junction... Till I realized that they were shaving and shorting me...
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Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Fair enough. It's time to clean up house, take it on the chin and move on. This industry has really gone to the dogs!

It has always been a mine field of doggie doo, anyone who sprinted in one direction had to scrape that right off their shoes or sink in the quagmire.
Nobody is perfect (two important people I know here promote casino extreme rogues) but if you lay with dogs you're prolly gonna get bit (maybe fleas maybe fangs).

It is becoming more and more obvious to me that other sites who pretend to be affiliate advocates are really not. The excuses of 'we like to keep them in the spotlight as a form of leverage to help them change' is obviously complete and utter bullsh*t!

That is all fine and well but when sites of that power are used as leverage against DECENT people it really does become time to call a club a club.

I have seen super affiliates and former rogue hunters use low and mean methods that make swindling casinos look like school girls so nothing surprises me any more.

Sorry you got burned if you did. Sorry the voices weren't louder about the scum sliming over the top of the last scum bucket. And if a so-called advocate site is promoting pure feces raise your damn voice there! i won't even frequent those places, being banned at 9:10 casinos forums is enough for me.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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...It is becoming more and more obvious to me that other sites who pretend to be affiliate advocates are really not. The excuses of 'we like to keep them in the spotlight as a form of leverage to help them change' is obviously complete and utter bullsh*t!...

I hope you didn't just figure this out... :rolleyes:
I always thought you were on top of things.

Someone that calls themselves or their site "Affiliate Advocates" and they monetize or promote a casino... Can't be on the side of the affiliate(unless they don't care about money)... so they are not "advocates" for the affiliate. Maybe they are advocates for the casinos that pay them... but not for the affiliates.

The people running these "advocate' sites are simply Business people looking to make a profit by using a Marketing Model based on the recruiting of new Affiliates. A marketing model that works quite well...
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