Vote now for the iGB Affiliate Awards


Affiliate Program Representative
Hi all

It's that time of year again when I manage to lose about 10kgs just from the stress of the awards..

Yep, voting has opened :)

This year the voting is a little different and you wont have to click too many buttons, but we would like to ask for your support when you go to the polls..

You can find us in the following categories:

Best Affiliate Program : Rewards Affiliates
Best Affiliate Manager : Renee Mate - Rewards Affiliates

The best aff manager category is in alphabetical order based on Rewards Affiliates, so please look hard to find me there ;)

Voting closes sometime in mid-December while I'll be on my much deserved holiday (first one in 3 years - just goes to show how dedicated I am), so I wont be able to remind you guys closer to the cut off, so please take the time now while you're looking at this post to vote.

You can find the voting page here:
Vote | iGB Affiliate Awards

Rewards Affiliates and myself would like to thank ALL affiliates for their support over the last 10 years and would also like to say good luck to all the nominated parties.



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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Good luck Renee. You are one of the most dedicated managers that I have ever met in this industry.


Affiliate Program Representative
Good luck Renee. You are one of the most dedicated managers that I have ever met in this industry.

Thank you!

i will use November to see how the affilate programs treat me :cool:
The only issue with doing that is that you may find aff managers nominated may be extra nice to you for that reason..

Do some research so that you can combine that with your experience. Then next year when the awards roll around you'll be able to make an even better decision since you will have had a year to see what people are like when they are not competing for an award :)

When voting for the best affiliate program, really take a look at who you're considering..

Do they offer an extensive range of marketing tools to help you earn money like we do?

FYI - we release a brand new unique marketing tool every month, some of which no other program offers such as Domain Parking and the Bounce Back Link for banned traffic.

We also have over 10,000 banners available which are easily found through our search function, as well as over 1500 splash and landing pages to choose from.

We have been told by many affiliates that our affiliate site is the easiest to find what they are looking for.

Also, when we take over other affiliate programs, all players are mapped to the correct affiliates, and we pay ALL players from the previous groups who are owed money - not many places do that.

Our marketing tools are available in over 15 languages and our affiliate support team is available 24/7 via email as well as phone and chat.

I hope that helps when you are deciding who to vote for :)


Edit: I should also mention that our payments are ALWAYS on time and we send by the 7th of the month. I'm willing to put my head out and say that there has never been a time since I have been aff manager that anyone has ever had to chase up a payment because they were late. Generally people are surprised by how early we pay :)


Affiliate Program Representative
Vote for Renee!

Voting can be made here now:

Home | iGB Affiliate Awards

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Affiliate Program Representative
You'd be surprised how accurate that is :)

Just ask Yaniv. He can tell you that if something isn't perfect, I refuse to push it out until it is :)

Rewards Affiliates

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  6. Missing Admin Fee:
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Audit coming soon

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