Google crackdown on black hat


Affiliate Program Representative
i read about how google has concentrated on removing duplicate content boosts from websites. For example, if you had a website that is soley reprrints of press releases or PLR articles you will find your SERPS decreasing due to the most recent update that has been released in the USA. Other geo data centers will follow.

For those affiliates who rely on these methods you will most likely be affected. This is another example of how important google considers orginal content.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
A lot of google bull shit is what it is.

I see more crap sites climbing in the SERP than before.
More duplicate listings (same site more than one listing on page one) more thin content sites climbing in rankings.

All in all I see is google's results degraded.

This update was about making google more money...
And stomping competitors out...

I saw the update go online the 21st... I couldn't believe my eyes or the numbers.

I lost a little bit of traffic on one site that uses RSS feeds, google maps and video hosted by google... The rest of my sites (that don't use google content) climbed in the SERP and more importantly traffic increased, even for those sites that didn't see a change in rankings.

The lesson I learned is if you uses a lot of google's free content... Your going to lose ranking... No matter how much 'original' content you my have.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Checked stats after the 21st and we are up a few thousand visitors above average.

We use G's new feed, and I just checked the SERP for our news terms - we lost ranks, one as Lots0 pointed out is actually Google itself outranking me now, which I can hardly blame them as I was just using the RSS feed.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Ya it's kinda strange that the majority of sites that carry googles free content seem to have been hurt the worst in this last 'update'.

Odd business plan... Provide free content to webmasters... then penalize them for using it.


New Member
I agree...
It is a step in the right direction if google keeps things in line.
People and webmasters who put a lot of hard work into their sites will be rewarded.
I am sure it will take some adjusting for all of us, but I think long term it will be good for us, especially in this industry.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
What a load of crap.

The sites that are being hit are not spam sites, they are established sites.

I see spam rising in the SERP, sites that steal content rising while established sites are taking the hit.

Google screwed the pooch on this up-date.
I expect to see them back pedal on this update fairly soon... they are already frantically doing hand reinstatements of some high profile sites like the 'Cult of Mac' site, that took a major hit then bitched about it in public yesterday... today their back.

Way to many good established sites took a big hit and way too many crappy spammy content thief's got better rankings...

Also, the idea that google uses it biggest market(the US) as a test bed for these untested algo changes is just flat stupid.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Actually content farms are being penalized in the latest Google Algorithm change. eg article directories.

But funnily sites which have duplicate content continue to rise.

There are sites out there which have nothing but duplicate content, and link off to the original content, and rose during the last algo change.


Affiliate Program Representative
But funnily sites which have duplicate content continue to rise.

There are sites out there which have nothing but duplicate content, and link off to the original content, and rose during the last algo change.

I've seen the same. It must be frustrating for affiliates who produce their own content. Lately, our program has been sending affiliates our press releases at the same time (or slightly before) they are submitted to


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I think you guys misunderstand what google means by duplicate content. It is an on-site penalty for sites that put up thousands of pages with the same stuff on all the pages.

It is not a penalty for "copying" another site. That is why sites can be bumped in the serps by black hatters who clone entire sites onto a better domain for example. And also why every major newspaper in the world that reprints AP and Reuters articles do not see their rankings drop.

Sites that reprint an article and link to the original article should have no problems with duplicate content penalties. The link is a signpost telling google where the original is and to give it credit.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
A lot of google bull shit is what it is.

I see more crap sites climbing in the SERP than before.
More duplicate listings (same site more than one listing on page one) more thin content sites climbing in rankings.

All in all I see is google's results degraded.

This update was about making google more money...
And stomping competitors out...

I saw the update go online the 21st... I couldn't believe my eyes or the numbers.

I lost a little bit of traffic on one site that uses RSS feeds, google maps and video hosted by google... The rest of my sites (that don't use google content) climbed in the SERP and more importantly traffic increased, even for those sites that didn't see a change in rankings.

The lesson I learned is if you uses a lot of google's free content... Your going to lose ranking... No matter how much 'original' content you my have.

yea I agree ive seen them page sites with little content at the top of the first page in google..


AGD Member Ltd
In the recent days, Google has indeed concentrated to a large extent in the improvement of the duplicate content from the websites. This has made the web owners conscious, as well.
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