(UK | EU) Premium SEO Domains For Sale


New Member
We offer premium SEO domains for sale. Currently in the UK (.UK, .CO.UK, .ORG.UK, .ME.UK) and .EU zones.

Why are these domains premium?

Each month, we sift over 300,000 backorder domains to find dozens of those that meet our stringent criteria:

1) 100% clean domain history! In most cases, the domain had only 1 host. The domain is 100% unused in PBN and not dirty. Domains are manually checked in the Web Archive and by the history of search query visibility in Ahrefs.

2) From 80% to 100% backlink profile - natural links. No profiles, crowd links on forums, SEO tricks and other spam.

3) Natural links from top domains such as Forbes, BBC, NYTimes, GOV.UK as well as GOV and EDU domains. These are not purchase links or comment links. These are natural links in articles.

How do we select domains?

More than 10,000 domains are freed up daily in the UK and EU zones. We check each of them according to the parameters DR, DA, TF, CF, Number of Reffering Domains, etc., as a result of which 20-30 promising domains remain.

After that, each of the promising domains is checked according to a strict check list, which includes:

1) Checking site history in Web Archive for the entire period.

2) Checking anchors of all links in Ahrefs to spam keywords.

3) Checking the history of site visibility by spam keywords by Ahrefs.

4) Manual checking of site backlinks. If the links show the hand of an SEO specialist (profiles, crowd links on forums, etc.), we throw the domain into the basket even if it has natural links from BBC and GOV.UK.

5) Checking by many other parameters and the final comprehensive domain quality assessment.

As a result, 1-2 best of the best domains, but.... often just 0.
We don’t register everything from DR30, like many, we are looking and select only elite SEO domains!

All domains are summarized in a convenient spreadsheet with the most important parameters, which can be filtered according to the criteria you need.

Why do you need elite SEO domains?

1) PBN. Domains have a powerful link profile, which is why they are used to build a private satellite network.

2) 301 Redirect. Domains are also used for 301 redirects in order to transfer their backlinks weight with the main domain of the website being promoted.

3) Start a new project. Also, these domains are used to start a new white project. The point is that you do not start from scratch and at first there is no need to build backlinks. The new site will immediately shoot in the search results after filling the content.

Who can own UK and EU domains?

1) UK domains: as far as I know, there are no restrictions on citizenship or location of the owner. Anyone from around the world can own a domain.

2) EU domains: the domain can be owned by a citizen of any EU country, or a resident of any of the EU countries, or the owner of a company from the EU countries. Theoretically, anyone can register an EU domain, but during verification by EURid, you will have to confirm your compliance with the above criteria. Whether such a check is made or not is unknown. Therefore, at your own risk.

What are the payment methods?

2) Paypal
3) Skrill
4) Alfabank transfer (for the russians only)
5) Qiwi
6) Yandex

How to choose and buy a domain?

1) Open the List of Current Domains: bit . ly/3deQT9s (remove the spaces)
2) Choose your favorite domains.
3) Write to the indicated contacts.
4) Negotiate a convenient method of payment, get the details, pay.
5) You will receive instructions for transferring a domain, domain transfer is initiated.
6) Please note that the domain transfer fee is not included in the price of the domain. For example, when transferring UK domains through Nominet, a fee of 10 pounds is taken (+2 pounds VAT for EU residents), regardless of the number of domains. That is, for the transfer of 1 or 10 domains immediately the same commission - 10 pounds (you need a credit card).

When buying 3 or more domains - 10% discount!

Current list of domains: bit . ly/3deQT9s (remove the spaces)


E-mail: paradoxmax2@gmail. com
Skype: paradoxmax
Telegram: @Paradox1001


New Member
Sale before the end of the week, discounts up to 30%!

Until the end of the week, a sale is announced that applies to all domains!

From 1 domain - 20% discount.

From 3 domains - 30% discount.

Current domain list: bit . ly/3deQT9s (prices are without discount)


New Member
Prices reduced by 2 times!

Yes, prices are reduced exactly 2 times. Now a domain with DR45 and cool links in profile can be bought for only $200.

New prices are already in the spreadsheet: bit . ly/3deQT9s

In addition, a 10% discount continues to apply when buying from 3 domains.


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