Calvin's Ayres next big


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Calvin's next big party, next year May 25th, first anniversary of the Calvin Ayre launch party in Prague.

Do NOT attend the anniversary party on May 25, 2011

Calvin Quote:

"Many of the attendees have stated that they consider that Prague shindig to be the second best one our industry has ever seen (#1 being that Vegas party), which gives me the honor of having thrown the top two parties our industry has ever seen."

ROTFLMAO!! Is this dude for real or just phucking FULL of himself...:p

Who knows, maybe he really will have a midget kicking contest for him and Caselli there at this one!

You guys better get your tickets early...I hear they will go fast!

The new faces of iGaming huh...:emoticon-0175-drunk



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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 28, 2009
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I'm scared!

I work for Calvin, and I'm scared!!! I AM NOT KIDDING!

Yes, this is for real, and all iGaming SUPER show attendees are invited- I highly recommend that you don't miss this party, it's going to be out of control (and scary! :eek:)

See you May 25th...:p



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Calvin's next big party, next year May 25th, first anniversary of the Calvin Ayre launch party in Prague.

Do NOT attend the anniversary party on May 25, 2011

Calvin Quote:

"Many of the attendees have stated that they consider that Prague shindig to be the second best one our industry has ever seen (#1 being that Vegas party), which gives me the honor of having thrown the top two parties our industry has ever seen."

ROTFLMAO!! Is this dude for real or just phucking FULL of himself...:p

Who knows, maybe he really will have a midget kicking contest for him and Caselli there at this one!

You guys better get your tickets early...I hear they will go fast!

The new faces of iGaming huh...:emoticon-0175-drunk

View attachment 140

Definitely full of himself!

But I thought that was a guy thing. LOL


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
LOL Ladies... I think you both are right! ;)

I still can't figure out why Calvin never shows me any luv though, especially since I give him so much free publicity on the forums and social networks..:confused:

I would probably attend this one if there were going to be midget sex to watch, not really into the midget kicking though...:p

Maybe by party time him and Caselli will have somein set up for that venue! :cool:
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Rob the midget kicking thing was not even about this party it was AFTER the conference ended at a dinner with friends and was A JOKE!!! I will stress this again to you it was a JOKE! If what I talk about on my FB is going to be taken seriously by you and my friends are going to be talked about on forums then I am removing certain people off my facebook! Caselli is the most generous and caring person I have ever met and I don't appreciate your attacks on him in the least bit!!


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
I would like to give my thoughts here if I could. I really like the people here and hope I don't offend anyone more than I already have. I'm just not the type of person that shuts up because we are friends. You are all my compitition after all. :p Doesn't mean I don't like you and at the end of the day I would still like to be friends.

Can you guys please tell these guys to not tarnish the industry anymore then it already is? I could care less about the parties. However, this guy has a billion dollars and has a lot of influence.

Could I please suggest at the same time he does this party that he also does something for charity on behalf of the affiliates? Bodog Becky, could you please suggest that for us?

Also, that we do not attend any Gambling Wages Drunken Yacht Naked Donkey Riding Parties? ;) Particularly those that are supposed to be representing affiliates. Thank You.

Edit to add:

Here is a sample of what Players think.

We do like players, right?
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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
Caselli is the most generous and caring person I have ever met and I don't appreciate your attacks on him in the least bit!!

No offense intended at all but I don't think players care one bit who caselli is. As an affiliate, I could care less too. I think you must have met him at a conference?

Let's see them notice! :)

Let's do something good besides have a party.

What's our favorite charity?

Edit to add again:

I'm not filling out any survey. Anyone can see the problems here.
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I have many favorite charities that I myself give to every single month not that I have to answer to anyone on what I do with my money. I will also be running 5 miles to race for the cure against breast cancer that has just recently ravage my mother and my 19 yr old niece. What others do with the charity is no concern or my business. I do believe that Calvin has an extremely large charity that is responsible for thousands of children being fed. The man is a billionaire if he wants to have a party so what. Good night I am tired and have nothing more to say on this subject I am ignoring it. Way to busy working and taking care of my family. Plus I need to sleep to make this run in the morning.

