Affiliate Programs - Parameters to Track

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I would like a bit of help on this if you don't mind... I am working on a database structure that will track Affiliate Programs and their 'parameters'. Below is a list of the ones that I have already thought of, but would appreciate help in determining the ones I missed...

1. Affiliate Program Name
2. Approved - This would be a T&C approval, boolean, showing that the T&C's are either good or bad
2. Casinos Represented
3. Revenue Sharing Model (Can be multiple types - like F.A. and CPS)
4. Revenue Sharing Percentage (per model)
5. Revenue Sharing Earnings Calculation
6. CPA Model ($$$ per player, $$$ based upon amount of players)
7. CPA Minimum Player Deposit
8. CPC Model ($$ / unique)
9. Affiliate Payment Options
10. Affiliate Minimum Payment (based upon options)
11. Affiliate Payment Date
12. Affiliate Site URL
13. Affiliate Terms & Conditions URL
14. Affiliate Votes - Voting for what affiliate site is good/bad

That's all I have for now.. I would really appreciate the feedback.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
From a query at CAP Forums:

Happy to help out. Also on your help knowing the definition of a "Real Player" would be nice, something I always have trouble finding.
