USA as from Nov. 20 in a dictatorship ?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Obama will lay out changes he is making to immigration laws without the consent of Congress.

The U.S.A. now has become a communist country ?

The showdown begins.

I find this very shocking to read/hear.

sorry if this is not appropriate on AGD but IMO all Hell is going to break lose soon.

The 6 million immigrants will be granted amnesty but will not get the benefits, what will they do in the your country with no jobs etc ?

correct me if I am wrong !
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 8, 2014
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I was thinking about this.. They will be given 3 year amnesty, during which time they will have to get social security card, work visa, pay taxes, etc and are to apply for citizenship.
Obama will be out of office when the 3 years is up. So is this just a way to identify them and then 3 years later remove them?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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The 6 million immigrants will be granted amnesty but will not get the benefits, what will they do in the your country with no jobs etc ?

I haven't watch the video but I intend to.

I don't live in the USA so I'm clueless to how the system works. What benefits immigrants without USA citizenship receive etc etc.

In Australia people who are paying taxes etc, are being hit hard, to cover those who don't.

Out here we have a different Medical structure to the USA. You don't need health insurance to get medical treatment. Albeit you can pay for Private Health Cover, in which case, if you need to go to hospital, your treated in a private hospital and get to choose your treating Dr/surgeon. Where as the public sector, you don't have that choice.

The public health system runs on what's called Medicare. Anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, pension etc etc, is not charged a fee when visiting the Dr - aka it's 100% free.

Anyone who is working, does pay but gets a % of the fee paid, back from Medicare.

However the public hospital sector is reliant on Federal/State funding, which ultimately comes from people paying taxes.

Some years I'm paying up to 40% tax. In addition to be taxed on already taxed income!
These additional taxes include:
  • GST 10%;
  • Petrol Tax - 38 cent a litre + 10% GST;
  • Cigarettes 50%;
  • Beer and Alcohol tax;
  • And a long list of addition state levies.
Why should I or anyone else be working their guts out, to support people, who don't want to work and are only interested in rorting the system, for their own personal gains?

If people are genuinely looking for work, are genuinely sick, then I don't have an issue BUT I'm not a free meal ticket and I know other Aussies feel that way too!
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Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I think Obama is right.
Illegal immigrants are basically "stealing" from American born, law abiding, tax paying citizens (just the same here in the UK!)
Get these people legal and paying their way like everyone else, and we will ALL be better off.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I could not watch the full video, its too right wing for me. Anyway I've heard all the arguments on both sides.

While it sounds good (to the liberals anyway) to legalize the 12 million here in USA, there is a reason why so many businesses hire undocumented workers, cheap labor. Put them on the books and you'll mostly likely see wages increase, when that happens businesses will in turn increase the cost of goods and services, we'll all pay more.

Why not leave them right where they are, in their crappy jobs with no chance for advancement? Think they're living high on the hog?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2012
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So are we a dictatorship or a communist country now? I'm not seeing evidence of either, and aren't they by definition pure opposites? :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 2, 2014
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I think Obama is right.
Illegal immigrants are basically "stealing" from American born, law abiding, tax paying citizens (just the same here in the UK!)
Get these people legal and paying their way like everyone else, and we will ALL be better off.

Without the constant fresh blood of new brains and people taking the low level jobs that noone wants the systems in USA and UK will collapse