How do you run projects with contractors/coders?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm just curious how everyone else (who uses contractors to do their site development) gets things done. I have been trying to get VERY detailed on the scope of work for my projects, but it takes forever. It would be so nice to have someone who 'just understands', but I haven't found any great coders who are available. I have a few that I know who are really good, but they charge $100/hour (can't afford that).

So - how do you get the *right* contractor and how do you lay out the project such that they do it right the first time?


Affiliate Program Representative
hey Andy,
actually we don't work with part time contractors, but what I can suggest you it's to look some IT guys overseas, not in US. Of course it depends on projects and tasks you need them for, but I'm almost sure you can save some money and pay less then $100 per hour if you get some developer in Poland or that areas.


Certification Member
It's a slippery slope because you need to trust them, too.

I once contracted someone to code something for a site and he had some sub contractors, too. The work was fine. I paid. Next thing the site is destroyed. What happened is that he didn't pay his sub contractors and they came and destroyed their work. I am left with the mess.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Wow, that sucks, Dom.

I haven't outsourced anything major, but if I did, I would make copies of the files and change any passwords immediately upon delivery.

I had the same issue as DOM when I outsourced SEO. Was the last time I did that. :) And since that point I do exactly what Dave says.. I backup a lot during the time when programmers are active.

Plus... I create a site on another server, which helps also :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
We have found 3-4 good people who can do html/php coding for us and usually they are affiliates who have their own websites but need something to boost their income.Generally $15 -$20 per hour is going rate for this sort of person who has knowledge of the industry.When you are working on database stuff then $35+ per hour is normal rates.I have found few good people on GPwa forum over the years and a couple bad ones too.


New Member
Quick tidbit: break up your projects into simple pieces. So each piece can be delivered in no more than a few days. When you dream up a new project design it so it can be broken up and delivered in pieces. If you anticipate and design outsourcing into your project, then whole process will go a lot smoother. Finally, something things are not meant to be outsourced. For example, NASA Mars missions.


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