Where I meet my friends at is not anyone's business.
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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
My charity is Lupus.

So I take this as a En Oh - NO. There will be a party and I have nothing to say as an affiliate. LOL Shut up Mojo and go away! Gotcha.


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
I am not asking who gave what to which charity. I am not having a contest with you about charities. Did I ask what charities Bonustreak contributes to? Of course not! Kudos to you. There are many people here who do the same! Kudos! That is NOT my question. Simply...

I am asking for affiliates and caselli and calvin ayre to include a charity in these parties. Is that to much to ask? To have affiliates feel good about what we are doing?

Good night I am tired and have nothing more to say on this subject I am ignoring it. Way to busy working and taking care of my family.

I didn't ask you to name who your charity is. Every single person here is also trying to take care of their family. Including me. Lest you forget. That is nothing new. Thou dost protest to much.
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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
It's not about YOU christine!!!


Bodog Becky, please consider some press for charity too.

What others do with the charity is no concern or my business. I do believe that Calvin has an extremely large charity that is responsible for thousands of children being fed. The man is a billionaire if he wants to have a party so what.

Thank you for listening. I think I am just disappointed that the reaction was so negitive regarding trying to do something good as an affiliate group here at Affiliate Guard Dog.

Let's go ahead and kick midgets. ;D
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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
I would like to ask Andy to delete my membership here.

I have deleted my membership at forums where I feel conferences get in the way of business.

Thank you and good luck everyone.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Rob the midget kicking thing was not even about this party it was AFTER the conference ended at a dinner with friends and was A JOKE!!! I will stress this again to you it was a JOKE! If what I talk about on my FB is going to be taken seriously by you and my friends are going to be talked about on forums then I am removing certain people off my facebook! Caselli is the most generous and caring person I have ever met and I don't appreciate your attacks on him in the least bit!!

So who was this little feller at the Calvin Ayre Launch party then?...


OK, whatever...but before you do just think about this for a moment, do you seriously think that FB is the only internet venue where "midgets" have been mentioned by the 'Calvin Ayre Fan Club'...seriously Streak, get real here. This shit is plastered all over the internet.

I'm also glad for you that you have such a great friend there in Caselli, personally I think he's an industry joke, a clown that needs a good sideshow home where maybe he will be respected by those industry peers because it sure is not in the iGaming industry. Sure there's going to be a few party go-ers that will kiss this guys butt cheeks at the drop of a hat but the serious affiliates will only look at him as a sideshow attraction.

"December 05, 2009
There are several main ingredients required to make a good iGaming party:

2)free booze
3)good music
4)tables and couches to dance on
5)topless anything

Have you ever had the pleasure of spending time with a topless Caselli?

Mark my words, next year I’m bringing Calvin and the midgets."

Enough already with the tasteless "midget jokes"...

These guys, Calvin and Caselli could be, and certainly have, or maybe had the potential to be industry leaders that their peers could have looked up to at one time but as of late they are both just simply turning into industry jokes.


Does anyone here actually believe that either of these peeps would be taken seriously by the real industry big boys that will soon go live online? Like the likes of Harrah's or MGM executive's. Don't kidd yourself here.

It seems like anymore, at most of these industry parties, that if you are not in a "drunken stooper" and acting like a damn fool then you are clearly not part of the 'in crowd', the Calvin or Caselli fan club crowd. Is that the type of legacy these two want to leave on the iGaming industry? It sure seems more and more like it with each new event and party that comes along.

It's truly no damn wonder that the legislators in DC look upon this industry with the vile opinions that they have. If not for the big guns like Harrah's and MGM coming into the scene, the current regiment (Ayres & Caselli) would have this industry tarnished beyond repair in a matter of a couple more years with their insidious antics.

What happened to the "class" in the iGaming industry? Or was there really never much of it to begin with?

Is this what some of you guys really want for the iGaming business to become, a classless spectacle of industry rejects and clowns?

The "D.A.F. Award" here's another great brainstorm of an idea, lets give an award to whoever can show that they are "Drunk As Fuck", now there's "some real class", I tell ya what...

