Really f-ing confused

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 8, 2016
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What other programs will show you all these stats(full break down on calculation plus deposit and withdrawal report)?

More experienced casino affiliates would be able to answer that, but I see deposits, withdrawals and breakdowns as essential info that one would need without having to send an email to get this info. May I ask how long it was before you got the stats back?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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@TheGooner - If you read through all the VS posts, they are working on fixing their issues with reporting (which was issue #1). Then, they keep getting slammed whilst I am working with them to fix the issues brought up. Then, when those posts are closed due to constant badgering instead of helping solve problems, another post is opened by the same user. To me - that shows badgering. If it is in 'good fun' as @AussieDave suggests, then I guess I am in error. But when the previous 50 posts are all laced with inflammatory comments, it is difficult to pick out the one that is not. I guess that is where I am coming from. It isn't always black and white and I am not always right... I'm just doing what I can.

I'm not sure what @inspiration means. That sentence doesn't make sense to me. I can't tell if you are saying it is ok to post that or not. Either way, I made my decision. Sorry it isn't popular.

My best friend has been "working" on a variety of projects in his house (namely remodeling the basement, the bathroom, and the master bedroom. He has told his wife it will all be completed "soon" and that they need not hire anyone because it would be completed (by him) "soon". He even provided a "drop dead date" for the project to be completed, which was about 4 years ago (nearly two years into his project). To his credit, he did get the pool installed and the garage is looking great but I guess people work on what is important to them and they drag feet with the best of intentions for the rest, right?
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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I think we should all sit around a campfire together (Aussie Dave is not invited) and sing Kumbaya, My Lord while toasting Marshmallows.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Seem more like most complaints are coming from people not working with them.

You right, I don't work with them.

However, using your rationale, Casino Meister, ThePOGG, DOCH; which is mine, and other gambling watchdog sites (for players/affiliates), because they don't work with program X or play at Casino Z, then they shouldn't comment on unethical practices, is that what your trying to say???!!!

It's people like myself and others, who always cop sh#t from people like you.
Yet, people like you are the 1'st ones to come crying to me and others, when a program stiffs them.

If you can't understand why "WE" need to keep the bastards honest, then clearly you haven't been an affiliate for very long.

I think it was quite a shameless thread done by AussieDave.

With a statement like that, I'd go so far as wonder if your shilling for VS and also hold the mindset if you stick-up for them, you'll be hit with less fees. :D
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New Member
Jul 5, 2017
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@AussieDave I think you have to face that people do business in different ways. This includes how we handle conflicts with affiliate programs. You're approach is aggressive and that maybe works for you but other can achieve the same or even better result with a more calm and analytic approach.
In the end I believe we all want the same and that is transparency and good statistics so we can take decisions based on facts whether we want to work with a specific program or not.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Like I said, all I can do is help facilitate Deposits getting into the stats. Dave - it sounds like you know how to do this all better than me - so, by all means... do that. I personally believe that being full-on-aggressive is not the way to get things done. But what do I and half the civilized world know. Maybe throwing down bombs does work and won't create isolated factions of resistance.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
being full-on-aggressive is not the way to get things done.

Being assertive, isn't being aggressive (full on or otherwise).

In retrospect, you have made it a habit, to label me with misleading negative connotations. That, in your contextual uses, resembles passive "aggressive" behaviour.

I take a stand (seems you don't) against AM's/Programs who choose to deflect, spin-yarns, all in a ploy to avoid answering straight out questions. Poeple who can't be (or are unwilling to be) straight up honest, usually means they have something to hide.

You may enjoy being led up a garden path while being feed baloney, but I don't. I'm sure other bona fide AGD members/affiliates don't either.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@Guard Dog - These purported "VS Shills/VS Trolls", have zero credibility here - no one knows them. Yet, your thanking them, with post likes.

Maybe your in the loop, and know exactly who they are.
Certainly hope that's not the case. But if it is, then AGD members, other bona fide affiliates, wont be impressed, when the truth comes out!

