tricks to improve SEO ?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
So far as I've heard, it is essentially the same... Since mobile is a different 'beast' so to speak you would want to develop for the mobile platform. This means creating code that will publish and render on the widest variety of mobile devices. Proper XHTML (adhering strictly to guidelines) would be extremely smart.

To take advantage of ALL devices, you would probably want to detect the browser type and render content appropriate to the device. Many of the larger businesses do this (i.e., the Best Buy's of the world). Detecting browser (i.e, device) helps tremendously in ensuring that the end user isn't seeing a page that is either confusing or distorted.

Typical 'Best Practices' (IMO) are:

1. Decrease outlinks for phone-enabled pages. Create specialized mobile pages with site interlinking, but not outlinking unless they are going to a 'sales page' where you get affiliate credit for the outlink.

2. Use normal SEO, but consolidate page information so that it is not either unusable or overload for a mobile user. This means decreasing content to make it more specific and keeping the same keyword density.

3. While this makes little sense for casinos... for other websites, localization is key. Phones are search-based and use localization services to render search results. This means that your website may rank better depending upon location. Are you trying to rank for local Dentist offices?? That is easier when a user searches from YOUR locale.

That is my experience with mobile and my knowledge based upon building some pages that were geared towards the Palm WebOS operating system as well as Android OS.

Edit: And, BTW, HTML5 would be good to become aware of as well. ;)


Former AGD Member
does anyone have any tricks they use

Sucessful SEO is not about using "tricks". Sure some tweaks my work for a short period. However the key to producing decent serps is maintaining a white-hat SEO policy.

Follow this path 'grasshopper' and it will return many long term gains.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Im trying out a redirect plugin called wptap mobile redirect to direct visitors using a mobile to a custom landing page for their handset, be it iphone, ipad etc, the plugin identifies the handset and serves up the correct page, i have only been trying it out for a few weeks so its to early to say if its good for seo or bad


Casino Recommender
I totally agree with you Michhael...

SEO is not a game to cheat ! It is a sciebce and needs intensive work with patience. Please refer to Googoe Webmaster Tools and make Google search instead of forum help request. It is just a recommendation.

Very true. There's no tricks for good SEO, just a lot of hard work, research, and link building.

Just a quick question, is the mobile market worth going after? Are there a lot of mobile casinos out there to promote? This is something I still need to learn about, don't really know anything about it :p

Joan Digweed

New Member
I can add: there are no tricks for good SEO, especially in casino/gambling nich! The competition here is too high! A lot of hard work and long period of time will make a success.


I think there might be "tricks" for mobile SEO. Andy's advice seems consistent with a lot of what I've read. I need to study this more.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
When the competition is very high in SEO you should look at other traffic sources, especially social networks.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Im trying out a redirect plugin called wptap mobile redirect to direct visitors using a mobile to a custom landing page for their handset, be it iphone, ipad etc, the plugin identifies the handset and serves up the correct page, i have only been trying it out for a few weeks so its to early to say if its good for seo or bad

I find making pages specifically for handhelds is a waste of time.
In my opinion, it is best to design your site so it looks good no matter what screen size it is viewed with.


AGD Member Ltd
I dont think there's a different between SEO for mobile and SEO for general sites ...
Just keep the hard work , read the latest news and buy links from Russia ;)



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I dont think there's a different between SEO for mobile and SEO for general sites ...
Just keep the hard work , read the latest news and buy links from Russia ;)

LOL I've noticed that so many people buy links from Russia. It's so spammy and obvious that they are buying links, not sure how they think Google won't notice :) I'm still trying to work out how to rank in this new Google, it's so much harder than it used to be. I know unique content is very important, and so are stable backlinks. Exact match domains don't seem anywhere near as powerful as they used to be. I don't think anyone will give away the secrets in a public forum, so it's going to take a lot of research to figure it out. I can see some progress from a couple of sites, but it's so slow. I think this is an indication that I'm missing a few things when it comes to SEO. Would love some advice if anyone is willing to share, especially about social media link building which I don't understand :)


AGD Member Ltd
Yeah , from my experience there are no tricks but hard work ...
Check blackhat dot com ( I cant post links yet ... ) for more info and great knowledge


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Recommending black hat sites is not the direction I would think is the correct direction to take.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
You need to stick to your guns, month in, month out, before you start to see results. You need to make sure that you only use white hat methods, becuase
even if black hat methods drive you some extra traffic, Google is bound to penalize you eventually.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
There is one important distinction to be made - if you get caught using blackhat techniques YOU don't get banned, your blackhat SITE does. This means if you ever decide to give blackhat techniques a try, make sure you use them on a site that you can afford to have banned for a while and don't leave any footprints behind which could easily lead to your pure whitehat sites.

There are plenty of blackhat communites out there if you want to learn more, AGD is clearly not one of them.

As for whitehat SEO tricks, as long as you are not spamming anything, at least automatically, you should be relatively safe and no-one will rarely have a reason to report your site.

If what Guard Dog says is true and mobile searches take users' localization into account, you could create local websites, even online casino ones. Assuming you want to target mobile users in UK:

  • Get a uk domain name such as
  • Host it in UK if you want to please the mobile users in UK. This helps for normal SEO too if you are trying to target gamblers in UK.
  • You could also try using keywords "British" and "UK" every now and then in your content.
  • You should prioritize links from other uk domains (relevant) to your site for even more authority in the subject.
  • Grab a mobile yourself and check what other sites already rank for the keywords you are planning to target and see what they are doing and if you could outrank them.
  • If what you are trying to promote is already well established in UK, you could find yourself having a hard time competing with rest of the UK sites promoting them.
  • If you are only trying to market to UK, you could also easily pick something different that isn't that popular in UK(yet).
  • Why something is not popular in UK is usually for a reason though, make sure you know what it is before fully dedicating yourself to it.

Other than that I'd say normal SEO "tricks" apply. (Though most of the above tips can be applied to any highly localized normal website, to rank more easily in

If what Guard Dog says is not true and the user localization is not taken into account as much, you will notice no difference in numbers of uk sites at the top of search engine listings regardless whether you are using a PC or a mobile. In that case you won't have to localize your site for best results. Use mobiles with different operating systems if you want to get reliable results.


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