Affactive removes mandatory links from terms

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you, Affactive, for listening to affiliates and the AGD certification team. This was the last term that we had any issue with and, like a great affiliate program, they simply removed it to become affiliate-friendly!


2. Setting Up Links and Promotions. In the event of your acceptance to the Affiliate Program, we will make available to you, banner advertisements, button links, text links and other links as determined by WiltonBay Limited which shall all link to the Site, (referred to hereinafter as a “Link”), which you may display on Your Sites, provided you abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In using the Links, you agree that you will cooperate fully with us in order to establish and maintain the Links. You may not modify a Link, unless you have received prior written consent from WiltonBay Limited to do so. In the event that we determine that your use of any Link is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, we shall be entitled to take such measures as to render inoperative the Links used by you. You may not advertise the Sites in any way not approved in advance by WiltonBay Limited including, without limitation, the use of any spam method including but not limited to spam e-mails. In addition to your use of Links you may promote the Sites by means of (i) distribution of CDs containing Site-related software (the “CDs”) to potential Money Players , as defined below and (ii)_the publication of bonus codes (each a “Promotion” and collectively the “Promotions”). Your activities in relation to a Promotion shall be strictly in accordance with WiltonBay Limited’s relevant guidelines as such shall exist and be amended from time to time. Your offering of a Promotion at any time shall be conditional on your receipt of our prior written approval for the Promotion and in the event that you do not receive our approval in relation to the Promotion, you shall not be permitted to receive any commissions generated on account of Money Players, as defined below, who have become such in connection with unapproved Promotions. You shall refrain from marketing the Sites in any way which might compete with our own marketing efforts, unless you have received written approval from us in such regard. By way of example, only the following activities will be considered to be activities, which if undertaken by you, would compete with our own marketing efforts and are prohibited hereunder: (i) the placement of Links on any Internet sites on which we place advertisements for the Sites and (ii) the promotion of the Sites by you by way of keyword advertising with Internet search engines. Your breach of the foregoing provisions will constitute a breach of this Agreement, and WiltonBay Limited retains full authority to (i) terminate this Agreement immediately in the event of such breach and (ii) indefinitely withhold from you any commission accrued to your benefit through such competitive activities.

Summary:A big thanks goes to Affactive, who have now become AGD Certifed (next post to follow)!
Affactive removes mandatory links from terms