Video Slots on Wiki (publicly available to anyone - hence don't edit or errr... delete it):
Videoslots was founded in 2011 by Alexander (CEO), Mattias and Magnus .

Maybe this is Mattias, a CSR at VS:

(extracted from live chat dialog posted to CM forum)
Staff: Mattias K
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Oh Dave... (read as if spoken by Morgan Freeman)


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Nothing new there, the 25% cashback, was again a load of misleading bollock too. Once that got stomped on, it was only 1%.
Disclaimer: It's early hours of the morning, I'm a bit pissed & tired after 16 hours of travelling today and I can't be bothered to argue right now...

The 25% was ALWAYS 25% of the HOUSE EDGE.
i.e. on a 96% RTP slot the house edge is 4% and players got 25% of that, which = 1%.

Yes Videoslots removed stats which used to be shown 2 years ago... but then again how many other EU licensed operators have EVER shown all those stats?
@Dave: Name 3 please who show Deposits, Withdrawals, Bonus amounts, Licence Fees, Bank Fees, Cash-Back & Admin Fees.

Believe me, I'm as pissed-off as anyone about the low commissions earned there as a percentage of deposits, but I have never said I think they are ripping anyone off - I just want to know what their fees are and why they're so high.

I have said before and I say again, I know Aussie Dave has affiliate's best interests at heart, but this Videoslots thing has turned into a "vendetta" which is unseasonable and nonconstructive, when some of us are trying to work WITH them to sort these issues.

I just wish he would give it a rest until this is resolved, then everyone can make up their own minds if they want to work with this operator or not.
After all, no-one is forcing anyone to promote them.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
The inclusion of detailed stats (breakdown of fees) was "promised" in May or June at the latest. My understanding is that this was hinted at and promised many times over prior to that.

If the kind, gentle, or silent and understanding approach is not working, there's nothing wrong with stepping up the rhetoric a little.


New Member
Jul 5, 2017
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Some guys here needs courses in Anger Management.
I'm out of this thread


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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Some guys here needs courses in Anger Management.
I'm out of this thread

Your bridge awaits thee. :)


Ali Atam

Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 11, 2017
Reaction score
Hello again,

As I said this thing probably over 5 times already in various topics, deposit and withdrawals will be added on the accounts by August / September latest. A good chance that it will be with the August release.

But I feel that it became a hobby of some of yours to open a new topic every time about the same issues all the time. Or every time something is not right, you find a bug or something of the sort , open a new topic and speak about same things over and over again. Or the new trend is perhaps sharing staff videos instead of asking your deposit amounts to the team although we encouraged you several times to do that if that's really you want to learn. (which you have never done)

Well, if you are enjoying this and if it is allowed in the forum, please go ahead but do not expect me to answer to same things over and over.

To summarize for the last time :
1- August / September release - you will have the deposit and withdrawal report. It will be located under the Breakdown tab. We are getting there.
2- I noted all the bugs Gobo mentioned and we are going to tackle one by one.

Thank you for constructive criticism.


Ali Atam

Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 11, 2017
Reaction score
@Guard Dog - These purported "VS Shills/VS Trolls", have zero credibility here - no one knows them. Yet, your thanking them, with post likes.

Maybe your in the loop, and know exactly who they are.
Certainly hope that's not the case. But if it is, then AGD members, other bona fide affiliates, wont be impressed, when the truth comes out!

Video Slots on Wiki (publicly available to anyone - hence don't edit or errr... delete it):
Videoslots was founded in 2011 by Alexander (CEO), Mattias and Magnus .

Maybe this is Mattias, a CSR at VS:

(extracted from live chat dialog posted to CM forum)
Staff: Mattias K

You made me laugh on this one , I have to give you that.

I wonder why they didn't bother to get another name to do this! They should have found a name that we don't have in the company.

It is unbelievable how you can create these stories against people who disagree with you.

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