A few new features

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
The forums have just been upgraded. There are a few new features you have available:

You can now add tags in the thread and are displayed at the top of the thread itself. Clicking a tag will show all related content for that tag and all tags are search-engine accessible.

Profile Post Improvements
Profile posts are more facebook like (in my opinion). You can now 'like' posts, see a recent activity list for posts, and even search through profile posts.

Security - 2 Step Verification
To protect your account, you can set up 'Two-Step Verification' (click you name in upper right, dropdown on right side). This simply allows more advanced security to keep hackers from figuring out your password. As far as I am aware, this has never happened - but still great feature to have :)

There is more, but that is about all that affects the users :)