Stupid email from Ihre Consulting WTF

Do you think this email was okay from Ihre Consulting

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Anyone got experience with these guys? Seems they are more dealing with the more shady programs despite a guy I emalied with last year seemed quite legit. I know one of the brands are Mybet and also in this case Prime Partners.

Overall is it not correct its better to avoid these programs which has multiple affiliate partners. And instead work with the different ones on single basis? I mean you will get better revenue as can work deals out with each of them yourself anyways. Seems these like Ihre consulting and also to mention Income Access are not worth making deals with? Hope someone got experience or could guide me as to try or not. There is also Trade Doubler which I tried out with years ago very bad results basically got no conversion with them so stopped using them despite they have loads of programs under one roof.

Ok well back to main reason for this post.

I had email from Ihre Consulting (seems to marketing email)

What the hell were you thinking?

We contacted you with great deal opportunities but didn't hear back from you :-(

Do you remember us contacting you about these operators: Prime Partners?

We dont remember you coming back to us to accept them (or even decline them).

Deals are still available at all of these operators, plus many more, so click below and lets discuss how we can help your business and make you more money.




If you aren't interested in the deals above, please come back to let us know, with the reasons why, so we don't contact you about them again.

Kind regards
Edward, Claire, Tomas, Chris, Simon & Peter
Ihre Consulting






If you have specific requirements of the markets you are working on, please let us know and we will make sure you receive details of those only.

If you are not interested in receiving newsletters from us, please contact us on and we will remove you from the mailing list.

I think that is aboslute DISGRACE actually using swearing words in an email title no matter if being funny or not. I have def lost my willingness to even work with these guys now. What is your opinion of this "shitty" attempt of an email??

Cheers guys


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 9, 2010
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I don't particularly like the email but I don't think it's appalling/disgraceful either

I prefer non gimmicky emails that just get straight to the point, Although I would never work with a third party anyway even if they had the best email in the world


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I agree with Casey.. Its just a marketing tactic, that would likely be overlooked or ignored if it had landed in my mailbox :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 6, 2012
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I don't particularly like the email but I don't think it's appalling/disgraceful either

I prefer non gimmicky emails that just get straight to the point, Although I would never work with a third party anyway even if they had the best email in the world

I agree with CaseyM on this as well. Just some bad marketing techniques in my opinion.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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I don't put "Hell" as a swear word to anyone except the most puritanical. SO I'm not appalled or shocked.

Whether using a 3rd party like Ihre Consulting or going direct to the advertiser is a good idea is a matter of debate. It depends upon your own skillsets as an affiliate and the amount of traffic that you have.

If you are an experienced affiliate with sizable traffic then you probably are better off to go direct and build a relationship with the advertiser. However, if you are new - or are simply going to list them as one of 100 on your site then you might find that working via Ihre Consulting is OK and protects you from any silly quota system.

I've received a couple of emails from them over time (but not this one) and have politely declined saying I prefer to go direct - and found that they don't SPAM me repeatedly after that - so I think that they are a solid company looking to provide a genuine service.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Thanks for input guys. I do regret a bit making that title now and also doing that Poll. So would like to apologize for that to Ihre Consulting.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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No need to apologise - I think it was a pretty awful e-mail for them to send.
"What the hell were you thinking?" ... sending out an e-mail like that, would be my response!

Re the main question: Had several "offers" like this, but I prefer to work direct with the programs.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Well, I got the email and I'm not too bothered to be honest - if I don't like an email, I will simply discard it :)

If I do like an email, fair play as I get so many emails and most of them don't add any value to how I work/operate :)

Happy Easter everyone

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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PaaskeUK - I thought the email was tacky, and didn't not entice me in anyway.

To me it looked like they were trying to copy the "style" of a particular group of spammers. At first that's what I thought it was. I personally like to be talked to like a human being and not having a company think I'm some idiot that by mass emailing me somehow they will get my attention, action or that it will change my mind.

I'm more like you. I deleted it and thought it was a stupid move. AND, I didn't even notice the "hell" part. Which makes it even more stupid imho.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Reading it made me laugh. It's a bit over the top, but it definitely got my attention :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 23, 2013
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Hi All

Apologies for the late response to this post. We were away for Easter and then have all flown to Malta for client and affiliate meetings. However we would like to address your concerns and hopefully explain a little more about the comments above.

passskeuk, please see below some feedback to your initial concerns:
* You mention we work with "shady programs". We do work with a lot of operators, and always try to make sure that the programs we work with have good reputations and cover the needs of our affiliates. Some of our programs have been requested specifically by affiliates. If there are shady brands we should consider to stop working with, then we can of course look into this. We don't want to represent someone who will do harm to the affiliates we work with.
* We actually run a lot of affiliate program for operators, so in some cases are integrated as part of the actual operator. For example with CasinoRoom, myBet (now in conjunction with their own team), Karl Affiliates plus a few others.
* In most cases we have found that we have got affiliates better deals than if they go direct. Granted we appreciate there are exceptions to this, however due to our reputation in the industry and the deals we have done in the past, we get extremely attractive deals for affiliates. We can confirm that no affiliates have lost out on a deal due to any work we have done for them. A couple of other benefits to working with us instead of the likes of Income Access is that we will negotiate all the deals on your behalf (we have either set deals available or work on custom deals for the affiliates / operators), we can do 1 deal for you or 20 deals for you, cutting down your negotiation time leaving you time to focus on other areas of the business, and also we can advise on operators you may not of thought of who would fit your traffic audience well based on our past experience. Oh and once you approve a deal we have, you sign up DIRECTLY to the operator so you keep full control of your own account, own payments and tracking and can fully see all your own stats.
* We accept your apology for the post and poll :)

Thanks for your comments. As you have stated you asked not to hear from us, and to my knowledge you haven't since. We want people to want to work with us. If you decide you don't want to work with us either before or after any deals we have done for you, then we respect that. We ask you why, so we can improve anything we need to internally, however we have affiliates that decline to work with us then come back to ask us for deals once they are ready. We have affiliates who have been in the industry for 10 years who work with us because it saves them time to do their own negotiating, as well as new affiliates who don't know which operators would work the best for them.

We would never want to look like or be any spammers. We have really been trying hard on our email marketing and to tailor any email marketing we do so that we only email you with brands which fit your target audience and therefore might be of interest. This email which we sent was on the back of us approaching you (affiliates) personally about deal opportunities but we didn't hear back. This was the first time we chased in this way after an initial personalised one on one email.

To anyone who received our email, we apologise if our subject line or even the email caused you offence. We don't see it as swearing (as mentioned above) in the traditional sense, however this isn't our usual marketing tactic and one we need to reflect upon.

I hope this addresses everyone's concerns, however if you have anything else you would like to ask us or more feedback, please feel free to email me directly on



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Hell is not a swear word, it is an imaginary place made up by creative people. /ducks and runs...

As for the spammers, it is good that you respect people's wishes not to be spammed by you in the future after receiving your emails. It was not good to acquire a list of contacts and spam them in the first place, so please don't act high and mighty like in your reply above. You may not think of yourselves as spammers but the minute you sent me an unsolicited email (one of many now) to an address that I never gave you, you became by definition a spammer. And when you start spamming people you should expect at a minimum that it will make some of them angry.