Affiliate Managers with their own websites


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Oct 13, 2020
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truth is that in 2020 there are no secrets. Using SEMRush and aHref I can see exactly what you have done, what new article you published, see your BL, your ranked keywords, and CPC.
yes you feel "exposed" but that's only on iGaming.
It's not working like that. There are a lot of tricks on how to hide PBN/301 redirects, so the only thing you can see is a cool post from strong websites. SR and Ahrefs will give some tips on the strategies of small websites, but it will be much harder to predict what going on on Google's TOP 10.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 4, 2020
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explain this part please?
With gmail account you can have multiple aliases.
Lets say you email address is If you send email to you'll stil get the email. But it's very hard to keep track on who gets whata. So the alternative is to register with suffix on the user part, all emails will be sent to the same mailbox. Now you can apply filters and labels on the sent to address

Sent from my PCT-L29 using Tapatalk


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 4, 2020
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Eventually you email address is going to leak. Whether it's by your account manager or by some hackers. So separate work from private and that's it

Sent from my PCT-L29 using Tapatalk


New Member
Jun 3, 2020
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We have experienced this. We worked closely with a casino manager at a ComeOn. Six or so months down the line, we discovered this affiliate manager who we trusted and had met in person, talked them through our ideas etc etc had gone behind our back and bought slightly different version of OUR domain - all whilst still being our affiliate manager.

He copied our name, our domain- word for word and launched a rival site, our name, our tagline, our ideas.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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We have experienced this. We worked closely with a casino manager at a ComeOn. Six or so months down the line, we discovered this affiliate manager who we trusted and had met in person, talked them through our ideas etc etc had gone behind our back and bought slightly different version of OUR domain - all whilst still being our affiliate manager.

He copied our name, our domain- word for word and launched a rival site, our name, our tagline, our ideas.

That's absolute crazy. So now that aff manager is in direct competition to you? It seems a number of them like to abuse their position and there is absolutely nobody to stop them doing it. At least getting the casino names out there gives anybody who stumbles across this thread an insight in to who run rogue operations.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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We have experienced this. We worked closely with a casino manager at a ComeOn. Six or so months down the line, we discovered this affiliate manager who we trusted and had met in person, talked them through our ideas etc etc had gone behind our back

Way back in 2007 when I decided to target the AU market (no one was back then), I formed an alliance with Fortune Lounge Group. We came to an agreement where by they'd supply me with a kick-ass bespoke website, and I'd exclusively market their brands. By 2010, that site, along with another 30 or so others (all targeting AU), were kicking some serious butt. It wasn't usually for nine (9) of my sites to hold 9 or the 10 (sometimes 10) Google page 1 serps. It was akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Back then I was a serious commodity, must have been, cause programs would fly out here to see me.

In Oct 2011 had a visit from FL's new business development manager. Working with these guys for so long, and being treated not like an affiliate, but more so like a bona fide business partner, the thoughts of being used, or milked for info didn't come to mind. There was no reason not to trust them.

So the new business development manager flies in from Sydney for the day. We discuss a heap of things, and seeing FL had always treated me well, the secrets about the AU market etc., etc., were openly shared.

Instead of letting him catch a taxi, I drove the guy to the airport. Just about to drop him there, he turns around and says... "You certainly know your market. But since I now know all that info, what do we need you for?!"

I was dumbfounded, flabbergasted and speechless - all rolled into one gut wrenching emotion. I'd been shafted!

The relationship went sour. I couldn't trust them again.
In hindsight, I shouldn't have given them 100% trust. That was my regretted downfall.

How many affiliate managers call you "mate"? Or how many treat you like your their best mate?

Affiliate programs hold ALL the ACES. Embracing that knowledge, you'll sleep better at night ;)

With regards to SEMRush, aHREF et al, my money site blocks that shit at the front gate. I don't use it. Some may say I'm nuts not using it. Maybe. Then again, maybe the key to my 20 years of success in this gig, is the fact I don't follow trends.

If your AM pushes you for info, tell em anything except what your actually doing. Remember they'll do exactly the same to you!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Medium affiliates are making sometimes amounts in a month that they don't even earn in a year. Big affiliates ask flat or listing fees they don't even make in a year. And also small affiliates sometimes make more in a month than an affiliate managers. And that's than just one program, while affiliates are promoting dozens of brands.

