Brightshare Reports Not Working


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
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I am currently having a really bad experience with Brightshare. Basically in November we decided to switch from a CPA to a hybrid account starting Dec 1st, and this is where the issues started. From Dec 1st until the payments were made Dec 15th the stats did not update (apparently the stats could not be fixed until payments had gone) so we sent traffic with no real idea what was happening.

Dec 15th came and it seemed the stats were working, I asked Issac to confirm and he stated the stats were correct. We finished the month with just a few times during the rest of the month that the reporting seemed a bit funny but the month ended and everything was fine.

On the 3rd of Jan I asked for the earnings for December to be confirmed as I do every month so I can do my accounts. Issac confirmed that the earnings were $4,662.13 including the CPA's or €3,862.13 without (I needed 10 per month to be paid the CPA and had 8).

Then payments came on the 15th and I received $2,296.44 and then checked my stats for December in the admin and now what my account shows is completley different from what it did on the 10th when I last checked and what Issac confirmed on the 3rd. Of course I questioned this, and the response was that you were paid $2,296.44 which included the $800 for the CPAs that we were not actually supposed to pay you, I guess they were just being nice.

They never answered the question to the change in the stats in the admin, why I got paid a few thousand less than what was shown in the admin after the month ended and what Issac confirmed. Neither Issacm his replacement or the head of affiliates will reply to my email now so I guess they are either working on the free lunch for LAC or don't care.

Either way i would be really careful with Brightshare, and don't even get me started on the issues. Needless to say I will not be sending them any more traffic.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Thanks freespin, glad the thread here has encouraged you to post your first post. A bit like me too - I have been aware of AFG for ages but haven't found the time to post until I started to read and realised so many other affiliates were being treated badly like myself.

That's terrible what happened to you. We earn this sort of revenue too, from other advertisers, and I'd be really nervous if I had this amount of income tied into someone like Brightshare each month. Are they listed as rogue on AFG? Perhaps AFG should take a look into the evidence posted here. I do wonder whether these types of advertisers keep their place on GPWA and such because they put out the money to sponsor the free lunches at LAC.

I hope many more affiliates read these posts and can decide to advertise Brightshare or not based on yours and other experiences.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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All programs listed on the GPWA pay to be there. They are "sponsors" and their position on the site has nothing to do with how good they are. There are crap and outright rogue programs listed as sponsors there like Euro Partners, Ace Revenue and Rome Partners. It took them years to remove Gambling Wages and only after a large number of affiliates complained. Lots of people make that mistake and the GPWA does little to correct it as it would impair their ability to sell the positions if every affiliate knew they were worthless.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Thanks freespin, glad the thread here has encouraged you to post your first post. A bit like me too - I have been aware of AFG for ages but haven't found the time to post until I started to read and realised so many other affiliates were being treated badly like myself.

That's terrible what happened to you. We earn this sort of revenue too, from other advertisers, and I'd be really nervous if I had this amount of income tied into someone like Brightshare each month. Are they listed as rogue on AFG? Perhaps AFG should take a look into the evidence posted here. I do wonder whether these types of advertisers keep their place on GPWA and such because they put out the money to sponsor the free lunches at LAC.

I hope many more affiliates read these posts and can decide to advertise Brightshare or not based on yours and other experiences.

Brightshare IS a sponsor here. I have contacted them to clear this up immediately. As usual, if this is not cleared up in a satisfactory manner, the sponsorship is in jeopardy.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
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Things are not looking good at Brightshare, first Lloyd was fired and even told us that things were not looking right, then I emailed my AM with a stats issue (they were only a couple hundred dollars off what I should have been paid for December) and his reply to me was that he was "leaving at the end of the month, here's your new AM". :eek:


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
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Things are not looking good at Brightshare, first Lloyd was fired and even told us that things were not looking right, then I emailed my AM with a stats issue (they were only a couple hundred dollars off what I should have been paid for December) and his reply to me was that he was "leaving at the end of the month, here's your new AM". :eek:

Yes, I had the same thing so I guess we had the same account manager. I emailed the new account manager, my old account manager and the head of affiliates and no one has replied so I guess they either do not care or something is going on. IMO the .it is even worse, I am on a hybrid there too and I can't see if my players are triggering the CPA or not which makes it kind of hard to promote the site.

What is so annoying is the time that has been put into this account, not just from my side but from Brightshares as well and what sucks is it is hard to trust other programs fully as you never know what happens in the future and it seems better to promote many brands rather than put a lot of effort into a few.

