requesting players data from a casino?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Sorry if I posted it in the wrong thread, but questions I would like to raise (I think) are also important for players.

Recently I was contacted by a guy who named himself as Shawn Elliott from casinodeal . com, who wanted to be our affiliate. As our Aff Program just launched and there are only few affiliates registered, I was very glad that someone else wanted to register, but was a bit confused by Shawn's statement that they are very reputable website and were in the business since 1999, because I've nerver heard about them.

I had a call with Shawn about our possible deal (can be provided as per request, my Skype recorded it automatically), and being an affiliate myself in the past, I :eek: :eek: :eek: when I heard this:

- after many words about how trusted they are, and for how long they were in the business, Shawn claimed that after we "sign a contract" we will have to provide him with data about all players affiliated by Casinodeal, including player's First, Last Name, emails and phone numbers, and if they have, or have not made a deposit. (other stuff like a "fixed upfront payment" and "be the first in payment queue" is not unusual for affiliate business, I guess). He said that he need the details is to "contact them to make sure they are satisfied".

So I did a little search in web archives, investigated a website and their forum (with only few posts in it, since 1999...hmmmm). From what I see, the domain was sold few times, and the last record I found was from September 17th, 2010.

Shawn also claimed that they are on top positions in Google, so I also did a little search: - SEMRush's main report for domain As you can see, there were no organic keywords till September, 2011

I also did a backlinks search, and most of them are from Google blogs: link:[url] -[/url]

So, basing on my research, casinodeal is not a brand, like Casinomeister, GPWA, AGD etc, it's nothing but just trusted domain bought maybe a year ago.

But the main question is: how it's possible to request players' details (which is enough to build a database and then maybe use it or sell it to another casino). I see many casinos on their website (even few accredited ones) and it's hard to believe that any of them agreed to provide players' data, which is in clear breach with data protection rules.

Any thoughts?
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WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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My thought is that unless this is an employee in your office under your control who is strip searched on the way out of the office each day he should not be allowed to have confidential player information.

I'd also throw this in. You should never give that information to AGD, GPWA, CAP or anyone else for that matter. That should be the most guarded information you have -- and even then -- its not yours to sell, trade, etc. It belongs to the people who are using your software and trusted you with their personal information.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2009
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You should never give that information to AGD, GPWA, CAP or anyone else for that matter. That should be the most guarded information you have -- and even then -- its not yours to sell, trade, etc. It belongs to the people who are using your software and trusted you with their personal information.

I totally agree. But what bothers me more is that I see many casinos on this site. For me it means that these casinos actually agreed to provide players data, and therefore the deal was made. I may be wrong, though.


Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 18, 2009
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I totally agree. But what bothers me more is that I see many casinos on this site. For me it means that these casinos actually agreed to provide players data, and therefore the deal was made. I may be wrong, though.

Just wanted to say that it's not correct...No data shared
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2009
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I clicked through the most links, few of them took me to casinos' websites with aff. link (maybe all of them, but I don't know which aff programs hide their tracking links).

Daniel, did this guy requested the same data from you? If yes, how the deal was made?


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Hi Viktar from BigCasino and Viaden,

Apparently, after Shawn has spoken to your team, seems to be like your communication barrier is the root cause of your complete misunderstanding of everything.

First of all, we have all the information of every single player we send to casinos. We have a rewards program and we told you that we will need to CONFIRM the deposits with you (meaning we HAVE the data) in order for you to confirm that deposit so we can give our member his points.

On another point, we have a full call center department for customer service and support on third party casinos for our members. All we asked you was to confirm current active players with us so we can both work on supporting the players and making sure they do not get any run around.

As for your "investigation", we have been in the casino industry for over 13 years now, perhaps you did not understand everything Shawn told you in your 35 minutes long conversation as we did listen back through the call center audio and it really does seem like your English was not up to par, irony that you only accept UK players.

Last point, we contacted your CEO and other colleagues and they have asked us to hold on our reply on public forums in order to check what was going on first. As we did not hear back from them and you are starting to post everywhere, we need to reply to the community.

Funny thing how every casino loves what we are doing for the player community out there excepat for you. We are not trying to hide behind anything or work up a huge list to sell like you pretend. We are an honest operation and as far as I can see we have the MOST point of contacts out of any AFFILIATE OR CASINO OUT THERE. We offer TOLL FREE PHONE, LIVE CHAT, EMAIL, TICKET & FORUMS player support. If we were to hide behind something, wouldn't that go against it????

Our goal and mission remains the same as mentioned on our website. We are HERE for the PLAYERS.

If you DO NOT want to be part of the program, then you can opt out. There is no reason to start posting all sorts of false pretensions if the problem is your English in the first place.


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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might I ask if you've been online since 1999 why the low forum membership?

