Revenue Giants Terms and Conditions Analysis

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
----------- Predatory Terms Needing Clarification -------------

1. In case your balance is steadily negative, we reserve the right to suspend the benefit of the negative commission zeroing and to carry your negative balance forward to the next month.

----------- Terms Needing Clarification -------------

1. CPA Program - Is there one? It is not spelled out anywhere

2. Tiered Revenue Sharing - What is the rate schedule? It is mentioned in the Terms and Conditions, but not spelled out anywhere.

----------- All Terms Approved by -------------

Negative Carryover - No negative balances carry over: In the calculation of Commission where an Affiliates Account is negative at the end of a calendar month due to player winnings or to non cash items, said balance will be set to zero. A negative balance due to Fraud costs will be carried over.

Affiliate Payment Date?: All referral fee payments are made through NETeller. We will send a NETeller payment in U.S. dollars for the applicable referral fees on or before the 10th day of each calendar month for the previous month's referral fees, as long as the amount due to Affiliate is more than or equal to U.S. $50.

Minimum Payment?: If the amount due to Affiliate is less than U.S. $50, the amount will be carried forward to the next month. Referral fee overpayments may be deducted from future payments or shall be reimbursed by the affiliate.

Revenue Share Percentage?: Net Gaming = (Deposits less Withdrawals Less Charge backs) per month

0 - $9,999 Rate 30%
$10,000 - $24,999 Rate 35%
$25,000 + Rate 40%

CPA Details?: None Available

Tiered Revenue Sharing?: Mentioned in the T&C's as sub-affiliate, but no commission structure found.


We will be communicating with Revenue Giants to clarify their Terms and Conditions so that we can fully evaluate their terms.


Affiliate Program Representative
Hi Everyone!

My name is Danielle and I am the Affiliate Manager for Revenue Giants. I am very pleased to be a new member of this forum and would be happy to give you guys the "skinny" our our program details.

CPA: We do offer CPA but traditionally most our Affiliates are on a 30% Revenue Share off of their Netgaming. If you are interested in signing up for our program (woohoo!) and are interested in a CPA deal please contact me and we can discuss:

Affiliate Payout Schedule: For our US Affiliates we offer two payment solutions; Direct Bank Wire and EcoCard. EcoCard is very easy to sign up for and once you have done so you just need to contact me with your new details which include your account #, email address and phone number that correspond with that account. I update your details and your payment will be processed very early in the month.

For Bank Wire your earnings must reach atleast $500 and there is usually a $60 wire fee but I have decided to split the costs with my Affiliates so there will only be $30 deducted from their earnings. If you decide this is your prefered payment method please just send me your details. Our none US Affiliates may still use NETeller if they prefer, it's what ever is best for you. ;)

On another note Revenue Giants is going through a transitional period (for the better), we are under new owners and we are in the "mitz" of revamping our casinos, retention, and much more!! You may contact me via MSN: and on AIM: There will be new changes being made to the program in general and now that Revenue Giants is a PROUD member I will make sure to post all new information and updates!

All the Best,
Danielle ;D


Affiliate Program Representative
Hi Everyone!

Yes thats right its "hump day" WEDNESDAY... getting close to the weekend! I dont know what weekends are anymore but it sounds nice! :D

I wanted to let you know that I will have updates on the Terms and conditions, etc for Revenue Giants shortly.

Please stay tuned....


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Thank You Danielle!

It is very much appreciated that you have come in here to keep us updated on the progress of your Terms and Conditions update :) We all appreciate your dedication!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
We have talked with Danielle and at this point she is unable to guarantee that the Terms and Conditions will be amended in the near term.

I certainly hope that Revenue Giants makes the change sooner than later, but at this time we must mark Revenue Giants Terms as predatory until which time they can make the changes necessary.


Affiliate Program Representative

Hoy... let me check it out... Expect an update shortly.. :cool:


Affiliate Program Representative
Revenue Giants revised T&C

Thank you Guard Dog!!!
Feel free to email me anytime any question or request... malci [at]

let me know what do you think now about our T&C I read your comments and it made sense to me so I removed the confusing sentences :cool:

Thanks for this opportunity,
Cheers, Malci;)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Thanks again Malci! Yes, our Terms Alert System notified me at 4:46 PM that the terms have been updated :) Wooohoooo!

Good work!


Affiliate Program Representative
perfect... only for you my dear.... ;)

Revenue Giants

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms and Conditions
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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