Lets see if anything happens but if not at least I hope everyone has a nice weekend.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Sometimes just have to move on from a brand like this, no matter how much you've invested in it. If you don't feel you can rely on them to pay you then you've got to wonder whether you should be getting your money from someone else. Takes time to build up a good number of players with a brand, but I'm certainly trying to diversify all the time to avoid having to deal with one or two rogues that effectively could kill off an affiliate overnight.


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hi DW and All,

Without going into the particulars of your stats - Saskia, your new affiliate manager, will be contacting you directly to do this - I would like to relate here to a very important point you have raised.

It is incorrect for any BrightShare affiliate manager to "confirm" to you on the 3rd of the month what you will be paid for your previous month's earnings. Only when the final calculation is made right before payments (on or about the 15th) - including chargebacks and other calculations like casino bonuses - can we see a final figure for your earnings in the previous month.

Please take this into consideration when looking at your reports the first few days of the month.
Figures are only finalized right before payments.

Thanks for your understanding,


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
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Hi DW and All,

Without going into the particulars of your stats - Saskia, your new affiliate manager, will be contacting you directly to do this - I would like to relate here to a very important point you have raised.

It is incorrect for any BrightShare affiliate manager to "confirm" to you on the 3rd of the month what you will be paid for your previous month's earnings. Only when the final calculation is made right before payments (on or about the 15th) - including chargebacks and other calculations like casino bonuses - can we see a final figure for your earnings in the previous month.

Please take this into consideration when looking at your reports the first few days of the month.
Figures are only finalized right before payments.

Thanks for your understanding,

Hi Marcia,

My account manager did mention chargebacks as that needs to be deducted, in the year that I have been working with you never have bonuses been mentioned as a deduction right before payments have been made. The main issue is that all of my stats dropped, including the deposit amount, which could not change right? Also there were no charge backs on my account and my account was fine until about the 11th of Jan.

I really can't promote you anymore, how can anyone promote a site with NO idea how much money has been made until the day that you do the payments, that is absurd and raises many questions about your final calculations and your deductions. I personally lost over $2000 over the course of a few days once you did your "final calculations".

I have been an affiliate for over 3 years now, promote many sites and have never had anything like this happen to me.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Nice one DW. Like you say, how can anyone work with this lack of transparency. I have the same issues with the likes of 888sport too - their final figures are only a 'representation' of your earnings and you never know what you've earnt until they pay you after a couple of weeks of 'finalising' the data. I certainly would be leaving any advertiser had I seen $2000 go missing without a good enough explanation.


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hi DW,

OK.....I know now exactly what happened - or didn't - because actually nothing happened in your report between Jan 3 and when payments were made.

Please go into your BrightShare Earnings report. You will see several tabs there.

If you go to the Player Currency tab, you see all the details presented in the player's currency - which for your account for the month of Dec - accumulated to 3862.16 in revshare + 800 in CPA = 4662.16 exactly as you stated in your first post here. But this tab is credits - not USD. If you notice, quite a few of your players are Swedish - where one USD is over 6 SEK.

Now if you go to the Players tab, you'll see all the same details converted into USD - which is the currency we pay you in. There we see: USD1496.43 + USD800 for the CPA = USD2296.43 which is exactly what you were paid.

So, actually in this case, chargebacks and final calculations were not the issue. You were simply looking at (or quoted to by your affiliate manager) the incorrect tab. To check what you are going to be paid, you must look at the Players tab where all figures are converted to USD.

No conspiracy, no lack of transparency, no cheating of affiliates.
Just looking at the wrong report.

I'll send you the two report tabs extracted to excel to your email.

I hope this was clear - please let me know.

Thanks - Marcia


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I still don't trust this program - lack of communication about AllYouBet being shut down = definite lack of transparency, earnings not being 'calculated' until 15 days after the month end - definite lack of transparency. Good job they're making an effort though now that people have shouted publicly about it. Still won't be promoting them - too much bad anecdotes on here to convince me otherwise.


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
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Hi Marcia,

This is crazy. So the total tab where it states the rev share, CPA and total earnings is not correct at all until you have closed out the month, just prior to paying payments. But to get the correct numbers I need to go to the players report, export this to CSV and then calculate it in Excel, but in some magical way the earnings tab can be 100% correct once the month has closed and the stats were there a few days before dissapear?

Strangely enough even my affiliate manager did not know about this.