I think it's difficult to not try it as an affiliate manager. Affiliate managers are seeing the revenues earned and processed to affiliates.

When I talk to an affiliate manager I suppose he's running affiliate sites or thinking about it. So I am not giving any information that is not relevant for handling my affiliate account.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Thats excatly my mistake also. In early 2005 -> 2010 i was treated like a friend, many am`s sent gifts, christmas presents, traveling voutchers etc.
I trusted all of them, giving them info not only of some kw's or what tools i use to optimize my pages but also how other casinos was doin and what money i was making.

Came to a point of "awakening" aroundish 2010, when over a dinner and getting waisted with a am i felt was my friend all over the sudden in the bar, dropped the bomb showing hes own site of mistake on his phone for 0.5sec, and took his phone quickly back and said "not that, wait, i show you" and next day i remembered the name of the site -checked it out and all my consepts was used on it - from top to toe.
Did a domain whois on it that returned not so much info but i checked his affiliate trackers and found his name/alias on some of them and that was it.

After that i went into a silence mode never ever talked about my stuff, lost contact with many am's and ofcource stoped reciving gifts.

The worst thing nowdays is that you cant trust any am, since most of them knows each other!


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Some really interesting examples on here. Must have been a killer for you AussieDave when they said that to you. Also agree that most AM's do know each other, so it ponders the question as well if they ask their friends " Off the record, how is so and so affiliate doing with your brands "

Could easily be argued that yes it's business, and like a previous comment mentioned, affiliates can make in a month what they make in a year. Still in my opinion doesn't make it right that they do it, especially when the affiliate can have no idea that it's going on. If a casino does you over then I guess it's tough to take, but if individuals within a casino are abusing their position then it should be addressed.

There will no doubt be dozens of these people operating websites, some of which are doing well and others who have more likely failed. Still shouldn't get the chance though although it's almost impossible to police. I guess the best information that's already be stated is that you say nothing, or certainly not anything with any truth in it to these people. Such a shame as a strong relationship would be beneficial for all, but the risk is always there of giving away the golden goose to somebody who will stab you in the back the first chance that they get.

Anybody know of brands where there is happening today. Only place mentioned to me was as I said earlier L & L Europe, so be careful if you're going to use these, or do use them.


New Member
Jun 3, 2020
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That's absolute crazy. So now that aff manager is in direct competition to you? It seems a number of them like to abuse their position and there is absolutely nobody to stop them doing it. At least getting the casino names out there gives anybody who stumbles across this thread an insight in to who run rogue operations.

Yes the competing site is live and the person still works at ComeOn. At the time we were new, it was our first site and we didnt have any reason not to trust this person.

They have since left the UK market so we do not deal with them anymore but yes very frustrating for us.

Their website has 0 organic traffic... so not as easy as they think it is to make it work.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Yes the competing site is live and the person still works at ComeOn. At the time we were new, it was our first site and we didnt have any reason not to trust this person.

They have since left the UK market so we do not deal with them anymore but yes very frustrating for us.

Their website has 0 organic traffic... so not as easy as they think it is to make it work.

I suppose it's something that they are failing with it all. What is the name of the site?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 30, 2013
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Their website has 0 organic traffic... so not as easy as they think it is to make it work.

Don't forget it might be not his only site...

Personally i find it funny when affiliate managers ask me to share my statistics.

Happens from time to time with new programs i sign to, and it every time surprises me. I mean why on earth would i share it with them. I asked once if anyone ever agreed and the AM said yes...


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Don't forget it might be not his only site...

Personally i find it funny when affiliate managers ask me to share my statistics.

Happens from time to time with new programs i sign to, and it every time surprises me. I mean why on earth would i share it with them. I asked once if anyone ever agreed and the AM said yes...

I guess they will try anything to get the information, but yes who would really tell them that. It's been interesting seeing some of the points raised in this thread. A lesson for all budding affiliates to be careful who you're dealing with and to avoid Comeon and L & L Europe.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 29, 2014
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Everyone knows how to lose weight, yet there are many people who are too fat. Knowledge is important but it is not everything.

