When to drop a casino/affiliate


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 11, 2014
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When do you guys drop a casino from your websites? I don't mean if they don't pay or a totally rogue.
But more like, how much time you give them to convert.
When they don't convert, when drop them? After what time?

Want to clean up a bit, so am wondering what most of you do.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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Oke, so when you get 1 sign up a month and 1 depositing player a year, DROP THEM ;-) ?
Assuming that you are happy with them as an affiliate and that they are safe for players ... then ...

It is not a simple numeric rule that can be applied across all affiliate sites.

Whether you keep or drop a program depends on what you expect to get for the exposure you provide.

Are they in a premium spot? If you switch them out for another program for a month - does the new program do better / worse / the same?
Sometimes the reason for a program performing badly has more to do with the quality of traffic / and of the affiliate site than the program itself.

If you are promoting multiple programs then you should be keeping monthly metrics on them to enable easy analysis.
- impressions, clicks, signups, registrations, deposits and earnings are six good metrics.

How does the program rank in your stats?
Are they better or worse than average?
Are they getting better or worse exposure?

If they are worse -
Do you have a viable alternate program to replace them?

Over time you can concentrate on promoting the programs that do best for your combination of traffic / niche / site.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 23, 2014
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There are some factors that need to be considered, as TheGooner said: " Assuming that you are happy with them as an affiliate and that they are safe for players ... then ... "

If this step has been already passed ...

I wait up to 2-3 months (foreknowing KWs and conversion rate "Clicks/Registrations" + "Registrations/RMP" for each case), then decide to continue to promote them or not depending how Conversion Rates deviates from the usual.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 11, 2014
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I try to only promote casinos that are trusted for both affiliates and players.
But I have a couple of casinos that have been on my website for a year now and never made me a dime.
And yes, some didn't have much exposure, but some have. So I think I am dropping them.....


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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Typically i put them to the bottom of the list.. keeps the site looking full.. but they don't get any access to the premium spots.. sometimes it will still get 3-6 sign ups per month.. and after a year or two it adds up


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 11, 2014
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I find it very hard to drop casinos just because they don't perform - I usually only give them the boot if they jerk-around their players or affiliates.


Hi KK,

But don't you feel like it's a waste of space when a casino doesn't do anything at all. Don't mean couple of bucks, but really zero?
Wouldn't you rather give another, maybe new casino a chance in that case?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 30, 2015
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It can be a tricky one actually - I have just dropped an advertiser after over a year and am rather surprised how well can another one, with the offering, do in it's place. The new guy on the block has managed to outperform the other in the first 3 months with basically the same exposure.

I would say try and find another operator / brand that offers similar thing and give them a go? You should have a fair idea of how they compare after 2-3 months.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Hi KK,

But don't you feel like it's a waste of space when a casino doesn't do anything at all. Don't mean couple of bucks, but really zero?
Wouldn't you rather give another, maybe new casino a chance in that case?
Yeah, I guess you're right and I'm just to lazy to take out the duffers.
If I did, I probably would only have one Playtech casino on all my sites!
I have dumped quite a few, but I think I do need to be more ruthless...


bobby sand

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 12, 2015
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I think there's a lot of different variables you probably have to consider, as already mentioned above, you'd probably need to split test with another casino and see what the difference is on registering/depositing players. Also there's the positioning on the site to evaluate also, and whether that has an affect, which it most likely will. In the end - You've just got to gauge how big of a sample of data you need to make a decision on whether to stick or drop..


New Member
Sep 19, 2015
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I give at least 15 days but after a week you can pretty much tell if a casino is going to do well or not. I will test a casino in the 3rd spot most times on the best pages I have for search (per GWT) and see what they do. If after 15 days I have another casino which I know will do better then its a no brainer.

One thing to keep in mind though is player value. I have had instances in the past where a casino does not convert at the rate of others but player value can be through the roof more than making up for the lower conversion rates. To get a good feel for player value it will take longer than 15 days, and can even take a few months. Again I think you just need to use your best judgement in whether you think the casino will in the long run be profitable or not.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 26, 2015
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I am with KK. If a casino is fair to players and affiliates then they stay.

Working where we do we have to be ethical and not simply chase the bucks.

Also if you are in this for the long haul then you have to consider keeping faith with the non performers. If you are only after a quick buck then by all means promote only those that are converting well.

Do consider one point however, therr are thousands of lazy webmasters who are promoting the same brands who offer them good deals, regardless of the quality of the brand. These might not convert simply because the visitors have been there oh so many times before.

See what works for you but I would never completely rrmove a brand just because its had a bad fee months.