Even if your not skimming off the affiliates your complete lack of reporting will be enough to send traffic elsewhere. Your comment "Just looking at the wrong report" is absurd, I was looking at the report that said "Total Earning", I guess how silly of me, and I should have guessed where to look.

Not having correct information where it should be, finalizing charge backs and bonus payments just prior to making payments is, in my opinion, not the best way to run a program and I think people should be careful.


Hi DW,

OK.....I know now exactly what happened - or didn't - because actually nothing happened in your report between Jan 3 and when payments were made.

Please go into your BrightShare Earnings report. You will see several tabs there.

If you go to the Player Currency tab, you see all the details presented in the player's currency - which for your account for the month of Dec - accumulated to 3862.16 in revshare + 800 in CPA = 4662.16 exactly as you stated in your first post here. But this tab is credits - not USD. If you notice, quite a few of your players are Swedish - where one USD is over 6 SEK.

Now if you go to the Players tab, you'll see all the same details converted into USD - which is the currency we pay you in. There we see: USD1496.43 + USD800 for the CPA = USD2296.43 which is exactly what you were paid.

So, actually in this case, chargebacks and final calculations were not the issue. You were simply looking at (or quoted to by your affiliate manager) the incorrect tab. To check what you are going to be paid, you must look at the Players tab where all figures are converted to USD.

No conspiracy, no lack of transparency, no cheating of affiliates.
Just looking at the wrong report.

I'll send you the two report tabs extracted to excel to your email.

I hope this was clear - please let me know.

Thanks - Marcia


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Your comment "Just looking at the wrong report" is absurd, I was looking at the report that said "Total Earning", I guess how silly of me, and I should have guessed where to look.

And how silly it was of me to expect Brightshare to notify me that had ceased trading and the first time I noticed it had was when they emailed me asking for more promotion of their other brands, having just wasted 3 months of ad positions on them!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Sometimes just have to move on from a brand like this, no matter how much you've invested in it. If you don't feel you can rely on them to pay you then you've got to wonder whether you should be getting your money from someone else. Takes time to build up a good number of players with a brand, but I'm certainly trying to diversify all the time to avoid having to deal with one or two rogues that effectively could kill off an affiliate overnight.

I find this whole industry a poor investment these days. Time to move on to new ventures.


Nov 11, 2007
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Again......ALL of the data in our reports is correct.

Re: the Earnings report in particular:
  • Total tab - shows the figures by casino in USD
  • Players Currency tab - shows the figures by player in the player's currency
  • Players tab - shows the figures by player in USD (figures here are identical to the Total tab)
Chargebacks and final calculations are made close to payment day.

I would appreciate not being mis-quoted.

Thanks - Marcia


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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I would like to know what'sup with all these locked players. I average maybe one or two locked player accounts across the board per year. With you, I have a ton of them in short succession. What's up with that? Are these people wonderful players everyplace else, but they get to a Brightshare casino and all of a sudden they have a fraud attack?


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Dominique,

I'm checking into this and will get back to you.
In general, from my experience, more locked accounts are due to player request than to fraud suspicion.
Could be our call agents are very strict and actually close accounts when asked to by the player.



New Member
Jan 17, 2013
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I don't think you have been mis-quoted.

I stated that from the earnings report my earnings showed $4662.13 which was confirmed by the AM, I saw this in the total tab. You have now emailed me back stating that I was not looking at this tab I was looking at "players currency" tab and the "total" tab shows the correct amount. I have never looked at the "players currency" tab, and I guess neither did my AM as we both saw that I earned $4662.13 and not the $2296 that I was actually paid.

I have been clear in this from the start, this has never been addressed, all that has happened is that you have made it look like I have been at fault and this whole time I have been exporting data from the "Players Currency" tab to get my earnings rather than just looking at the total tab under the earnings report.

Your reports were wrong, maybe the total tab was reflecting the players currency tab and now you have fixed it, I don't know, all I can tell you is that I have never looked under the other tabs to see my earning, take a look to see if I have EVER exported data, I have not.


Again......ALL of the data in our reports is correct.

Re: the Earnings report in particular:
  • Total tab - shows the figures by casino in USD
  • Players Currency tab - shows the figures by player in the player's currency
  • Players tab - shows the figures by player in USD (figures here are identical to the Total tab)
Chargebacks and final calculations are made close to payment day.

I would appreciate not being mis-quoted.

Thanks - Marcia