Yes back in the days SEO was super simple and you had to shut your mouth, because somebody was 3 weeks, 10 pages of bullshit content and some free guestbook links away from being your top competitor. Knowledge was power.

Nowadays it is super hard: even with the right knowledge you have to work hard, long and invest lots of money. But if you have found a new marketing channel, country, niche, etc with hardly any competitors and you are killing it. Yes, people will eventually find out and will copy, especially if the entry-level is low.

There are many who went from affiliate to operator. Or (failed) operator back to affiliate. Affiliate to am and (back from) AM to affiliate. There are even people who are affiliate, am and operator. Even Netent is an affiliate.

Remember, everybody is here for the money. Everybody wants to be filthy rich and gambling affiliation is still a very good way to reach that goal.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Everyone knows how to lose weight, yet there are many people who are too fat. Knowledge is important but it is not everything.

Yes back in the days SEO was super simple and you had to shut your mouth, because somebody was 3 weeks, 10 pages of bullshit content and some free guestbook links away from being your top competitor. Knowledge was power.

Nowadays it is super hard: even with the right knowledge you have to work hard, long and invest lots of money. But if you have found a new marketing channel, country, niche, etc with hardly any competitors and you are killing it. Yes, people will eventually find out and will copy, especially if the entry-level is low.

There are many who went from affiliate to operator. Or (failed) operator back to affiliate. Affiliate to am and (back from) AM to affiliate. There are even people who are affiliate, am and operator. Even Netent is an affiliate.

Remember, everybody is here for the money. Everybody wants to be filthy rich and gambling affiliation is still a very good way to reach that goal.

You're absolutely right. Doesn't mean it makes it right for them to do it though. We hear the word transparency a lot in this industry, with affiliates expected to be transparent with their behaviour on sites etc. This rule doesn't seem to apply to AM's in the industry, meaning you never know who you're dealing with.

I mean look at some of the hoops ( depending on the market ) you have to jump through just to get an account at some casinos. They don't tell you any information about themselves or who you are working with. Fine if your AM's are going to have their own sites and full access to your financials with them, then you should know about it. Personally I don't think you should be able to do both, as I've stated through the thread regardless of oh it's just one of those things, it has to be considered a huge conflict of interest. Further goes to bolster the fact that some casinos are unethical and the individuals that work for them have very little in the form of morals, as it would appear with the Comeon AM and L & L people.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Actually found out it was the head of affiliates at L & L. One to remember if you ever deal with them.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Just to add, running under the company name of Balrog Media is the HOA at L & L Europe. No reps from Comeon or L & L to explain why it's acceptable for their managers to moonlight?


New Member
Jun 3, 2020
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Hi Guys, so after my post a ComeOn representative reached out to me privately. (It was actually the person I was talking about)

I can confirm the issue has now been resolved, with the copycat sites being removed and taken offline.

Their reply:

"This project was simply set up with a friend to learn and look into site-building and learning how to undertake certain tasks that are required to build and site and have it up and running. If you feel in any way a domain was copied similar to your own this was never an intention of this project. These sites were simply built for education and understanding to help assist further in my role."

Obviously it should never have happened in the first place, however they have apologised and said there was no harmful intent.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
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Hi Guys, so after my post a ComeOn representative reached out to me privately. (It was actually the person I was talking about)

I can confirm the issue has now been resolved, with the copycat sites being removed and taken offline.

Their reply:

"This project was simply set up with a friend to learn and look into site-building and learning how to undertake certain tasks that are required to build and site and have it up and running. If you feel in any way a domain was copied similar to your own this was never an intention of this project. These sites were simply built for education and understanding to help assist further in my role."

Obviously it should never have happened in the first place, however they have apologised and said there was no harmful intent.

It would appear you calling them out here had some effect. Do you think that apology would have come had you not mentioned it? Probably as others have said, they realised that it's not always as easy as copying an idea. Least affiliates have had a heads up to be careful if dealing with Comeon. The other HOA mentioned in the thread would appear to be a serial plagiarist, lots of badly written reviews so taking the moonlighting to a new level. As previously stated it's good that others are aware of the underhand behaviour of the individuals working for these so called good casinos.