RTG sub-id tracking issue


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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If you send traffic from many different sources -- i.e. if you have multiple sites or if you are running a large PPC campaign -- you probably use sub-ids or sub-campaigns to pinpoint which pages or keywords are converting. (If you aren't doing this, then you are wasting time and money.)

The ideal setup is when the sub-ids can be created dynamically, or "on the fly." This way, you can simply edit the sub-id in your affiliate link and it will be recorded once it hits the affiliate program. With dynamic sub-ids, there is no need to manually set up hundreds of sub-ids inside the affiliate system before you use the link.

Income Access is great when it comes to this -- I use the "ACID" report all the time now. I wish NetRefer would follow suit and offer dynamic sub-id tracking, but so far they still require you to manually set up each sub-campaign, which is a pain in the ass.

Getting to my point -- if you aren't already aware of this, take note:

RTG affiliate programs only allow numbers to be used in the sub-id.

If you use letters in the sub-id, it does not track anything at all.

The player will still arrive at the casino, no problem, but you will receive zero credit for the referral.

I found this out the hard way over the weekend. I sent dozens of qualified players to an RTG casino, and not one single click was tracked, simply because I had used numbers and letters in the sub-id parameter.

You would think that the default in this case would be that the click would still be counted and assigned to my main affiliate ID, and that the sub-id with illegal characters (letters) would simply be discarded – but that is not how RTG tracking works, apparently. It's ridiculous, and they should change this ASAP, but that's the way it is right now (and has been for years).

Summing up -- dynamic sub-ids are great, but if you use sub-ids with RTG affiliate programs, be sure you only use numbers, otherwise the player won't be tagged to you.
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I don't understand why that would happen, programatically (i.e., not track). Maybe their database is set up for numbers and when the insert to database happens, it fails on the whole insert?? Bad coding. I assume there is no way for them to track those player back to you either, huh?

What a shame. There is probably a VERY easy solution, but sounds like they don't want to solve it if it has been there for years.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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Yes, it is a fine example of bad coding; this is something they could modify in 5 minutes if they wanted to.

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to track down the players I sent. :(


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Just my 2c on this one.

AffiliateEdge run's RTG casinos but we run our own custom affiliate software. This means that the links are different to the RTG links from the standard RTG Affiliate software.

With our links you can use dynamic campaign ID's and use alphanumeric characters aswell as setting them up in the admin. I assume that this issue only applies to the casinos running the standard RTG affiliate software, as I recall our old links only numbers could be used for campaign/subID tracking.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, the program where this happened uses the default RTG tracking system; it wasn't AE. ;D

I looked into using AE over the weekend (instead of the other place), but I couldn't figure out if dynamic campaigns were available. Martyn, I'll send you an email in a few minutes with some questions.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
I wish NetRefer would follow suit and offer dynamic sub-id tracking, but so far they still require you to manually set up each sub-campaign

This morning, Gemma from Mr. Affiliate (the NetRefer-powered affiliate program for Mr. Green) contacted me and told me that dynamic sub-ids are available. They just need to activate it for you, and then you are good to go. This is fantastic news -- it opens up a world of new opportunities. :cool:


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all, following on from this I thought it would be a good idea to try and explain the process of creating dynamic links for your campaign with us.

It is a tricky one to explain so i hope that I did ok, but if not, let me know and we can work it out. I can always call/Skype you and talk you through the process.

Affiliate Edge - Hot Tip

Let me know what you think and if I can make it any clearer please let me know where I'm falling short.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all, following on from this I thought it would be a good idea to try and explain the process of creating dynamic links for your campaign with us.

It is a tricky one to explain so i hope that I did ok, but if not, let me know and we can work it out. I can always call/Skype you and talk you through the process.

Affiliate Edge - Hot Tip

Let me know what you think and if I can make it any clearer please let me know where I'm falling short.


its easy to understand for me as I've been using sub campaigns/campaign id's since day one really.
I wish I had known AE's could be dynamic as I spend a good amount of time creating them.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry for bringing an old topic back to life... but you don't say in which exact situation does this happen...
Does this happen when you use an Income Access link with non-numeric aid parameter for an Real Time Gaming casino? What about programs such as Bet-at-home, Pinnacle or Sportingbet?

Regarding Netrefer (which e.g. Mr.Green uses) I found that you can use zid parameter but I didn't find yet where to view this information in the statistics... So Income Access is definitely better for this.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry for bringing an old topic back to life... but you don't say in which exact situation does this happen...
Does this happen when you use an Income Access link with non-numeric aid parameter for an Real Time Gaming casino? What about programs such as Bet-at-home, Pinnacle or Sportingbet?

Income Access had nothing to do with the original situation. It was RTG's own in-house program that was the problem. Income Access' dynamic sub-IDs track just fine with numbers and letters.

Regarding Netrefer (which e.g. Mr.Green uses) I found that you can use zid parameter but I didn't find yet where to view this information in the statistics... So Income Access is definitely better for this.
You probably just need to ask the program to activate your account as a "network" account; then you should be able to see the additional reports.