Or how bout the 'live goat' antics at the 'Bacchanalian Decadence' themed Fire & Ice party....


"We’ve got so much great coverage from the night, everything from a cheeky Bo DaDogg write up of the evening, to a DAF award very appropriately presented to Bruce Gamble, to pictures of drunk igaming friends and naked chicks, to a spectacular Fire&ICE video with a sacrifice on stage"

Sheese, sounds like some 'devil cult worshiping' going on there. That should tie in really well with next years themed party "The Party of Death"

Even "more class" acts to come I'm certain....

Don't get me wrong, I'm no puritan saint for damn sure and hell I like to party just as much as the next guy but at the same time I also know how to show some "true class" while I'm out in the public eyes that are more and more looking at this "online gaming industry" as it is trying to emerge into a respectable business that does seek to one day soon become a legalized entity.

I don't know why so many of you other guys cannot see this. I could have exampled many other "classless acts" by these two here but would it really do any good? Most will not even get the point I am trying to make here anyway, but will rather rush to their friends defense, telling everyone what great guys these two are and I'm sure they are, but that's not really the point though is it!
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Sorry to see you go Mojo if you were to read your post again you would see where I was thinking you were asking me personally but since you say that was not the case then please excuse me for misunderstanding as we all know posting on forums can be taken in many different ways that is how many unnecessary flame wars begin to start with(not saying this is a fw either just giving examples on how words can be misunderstood).

Hey Rob darling please read your pm.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
I hate to say this, but I've seen more trash about that party from affiliates that weren't even there, here on the affiliate forums, then anywhere else. So if you're concern is how our industry will look in the eyes of the lawmakers regarding a private industry party..... why are you keeping it out so public and trying to make it all so bad?

I wasn't at the conference, or the party. But I think party's are meant to be fun, and to be able to let your hair down. What happens at halloween? No costumes, masks, or creepy halloween themed fun because it will make us look bad too?

I guess the more this party gets brought to the forefront, the more it might be examined closer.

Personally, I don't care that much about party's that I didn't attend. Maybe I overlooked something. But are you saying that there was actually some sort of cruelty where people were kicked or hit, hurt somehow, where they were not a willing participant of just horsing around? Is there something I missed where someone was hurt?

I don't believe in anyone being abused. I just didn't see that part.


@Mojo, Why are you wanting to close your AGD account? I always hear people posting here and there about not censoring our posts, and how it's ok for us to have different opinions on things, etc. etc. We're not going to all have the same views on every matter all the time. Just because some of us might feel differently about some things then others do, isn't a reason to leave.... is it? I hope you stay.
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I hate to say this, but I've seen more trash about that party from affiliates that weren't even there,

How do you really know who was there and who wasn't...;)

So if you're concern is how our industry will look in the eyes of the lawmakers regarding a private industry party..... why are you keeping it out so public and trying to make it all so bad?

You might want to ask the "Calvin Fan Club" that question....

Like I said: "Most will not even get the point I am trying to make here anyway"
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
But are you saying that there was actually some sort of cruelty where people were kicked or hit, hurt somehow, where they were not a willing participant of just horsing around? .

I believe it was "Bodog Becky" who wrote:

"a spectacular Fire&ICE video with a sacrifice on stage"


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is partially funny and partially not.

The funny part is that Calvin's parties are obviously publicity stunts, and all those who post and write about them all over the web are the ones who make it work, regardless of whether the comments are negative or positive.

The non-funny part is that I really don't think the type of parties (Death?) are going to be good for the industry, which desperately needs to look professional and respectable.

I think a charity party is a very good idea, I remember there being a very successful collection for Haiti during a conference dinner.

Perhaps Calvin should take that type of venue into consideration - doesn't mean it can't be fun. Who said charity parties have to be stiff black tie affairs? They can be anything they want to be, as long as they fulfill their purpose.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
The funny part is that Calvin's parties are obviously publicity stunts, and all those who post and write about them all over the web are the ones who make it work, regardless of whether the comments are negative or positive.
I think you're right... ;)

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