Brightshare Reports Not Working


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Brightshare Reports Not Working - RESOLVED

I contacted Marcia on Oct. 4th regarding error msges being received when trying to review stats. At that time we could not view anything past July. Within "6" days we were able to review the August stats but could not view Sept. or Oct. On Oct. 16th I contacted Marcia via skype and ask when this was going to be fixed and was given the excuse that the technical guy was out sick. I just now checked again and the stats for Sept and Oct are still producing error msges.

This has gone on for long enough and action needs to be taken now!!!

Is anyone else experiencing trouble with stats?

IMO if Brightshare would concentrate on ALL affiliates and not just those that attend conferences we wouldn't have these problems.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Since the posting on here and gpwa I have been contacted that the stats are now fixed and working. I've just confirmed that they are.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The "Additional Earnings Report" option never worked for me, since the start with them to October 19th 2012, the "Additional Earnings Report" option has never shown any kind of information.
I asked Marcia about it and received the following answer: "Re: the Additional Earnings report – I believe this report is updated only every several months - I’ll check the status and let you know."

Since then no more update about, Marcia seems to have forgotten about it.

Anyhow the Additional Earnings report option has been completely removed now, anyone else still having the Additional Earnings report option?
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
The "Additional Earnings Report" option never worked for me, since the start with them to October 19th 2012, the "Additional Earnings Report" option has never shown any kind of information.
I asked Marcia about it and received the following answer: "Re: the Additional Earnings report – I believe this report is updated only every several months - I’ll check the status and let you know."

Since then no more update about, Marcia seems to have forgotten about it.

Anyhow the Additional Earnings report option has been completely removed now, anyone else still having the Additional Earnings report option?

option is gone for me, but never made a cent with the Addtional Earnings Report.
I've been pulling them the past couple weeks even before what I read over at GPWA.

Nothing but clicks these days month after month with an occasional registration and little wagering.
It doesn't add up, assuming the clicks were mostly from usa visitors one would think that I'd see some Additional Earnings and I've been monitoring it for 2 years now.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
option is gone for me, but never made a cent with the Addtional Earnings Report.
I've been pulling them the past couple weeks even before what I read over at GPWA.

Nothing but clicks these days month after month with an occasional registration and little wagering.
It doesn't add up, assuming the clicks were mostly from usa visitors one would think that I'd see some Additional Earnings and I've been monitoring it for 2 years now.

Everything else on reports stats works fine for me, my traffic is mostly from the EU so that helps.


AGD Member Ltd
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
An affiliate friend had the same problem with his stats a few months back.

Here's a current thread at GPWA mentioning Brightshare that you guys may want to read: Message from Lloyd

It's a bit overwhelming really and whether true or not, it'd be nice to hear what everyone at Guard Dog think.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
An affiliate friend had the same problem with his stats a few months back.

Here's a current thread mentioning Brightshare that you guys may want to read: Message from Lloyd

It's a bit overwhelming really and whether true or not, it'd be nice to hear what everyone at Guard Dog think.

that's the thread I was talking about. But I have no idea if its true or not.
I do know I'm planning my exit from the industry sometime in 2013. I've lost interest in it.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm interested to find out the truth here. This double-database thing is interesting for sure and I know Brightshare is one of those who are using the MGS database, but have their OWN reporting. So - it would be easy enough for this to be true. I would like to see a Brightshare employee talk about this and will certainly contact them.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I'm interested to find out the truth here. This double-database thing is interesting for sure and I know Brightshare is one of those who are using the MGS database, but have their OWN reporting. So - it would be easy enough for this to be true. I would like to see a Brightshare employee talk about this and will certainly contact them.

tried their mobile brands and despite sending good traffic no earnings now I understand why : IMO they delete the btag after the player signed up.


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
BrightShare completely rejects the incorrect, damaging and misleading statements made by Lloyd Apter, who left BrightShare nearly two years ago, which are being used to damage our good name and solid reputation. We see this as an intentional, malicious and unfounded discrediting of our reputation on a public forum. It is nothing more than a sad need for self-promotion, and a solicitation for renewed contact. We do not accept Lloyd’s attempt to generate personal business and draw interest to himself by creating negative buzz about his previous workplace.

