US Debaucle has me extremely unmotivated

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Ugh... I have so many ideas and my motivation is simply down the tubes due to the US debaucle :( I feel like I have to completely start over from scratch and no matter how many ideas I have.... I just can't get moving.

Anyone else? Advice?


Super Moderator
To a degree, I am motivated by a "sink or swim" attitude. I do this full time, so if I don't work, eventually I will sink, I'll have to sell my house, get a job working for someone else -- and that all sounds very unappealing to me.

After going to a conference, I'm very motivated when I get home. Physically being around others in the industry does a lot for me. Unfortunately, most conferences are in Europe these days, but there are a couple of events in North America: CBG Affiliate Weekend in Niagara Falls in mid-July this year, and the G2E show in Vegas in October (a lot of affs go to Vegas that week). Perhaps attending one of these would create some motivation.

Another thing that might help is to avoid working on anything that could potentially disappear overnight. Every U.S. facing outfit is susceptible, IMO, which is why I spend 95% of my time on non-U.S. facing brands these days.

You might also try visiting a real casino -- sometimes the sights and sounds can spark some motivation.

Or, just take some time off and check back on the industry in a few weeks or months. Sometimes a vacation does the trick.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
As well I am Unmotivated - Lost - Shocked at the total degradation of the US market. Just the thought of sitting and pulling down text - banners and links on hundreds of pages makes me nauseous :(


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I know exactly how you are feeling. After casino coins went, I was pretty down. But I kept telling myself, its just one brand, and hopefully no others will go. After BCP went, that's when I started to really panic. For a couple of days after that, I felt sick and very unmotivated. I think all the worrying actually gave me stomach problems.

Since last night though, I've been doing a lot of thinking and brain storming. I'm going to start a few more non-gambling sites, and with the gambling sites I have, I'll start pushing fortune affiliates on them. If language casinos don't make much, hopefully they will make enough so I don't have to go back to work.

Fingers crossed my non-gambling ideas can make enough too. I sincerely hope that you and everyone on this forum can survive this rough time, its a big kick in the pants for every one in the gambling industry, very unfair.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
To be honest, I dont know where to start in promoting anything other then USA...

I have a lot of websites right now, and make some decent money... but they are ALL USA facing sites.

for example

All industory news I know is USA, and everything else.

So.. If I wanted to promote something else.. what would be a good country to go for? By good I mean safe, as well as easy to turn a profit?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
With Rivals ,Casino Coins ,best Casino Partners,MGS USA revenue and the USA poker rooms we have lost a sizable amount of revenue but I have never once considered to give up .You just need to roll with the punches guys and I can tell you there is great revenue in the English market outside of USA.I have no plans to add any new USA casinos to my sites and replaced all vegas tech stuff with referback and unibet.I am sure some USA operators will hang in for a while but it seems many thing they all have to be forced out before regulation can occur.Imo RTG has a good product so we will use them for global traffic so regardless I still consider RTG to be a viable option even if they lose the USA advantage.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
After going to a conference, I'm very motivated when I get home. Physically being around others in the industry does a lot for me.

Agreed 100%. Couldn't agree with you more on this, I came back with a few more steps in my stride, so much so.. that the 30 hr trip didn't even phase me... posted this across at CAP.. doing a copy and paste here...

Got back from the Dublin Gambling conference, and it was totally awesome.

Sure for me it was 2.5 days to get there, 30 hrs each way.
4.5 days in Dublin..

and then back out!

But the 4.5 days was packed full of things to do, people to hear speak, people to meet, people to socialize and do business with. It went on day and night!

I met people from way back, and new people as well. Have to say, our industry is in safe hands - there is a level headed of calmness and professionalism among everyone.

Mixing, socializing, and talking to everyone you just realize, that this industry won't tolerate ****, whether it comes inside or outside the industry. Programs, advertisers, operators, providers are all working together to keep rogue elements out - because its in our best interests.

If you had questions about where this industry is going - its anywhere but down the toilet.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I looked at your online 18 sites , I would add some Microgaming casinos to what you have and maybe some Playtech as they take all players from Canada .You have to watch for some groups in UK as some only take UK others can't accept Canada.We like to work with the casinos who will take Canadian players as in English sites you tend to get a fair bit of Canadians.

To be honest, I dont know where to start in promoting anything other then USA...

I have a lot of websites right now, and make some decent money... but they are ALL USA facing sites.

for example

All industory news I know is USA, and everything else.

So.. If I wanted to promote something else.. what would be a good country to go for? By good I mean safe, as well as easy to turn a profit?

wheel of time

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Please, explain a little whats happen, because I just from Holidays and don't no bad news. :(

Ugh... I have so many ideas and my motivation is simply down the tubes due to the US debaucle :( I feel like I have to completely start over from scratch and no matter how many ideas I have.... I just can't get moving.

Anyone else? Advice?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
talk about losing momentum I've got better than half of what will end up being about 5k into this casino planner (see signature) and for the last couple months I've been wondering if I am throwing good money after bad but I'm looking into getting it in different languages so it might be used by non english speaking players but it was a gamble before hand.

Now I feel the odds if they were ever with me, are prob not now. That makes it tough to get motivated but much like everyone else, i will stay with it.


Staff member
You have to keep up the fight guys I know it sounds hard to do at the moment, most importantly we have to stick together, help each other out as much as we can. We all understand what each other is going through so lets make sure to lean on each other as much as possible.

I am like Dave I stopped depending on the US market long ago, it has been unstable for quite a long time. The nail has been driven into the coffin but that does not mean life for affiliates has to end. Your all very intelligent people, you got where your at today because of good honest hard work.

I myself was getting use to working very few hrs a day and being spoiled but this has driven me to work very hard once again as I did back when I first started, I refuse to go down!! There is so much non USA traffic out there go get it boys and girls :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I'm not giving up.

Not only have I gotten a major screwing from QT... I'm out $15k,
but now I find out c-planet has been skimming from me... 10's of thousands a month for a year and a halve.

BUT I AIN'T GIVING UP... I'm getting angry... and I'm getting even.


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