Google Profile


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
A new google thing to compete with facebook I suppose and there is no way in hell you will see me create one of these on google! Google freaks me out they will rule the world one day:eek:

I'm really starting to think that the CIA controls all of these social networking sites, but then again I'm a conspiracy theorist anyway. ;)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Interesting. It's not for me. I don't see the purpose in it, to be honest. Looks like a way to point people to ALL your social networking sites, but not a whole lot more than that.

I don't see the point.


Media Man Greg Tingle
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Google Profile Reply to Thread

The search engines such as Google and Yahoo! and social network websites such as Facebook and Twitter are where a lot of the audience is, hence potential players, potential affiliates and such. Media Man Australia owns and operates approximately 10 websites, however we are still pro active in the search engine and social networking website spectrums because we know that's where a huge pool of audience and potential players are. Google also offer a huge collection of cool and useful applications, and the Facebook Groups are great for getting a lot of information to a lot of interested folks in a hurry. Twitter of course helps get your breaking news et al to a ton of folks around the world in seconds, and it all helps with search engine rankings and branding.
Greg Tingle
Media Man Australia
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News

Interesting. It's not for me. I don't see the purpose in it, to be honest. Looks like a way to point people to ALL your social networking sites, but not a whole lot more than that.

I don't see the point.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I like and use all the ones you mention, but this was about Google Profile.... Not Twitter, Plurk, Digg, Facebook, etc.

I agree with you except that you didn't really mention Google Profile and how it might meet anyone's needs.


Media Man Greg Tingle
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Google Profile Reply to Thread

Thanks. I also have a dedicated Google Profile page
Greg Tingle - Google Profile
It's a good central point to put information, and because it's Google we know that it will be around for basically forever, so there will likely not be any or too many tech issues with it. Having a Google Profile page may also help other people (including potential players or / or affiliates) become more confident knowing who they are dealing with, with credentials, websites and such listed on a professional website portal (Google). We link a number of our websites, which are also attached to testimonials and the like, so everyone knows they are dealing with a real person (as apposed to a robot / bot etc). In the igaming and gaming industry I think credibility and reducing risks are important, so if using social networking websites, make them good ones, and Google certainly fits the bill.
Greg Tingle
Media Man Australia
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News

I like and use all the ones you mention, but this was about Google Profile.... Not Twitter, Plurk, Digg, Facebook, etc.

I agree with you except that you didn't really mention Google Profile and how it might meet anyone's needs.


Media Man Greg Tingle
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Google Profiles - Google also have a help and FAQ section. I've included the link below.

Profiles - Accounts Help

I'm unsure if Google will permit a company name / brand name to be used as a Google Profile, or not. I've only seen individuals names in Google Profiles.

Facebook allows company names and brand names to be used as part of their service and you can also register a username on Facebook also. Best to read the terms and conditions. I'm not a lawyer however I know a couple of good ones who cover igaming and gaming law that I made contact with via CAP Down Under.

It's a good thing to have a number of igaming forums like this one. I also visit CAP Forums, GPWA and Casino Mesiter. By pooling and sharing suitable information, and reporting the occasional rouge casino and the like, we all can help make the industry a better place. By the way, don't change the name of Affiliate Guard Dog. I think its a ripper name. Bonustreak ain't a bad name for a forum either. You won't likely see strong and successful brands like Virgin, PartyGaming, Trump, IBM, Google etc change their names. Often a company will chance its name to try to cover up the past or become reborn, leaving a trail of destruction behind it. I understand that Affiliate Guard Dog has a great reputation and the name suits to a T. Keep doing what your doing.
Greg Tingle
Media Man Australia
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News

So it would benefit for me to set up a Streak Gaming profile I get it now first name Streak and last name Gaming wonder if they will fall for that? :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I'm really starting to think that the CIA controls all of these social networking sites, but then again I'm a conspiracy theorist anyway. ;)

Not too far off Guru. Spy agencies litter social networking sites with good intentions in mind.