We are proud to be one of the most straightforward, honest and transparent affiliate programs in the gaming business. As always, we are open to direct and mutually respectful dialogue with all our partners and welcome any queries about our program through direct communication with our team of dedicated account managers.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful 2013 - a year of health, happiness and prosperity.

May we all experience continued growth and strong partnerships based on respect, professionalism, mutual benefit and honesty – values which we stand for.

The BrightShare Team


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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After Brightshare dropped its AllYouBet sports site without notifying me as an affiliate I dropped all advertising through this company. Companies need to make affililates clearly aware so that they can remove advertising and not waste time


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Just for the record......AYB closed on May 29, and we sent an email on May 28 to all affiliates who had brought even just one AYB registration in the previous 6 months.
And sometimes we don't have much more heads-up in these situations. BrightShare is not the property itself - we're the affiliate program promoting the property.

Thanks - Marcia


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Yes, true, but why selectively email affiliates who have referred players? We didn't refer a player in that time period, therefore due to the lack of communication the AllYouBet banners stayed in our ad rotators for several months, wasting our time and ad space with a company that no longer existed. There is no logic at all in only communicating to selective affiliates - send the email to everyone who is signed up with Brightshare. As I said before, due to this issue I now will not advertise any Brightshare products as I cannot trust that this issue won't happen again.

Also as a middle-man you can't hide behind the excuse that you didn't have the heads up from AllYouBet - you are the front line with the affiliate and it is your responsibility to manage that relationship.

That reply gives me even less confidence in ever revisting Brightshare as a partner.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Yes, clearly it is. Every affiliate should read this great Affiliate Guard Dog resource and assess for themselves the evidence base about potential partners and make their own decisions as to whether they want to put up with such practices and work with such companies ahead of other companies who don't adopt these non-transparent practices.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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I am still waiting to be paid a commission for the hundreds of American players that I referred to Brightshare over the years that they sold to Jackpot Capital.

So you could say that I am not surprised.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
I am still waiting to be paid a commission for the hundreds of American players that I referred to Brightshare over the years that they sold to Jackpot Capital.

So you could say that I am not surprised.

Sounds like more evidence of dodgy practice. It always amazes me when a company thinks they can just arrogantly respond and defend their actions to small/medium affiliates they don't think matter. They obviously do because bad press is bad press and whether it's posted here in public for all affiliates to see or discussed around the lunch tables or social events at LAC and BAC, word gets out about bad programs and the bigger affiliates blanket ban some of these guys leaving them to pick up the scraps from the smaller affiliates. No wonder some of these companies can't compete with some of the big guys like Bet365 - they need to start by running open and honest affiliate programs and treat the customer (affiliate in this case) first and not like a consumable resource they can chew up and throw away and move on to the next gullible affiliate.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
After Brightshare dropped its AllYouBet sports site without notifying me as an affiliate I dropped all advertising through this company. Companies need to make affililates clearly aware so that they can remove advertising and not waste time
Yes i agree they do not give a rats a** when it comes to removing something from their system and not telling anyone. They changed the code on an iframe download mobile banner and it was way too hard to tell me or any other affiliates to update to the new code. So i found by chance that i had a dozen or so dead website pages; needless to say i am in the process of removing them completely for this and several other reasons including slow payments and poor conversions (well this may have something to do with the other info i have read here). Additionally they have their own in house team of SEO experts that is in direct competition with us; so i don't think affiliates are important to Brightshare anyway these days.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Great post Ukjeff - did not know about the SEO bit too. Highly annoying when advertisers change media, or just remove it completely. If they knew their stuff they would never remove media or links. I have also had issues with other advertisers (not Brightshare) changing media - what you thought was a banner advertising some football media all of a sudden becomes an ad for a poker product you didn't want to advertise.

There are so many other good advertisers out there my policy these days is to drop the bad guys at any sniff of bad practice. If everyone did this, and I'm eager to put word out like AFG does of any bad programs, then the bad guys won't survive.

I think the gaming industry is way behind the thinking of other industries I have worked in with regards to its view on image. Most companies for too long have ignored any image issues, thinking they'll just be forgotten. There are too many good guys now trading on the fact they have a reputable image, so those who ignored bad press in the past will be hit hard now.