Probably something you did not understand over the phone too. hmmmm, makes me laugh but here is your answer:

We have over 400 forum members since OCT 2011 when our forums launched ... So I would call that, pretty good. We have launched our forums last month (if you can do your research right that is, because you said you did). We wanted to implement a platform for our members to be active in the community.

If forums membership is a sign for you of the operation behind, then there is a serious problem with your critical analysis or research you have "done".

I really feel I am writing this for nothing as you probably do not understand it. Your one sentence, complete off subject, reply definitely proved it. Are you using a translator perhaps??? :p

I think you should have a talk with Julia and Natalia first in your team before posting any further publicly. Your own team agrees that you can barely speak English.

Leave it at that Viktor, if that is even how you spell your name since you spelled it 3 times differently in your own emails.


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Sorry slotplayer, reply was meant for Viktar (Viktor or Vikter) from Viaden.

You have your answer on the reply I guess.

As for this thread we are done playing these games ... It's getting pretty ridiculous.

We have made the mistake to deal with you personally, as clearly you did not understand a single thing.

We will continue the discussions with Julia from now on. You have only shown to be completely unprofessional and uneducated in the ways to conduct partnerships.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Probably something you did not understand over the phone too. hmmmm, makes me laugh but here is your answer:

We have over 400 forum members since OCT 2011 when our forums launched ... So I would call that, pretty good. We have launched our forums last month (if you can do your research right that is, because you said you did). We wanted to implement a platform for our members to be active in the community.

If forums membership is a sign for you of the operation behind, then there is a serious problem with your critical analysis or research you have "done".

I really feel I am writing this for nothing as you probably do not understand it. Your one sentence, complete off subject, reply definitely proved it. Are you using a translator perhaps??? :p

I think you should have a talk with Julia and Natalia first in your team before posting any further publicly. Your own team agrees that you can barely speak English.

Leave it at that Viktor, if that is even how you spell your name since you spelled it 3 times differently in your own emails.

I was asking for clarification on the disconnect and and worded it such that is was not accusational in nature, but your defensive response is revealing. Forum membership, the # off posts among other forum clues to me anyway are a good indication of the popularity and in most cases the length of time a forum has been in operation.

All we have in this industry to find the truth is spotting and evaluating the disconnect.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Maybe my oral skills are far from being very good, but I think I'm still good in writing.

Just few things confuses me in your reply:

The first one:
First of all, we have all the information of every single player we send to casinos. - where are you getting it from? Do you know these players personally? How it could be that you have their personal data?

And the second: you refused to speak with my after my posts on the forums, but did call several times to Julia, so we are now playing "broken phone". Why?

OK, so, how about revealing our phone call record in public or to any trusted (English-speaking) members here? If I misunderstood you - I will apologize in public and ask mods to remove these threads.

P.S. As for my, I doubt I misspelled it, because it is in my email signature.


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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I was asking for clarification on the disconnect and and worded it such that is was not accusational in nature, but your defensive response is revealing. Forum membership, the # off posts among other forum clues to me anyway are a good indication of the popularity and in most cases the length of time a forum has been in operation.

All we have in this industry to find the truth is spotting and evaluating the disconnect.

Like I said, our reply was meant for Viktar (SlotMonster).


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Maybe my oral skills are far from being very good, but I think I'm still good in writing.

Just few things confuses me in your reply:

The first one:
First of all, we have all the information of every single player we send to casinos. - where are you getting it from? Do you know these players personally? How it could be that you have their personal data?

And the second: you refused to speak with my after my posts on the forums, but did call several times to Julia, so we are now playing "broken phone". Why?

OK, so, how about revealing our phone call record in public or to any trusted (English-speaking) members here? If I misunderstood you - I will apologize in public and ask mods to remove these threads.

P.S. As for my, I doubt I misspelled it, because it is in my email signature.

First One: Your answer is in your first reply, you are clearly not reading. As well, a "normal" quick research on our website would clearly show you why players subscribe as members of our program.

Second: We will deal with Julia. We conduct business over the phone or in person, not on forums.

Third: Is that request even serious? We are done here.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2009
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From what I see on your website, there is a registration form, where visitors have to enter: Username, First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email and Country.

But what about players who registered at any casino WITHOUT registering at your website?

OK, no problems, I will re-listen the record tomorrow myself, and will just quote your words from it.


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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From what I see on your website, there is a registration form, where visitors have to enter: Username, First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email and Country.

But what about players who registered at any casino WITHOUT registering at your website?

OK, no problems, I will re-listen the record tomorrow myself, and will just quote your words from it.

Viktar as much as I read more and more of your questions, it just shows that you do not know how to do your due diligence on a website.

We are not here to explain HOW we do our things. This has gone above and beyond the whole point.

Please find something else to do but to continue asking these irrelevant questions.

For someone that just launched a Casino, you are not making yourself any favors.

Move on please.
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